Great Sermon! How can one write "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" and not know what the Psalms, particularly Psalm 139 means? This is perplexing. Apparently he did not meditate on verses 20 - 24.
Truly it is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed.
As always, messages like these bring grief and could lead to despair if not brought to YAHWEH in prayer. This Psalm should be part of our daily diet. May the LORD give us a proper diet, daily.
Thank you.
important Sermon! Listen to the citation and good analysis regarding the hymn writer Isaac Watts! Is not the thinking of Isaac Watts identical to that of corrupt modern cultural Christianity and CCM...contemporary Christian music, even Christian rap?
Great Sermon! Brother Paul makes it abundantly clear that there are only 2 sides to the issue, if you love the world, you hate God. While we may try to make light of our love for worldly things, the stark truth is that it seriously means you actually hate God. You must choose, you cannot be in both. This opened my eyes as to where and how I can be in the world but not of the world --the Father, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit are on your side if you obey God and defy the world.
Great Sermon! This was awesome preaching and made me see my world very differently - hey what did I expect when I signed up !!! Thanks for reminding me- this was a real blessing !!
Great Sermon! "You are not spiritually alive if you are not angry with sin."
Dear Brother Paul. Refreshing reality in the midst of days of declension, poor discernment and indifference!! Thank you so much for presenting this MUCH needed teaching. Much of the modern "evangelical" movement is sadly rightly chargeable with liberalism and apostasy. The LORD has used your humble labours much in recent months to refresh my soul. God Bless.
Well prepared sermon gives light! Very helpful! Shows how the perspicuity of Scripture resolves convoluted theoretical interpretation. Provides excellent exegetical exposition of apostolic ordinances as well as pastoral guidance for church practice.
One of the best messages. This was one of the best messages about the Puritans I ever listened to. Very clear, thought inspiring, many faceted. This message is really enriching.
Great encouragement. This is a message which greatly encouraged me. It called me to trust more in the grace of God and in the preaching of His Word. I really needed it.
Great Sermon! Brother I was glad to hear someone preach God's Word with conviction! God Bless you, stay humble and continue sharing God's truth... UNDILUTED! I'll pray for you to be used by God & keep your heart, mind & soul pure b4 him!
Best Short Message On Family You May Ever Hear! This is a fantastic message on the family, marriage and raising children. Possibly the best we have ever heard on these topics! Don't miss it, as there are few talks this powerful and full of practical godliness -- that are packed into this short amount of time. Dr. Beeke has hit five grand slams in one game with this presentation. What juxtaposition this biblical information provides against the contemporary pagan and anti-Christian ideas on the family that permeate godless public education, godless psychology, godless psychiatry, godless philosophy, godless governments, godless media, godless music, godless families, godless "churches", godless religions, etc. If you want to learn what God teaches in the Bible about how to truly love your husband or your wife (whichever may be the case) and your children, this is one of the best places you could possibly start. If you are interested in further study of these vital topics, a good number of the Puritan authors and Puritan books cited in this message can be obtained through Dr. Beeke's Reformation Heritage Books at and on our (SWRB) Puritan Hard Drive at -- in case you would like to delve deeper into the source documents cited in this spectacular lesson on the Puritan family.
VERY RELEVANT SERIES! LISTEN UP AMERICA!! Every bit of this applies to us too. Brother Dowling may as well have been preaching this in a Church in America, as well.