Help for those in Despair Yesterday morning I woke up quite depressed due to a trial my wife and I are going through with our son. I despaired of any counsel and thought if God doesn't speak to me through His word, there is no where else to go. I put my copy of Max MClean reading the Psalms on my mp3 player and lay in bed meditating through the first 25 Psalms until I was calm. Last night I continued through chapter 55 and wanted to hear a sermon on the same. Since the title of this sermon is the same as a title of a Thomas Goodwin (1600-1680) book, and I like Irish preachers, I burned it to CD and we listened to it on the way to church. I was not disappointed in the least, thanks so much. I will have to listen to more of Pastor Dowlings sermons. It is interesting that the other sermon comment mentions two of my pastoral heroes - Albert Martin - my friend and now neighbor, and George McDearmon who we call, The General.
Great sermon! This sermon is a much needed corrective for God's people today. It was a blessing to me to hear my own sins of a growing formalism in worship and greed exposed. It is too true that we can not love Jesus Christ with all our heart, soul, and mind if we also love this world. How cold our hearts and our worship become when love of the world begins to creep in. May God graciously grant repentance to his people, and withdraw his chastening rod from us. May he also continue to bless Pastor Dowling with grace to preach such sermons as this and the others in this series.
Great Sermon! I have just listened to Ahab 1 and Ahab 2 and fell on my knees in tears praying for my nation. May the House of Bishops and the Houses of Parliament be purged. May the Monarchy declare for God.
The Queens speech at Christmas gave me hope.
Great Sermon! This was solid teaching about a section of the Old Testament, the divided kingdom, which I need to study.
I have listened to the first three in the series and intend to listen to all of them.
Fantastic Sermon! A must hear sermon!
I pray more preachers like Paul Dowling are raised up by God for the TRUE & faithful preaching of his own Holy Word.
A vital sermon for every Christian! I heard Dr. Beeke preach this message a few years ago in the Met Tab London, and have listened to it many, many times since. It gives Christians a biblical basis for coping with inevitable criticism. Definitely have a listen!
Great Sermon! This is a fantastic sermon. Due to a back problem arising i was limited to the internet this evening, to hear the word of GOD. But to my joy i was given the privelage of listening to an excellent pastor, Paul Dowling. I was on the edge of my seat forgetting about the back pain for the hour of listning to the TRUTH!
Great Sermon! This is a good sermon for our culture. We too often run with the crowd in the way we think, speak, dress,and in what music we listen too, and we will be punished with the crowd. Thank you, Pastor Dowling, for standing against the majority!
Faithful Admonition! Thank you, Pastor Dowling, for faithfully reminding God's people of their duty to follow the Scripture, and not follow the world. It is impossible to do both. How sad that one must stand alone in the church as well as in the world. It would be easier to follow the multitude of professing Christians in their disobedience, but the end is destruction. Better to follow the Lamb of God, for He promises eternal life to all who do.
Great Sermon! Thanks for showing how carefully God limited and controlled the use of musical instruments in the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple worship, and how the use of musical instruments has been discontinued altogether in the worship of the New Testament church. We certainly do need a reformation of worship in our day. May the Lord be pleased to bring it to pass.
Needed Instruction Thank you, Pastor Dowling, for your very applicable sermon. Pastor Dowling said that the young people wanted to bring musical instruments into the service. The young people that are growing up now will want to go farther and bring other forms of music into the church service. Rock, Rap, and classical music may start to have a place in the church, if the people are listening to it at home. Thank you again, Pastor Dowling.