“ much needed message ” This pricked my heart. The test was such a necessity for me - I needed to hear this... the closer we get to the light the more we see our own sinfulness -amen. Growing in grace is truly misunderstood, thank you for enlightening me on that.
“ another Spirit-empowered message ” Praise be to God for men who aren't afraid to proclaim truth and who keep the focus on Christ alone. I look forward to listening to more preaching from Ken Wimer.
“ Great Sermon! ” This is a sound, biblical message for God's people. It's refreshing to be 'fed' instead of be entertained. Praise God He has men who still preach with unction.
“ Great Sermon! ” I was thinking about that scripture the other day and how impossible that is, to pass through the eye of a needle. And here you are preaching about it! Thank God
“ Great Sermon! ” Spot on sermon!
Won't find this preached in any of the religious synagogues of America, wouldn't be PC.
Thank God for the rare gospel preacher who glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone.
Thank you.
“ Great Sermon! ” It always amazes me how your messages, that God gives you, are all the same message, yet there is more for us to know and believe.daily. It could be preached 1 million times over and still there would be revelation from God for his children.
“ Le véritable Évangile est une bonne nouvelle ! ” Il n'y a qu'une seul Parole et une seule Doctrine, Christ ! C'est cela le véritable Évangile. Faire l'oeuvre d'un évangéliste est de transmettre cette bonne nouvelle : Christ a TOUT accompli pour les élus, les pécheurs perdus. Il n'y a plus rien à faire, sinon croire...et cela aussi est un don de Dieu.
“ Great Sermon! ” This motivates me to further study the Bible from a faithful translation text in French, but eventually the original textus receptus. It would be great to have one French version of this message for the Lord's French speaking sheeps. Thank you.
“ Great Sermon! ” My family has tried to crush me because of my beliefs but they have not succeeded. In all actuality my family means nothing if it means going against The truth of the Father and His Son and Spirit three in one. I believe David is probably not involved in what the others are but he certainly hasn't spoken of me as a believing sister, not that I know that is.
But, I could see so clearly through this message the difference between my belief and all of theirs. I am pleased to be aware of the differences.
I rejoice to see the finished work of Christ at the cross..
I have great bodily suffering and I know that it is to the glory of God. We may find peace on the one hand and suffering on the other, all to the glory of God. To accomplish his purpose in my salvation