Far reaching implications... Thank you, Pastor Dowling, for showing how the declension from acappella singing occurred mostly through catering to the tastes of the young people over the last three hundred years. It seems that the music they were engaging in out of church just had to be brought into the church. We see the same thing in our own time with popular music styles being utilized in the worship of God. Given these facts, and the fact that the context of Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 is that of every day family life, or household rules, what music should believers be engaging in in their personal lives? If we are to preserve the pure worship of God in our churches, ought we not to bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord by disallowing all music in our daily lives except the exclusive, acappella singing of the Psalter? Is it wise to pay for music lessons that may only lead our children to a desire to display their musical skills in the church? This may seem radical, but then Christianity is a radical faith that turns the world upside down. "...That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15
a great influence in Congregationalism I pray that this will be a great influence within Congregationalism but precentors and singing which glorifies God is a vital necessity.
Great Sermon! Great sermon indeed. Charles Spurgeon said "A good wife and health are a man's best wealth" also " faith and obedience are bound up in the same bundle, he that obeys God trusts God and he that trusts God obeys God"
Great Sermon! Another excellent sermon by Rev Paul Dowling. Pastors and Teachers of Gods word should listen to this sermon and the other sermons by this Preacher on Sola Scritpura that we might get back to what God COMMANDS in worship and NOT what WE like.
Great Sermon! very good and thought provoking message. We pray that more Congregational churches
in Ireland would embrace your stand in this area. Semper Reformanda - Soli Deo gloria
Excellent Sermon! As usual Rev. Dowling does an excellent job drawing a distinction between the "Regulative Principle" commanded by God in His Holy Word, and the modern-day apostasy aka "The Normative Principle". Brother Dowling is certainly among the remnant of Biblical preachers in our times.
Excellent Sermon! So very applicable for any true Christian trudging through the mass apostasy within so-called churches in our western society in these times. Rev. Dowling speaks truth in his sermons and I personally regard him a Brother in Christ. His exegesis of God's Word, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, is most consoling to me in this day and age, and I listen to him regularly along with Pastor Albert N. Martin and Pastor George McDearmon.
Great Sermon! Great message Rev. dowling so many now are preaching a feel ghood message, and sometimes it produces false converts.
Great sermon.
God bless
Great Sermon! great teaching on the place where the unsaved will go unless they repent.a subject thats not taught in some churches today.God bless you for your faithfulness to the scriptures.
Great Sermon! Whilst agreeing 100% with these excellent messages from a faithful Pastor set for the defence of the gospel, I ponder the lack of evangelsim in many areas of the UK. The nation will not hear the gospel or any Bible Truth via Government resources or the media, but they should hear it via God's choice messengers...those handful of elderly 'bigots' who are involved in street out reach who are the reproach of British Society? see Blackpool example here http://www.protestantoldpaths.org/ What if every UK church had an open air witness in our towns and cities? At the very least then the people of our nation would know what Christians really believe and what the Bible really teaches..Biblical Christianity! These same people are not coming into the churches; they will not hear via the wicked media....the UK whilst ripe for judgement is also ripe for missionary evangelism whilst there is still hope, but where is that evangelism in so many parts of particularly England? Silence is golden? Where are the Christians prepared to be thrown to the lion of state persecution which is still a toothless lion compared to previous centuries and the blood of the martyrs? Churches sending missionaries to far away lands? Then why not first to the streets of England?
Great Sermon! I could not stop the inner shaking this sermon had upon me through The Holy Spirit's anointing through this preacher of righteousness. It was a blessed shaking within me. Stand fast as Phinehas did. Thank you Paul for your timely word.
A Real Privilege! It was a real privilege to be present and absorb the rich theology of preaching as presented by Dr. Pipa in this lecture. One major plus to this message was the practical applications that were made. I look forward to listening again and again to this message.
Enjoyed the sermon I enjoyed your sermon but it's sad, so many preachers; don't rebuke the women for getting a hair cut, the hair is to be uncut. The only ones who get this right are the gospel hall.
Many fundamentalists run aroundd preaching on hats, and then women of the congregation, cut their hair, which is a sin.
Why can't you preachers take a stand on women cutting their hair.Which is displeasing to God.
Signed a woman
Great Sermon! Great sermon! I have such deep bitterness in my heart and my struggle is with that. I don't believe in drinking either. I need prayer on the deep hatred and bitternes I have for my fATHER, THE MAN WHO BORE ME INTO THIS WORLD....
Great Sermon! The defenders of homosexuality continue the oxymoron
contradiction of attempting to use the mind to justify the
rule of carnal glands.
Thinking Americans still don't give 'a tinkers-sham' what
homosexuals do with their body-parts. An individual or
a society which is by law and tradition committed to the
natural human hierarchy of mind over body will not, how-
ever, ever sanction glandular rule over the human mind.
Undisciplined human desire can induce distorted perception.
The disturbed personality or inverted character can be
considered to be cognitively confused. This description is
confirmed by the work of English psychoanalyst Money-
Kyrle, who indicates that it is more accurate to recognize
such a condition as the result of distorted perception.
Neurosis, psychosis, stunting of growth, etc., are all, from
this perspective, cognitive diseases contaminating not only
perception but thinking, learning, remembering, valuing, and
decision- and choice-making.
Money-Kyrle affirms that scientific truth is not attained by a
trendy self-serving fashion, confession of inadequacy,
abdication, or collective majority-vote. There is no excuse for
professional ignorance willfully maintained.
By definition, a standard that is flexible is not a st