such a sober message Very sobering message, a 'must hear' for all. God is sovereign over all, including our departure from this life. More messages like this should be preached at funerals. Yes, God came to save the 'down and outers' --- amen and amen
Great Sermon! Excellent and thought provoking message. May the Lord be praised and exalted for imparting His wisdom and letting His truth go forth through Ken Wimer's preaching.
Great Sermon! Another edifying message. This came to mind when you mentioned the three brothers who walked out, "If you are faithfully declaring all the counsel of God be not surprised nor be dismayed if there is a 'division' because of you" - A. W. Pink
Thank you Thank-you brother Ken for providing PDF for your sermons. Many of us appreciate being able to read them after listening to the teaching to study them out and be a good Berean.:)
Thanks again.
Great Sermon! It's interesting that you bring emotions up; I have conversed with some who insist that God can use gay Christians and their music to draw others to Christ. Pointing out that emotions and feelings are not what God works with is not popular in this day.
Another blessed message- to God be the glory
Now THAT is the Gospel This is sound truth. The gospel most proclaim today is accursed because it's been added to or taken from - it is anything BUT glorious. Bless you for taking God's truth and putting it forth, not putting any 'spin' on it!
Great Sermon! This sermon would be offensive to the majority of the professing Christians in America - it's too truth filled and too biblical. It does not tickle the ear at all. Yes, the Gospel IS offensive! The 'free will' of man is non-existent when it comes to salvation. Praise God you are not afraid to stand firm on this truth!
It's always a blessing to hear your messages.
Great Sermon! much insight and wisdom displayed in this message - to God be the glory. Interesting insight into 1 John as well- 'sin unto death'- thank you for this.
another gem This is another excellent message for God's elect. -- "our one purpose in life is not to feed off of men’s smiles or be affected
by men’s frowns, that the Lord would give us a heart, no matter what, simply to give the
honor and glory to Christ and not take the precious things. I think here of the Scriptures where it talks about casting your pearls before the swine, not taking the precious things that men, natural men don’t understand and will easily take and crush or turn and twist, not take those things and just cast them before him, but simply to look to the Lord alone as our strength... The Lord has to deal in our hearts. He will exercise our hearts. He will... this is where I believe that the title judgment at the house of God, the Lord will cause his own to be exercised by those things that would otherwise lead us astray and chasten us with them in order to bring us back again to himself....Now how do these things begin to fall apart? Well, you get tired of the battle. I will be the first to tell you. I get weary of the battle, weary. But do you know what? I will never ever, as God gives me grace, every compliment or support or give in to any person whether in this congregation or out there, wherever they are who will deny the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ alone." AMEN!
Another Gem Your messages are being used to bless a number of God's children.
Thank you for always exhalting the only One who is worthy.
To God Be The Glory.
truth filled message sobering....there IS a cost to follow Christ. This message is filled with heart-wrenching truth; the manipulation used by so many is so wrong. Today, following Jesus means nothing more than a mere profession.
excellent message This type of message is rare in our day. So many are caught up in a works-based salvation - this sermon leaves no doubt we have nothing to add to salvation. All who try and work their way into heaven are on the broad road. Bless you for being faithful to God's word.