Great Sermon! Brother Ken Wimer, Thank you my dear brother in the Lord for
Such a timely message.
Famine and precious little
Food being preached as far as
God has shown us. I can see,
Smell, and feel the stench
Around me and warning in
My Spirit to stand firm and not
Fear or waver one wit. Thank you for your study and faithfulnesss. Our Lord God
Is to be praised for all things.
What an excellent piece of writing - to God be the glory indeed!! Praise the Lord there is a remnant that haven't compromised truth and mix error with it.
Sister MS, God's richest blessings to you and yours! Lyn {ladybug}
excellent message Great preaching, today's brand of 'religion' cannot distinguish grace from mercy, and teach God desires 'all men' to be saved. As you point out, the grace of God now BRINGS, it doesn't just propose, it brings salvation....and only to God's elect.
Yes, keep religion OUT of the secular school system. It is the PARENTS responsibility to teach their children - yes and amen!
This truly was an edifying and Christ honoring message, to God be the glory.
Great Sermon! I ask the question over and over, Why Me? At that time God was showing me the truth of the new birth and not a decision I made that secured my Salvation! One day, The Spirit brought it home to my heart that he loved me for I was a family member before I was born into the Family1
Great Sermon! O how many miss this or fail to present it laying the sinful as they see it, blame on Samson as if He had no guidance from the Spirit of God!
but his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines:
Great Sermon! Love it! Had to laugh for my experience is much the same in some cases!
One thing I want to remind you of:
1Co_4:16Â Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.
1Co_11:1Â Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
Goo for Paul, good for me!
Great Sermon! I have a question! You stated that "they" saw that the fruit was good, and the sin was already there" implying that Adam was with Eve! My question is, If I were coming to your place to seduce your wife, would I do it in your presence? Would you stand ideally by and say nothing nor come to her defense?
No place does the scripture use the plural of 'they', but only "the woman" was the serpent speaking to! I see her alone and Adam tending the garden doing the will of God, Her being ideal to communicate alone with the serpent!She was deceived, not Adam! Adam wouldn't stand ideally by saying anything for he would have known the deception, but (after) she took the first bite, he was left with the choice of: Do I let her die alone or do I willfully join her in death, as Jesus did for us? Is this a picture of the love for the church, dying with her in sin, to raise her from death and unto eternal life? ETP