Great Sermon! Great comforting message. Not based on “scratching itchy ears” but on the truth of God’s word. Thank you sermon audio and Pastor Dowling
Great Sermon! Dear Paul, thanks for posting this. I agree with your five points and had independently arrived at similar conclusions (and continue to gather for worship). I should like you to expand upon Heb 10:25 and provide other proof texts as this text has come under attack from some expositors. I should also be grateful for your response to those who justify online videoconference worship as a temporary situation.
Personally, I have been much challenged by the prophecies of Haggai and Joel. In the former, the Jews were forbidden from rebuilding the temple (so they could worship God). They received it as divine providence, saying, 'the time has not come that the LORD's house should be built.' They did DIY instead and told themselves the situation wouldn't be permanent. God begged to differ. So too we must consider our ways. Unlike in our situation, the Jews were forced to stop (Ezra 4:23-24). What in comparison is a ÂŁ60 fine?
Then in Joel, I find written the correct response to famine and disease etc. As you said, it is to gather (Joel 1:13-14; 2:12-18). 'Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly; gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children... then will the LORD... pity His people.
With my warm regards after many
Great Sermon! This bold sermon could be applied to America. If the pastor had not mentioned the name of the country, UK, I would have naturally assumed he was preaching about the United States of America. It may be too late already for use here in America but America needs to repent of these same ungodly sins. Sodomy and sodomites are exalted and are the “chosen ones” above alll other citizens of this ungodly country. Sodomy is embraced and highly esteemed here in America. Sodomites are proud of their sins. Even little children are encouraged to participate in this abomination from the beginning of their kindergarten age. Shameful! And I THANK YOU Pastor Dowling for your diligence in delivering this sermon with such holy boldness.
Great Sermon! Thankyou for this sermon. I have listened and read much on depression. This is very helpful and biblical. It is so true, it's all on how we react to our problems. Depend on the Lord to help us and His grace is sufficient in times of suffering and for everything. In Christ we have hope and can rejoice in all circumstances. So blessed to be in God's family. My heart is grateful.
Highly recommend this sermon, especially those who are suffering depression. God will deliver you from it. He did for myself when I put into practice what Reverend Geoff Thomas preached. Praise God for this man.
Sobering.... So sorry that Whiteabbey is closing. We have often listened to Pastor Dowling's sermons and always with great profit. The churches in the U.K. and also in the U.S. are certainly under judgment, as are our nations. We must seek our God and urge repentance and faith on all. We hope many will share this sermon.
We mourn with you! Pastor and congregation,
We mourn with you over the decline of Christianity in our culture, our nations and among our people! We have seen this for so long and grieved over it and despite never having been to your church in person, we are united with you in Christ, as part of His body. Your grief is great and the loss is felt across the Atlantic in our own home. Remain faithful and thank you for your faithful service to our Lord over the years!
Thank you Thank you for your faithful labours. May you one day reap with joy what has been sown in tears.
I will sorely miss the online presence and ministry of Whiteabbey Congregational church.
Great Sermon! Brother Dowling,
Thank you so much for that widely informative sermon based upon God’s truth.
Listening to your God given insight upon these two celebrated evil events has given me understanding for the passage in Romans 14. I’ve queried over this passage for years and by your message, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes. This very scripture was used by a former Presbyterian minister to counter my spoken unbelief in the celebration of Xmas and it never sat well, it just seemed to me, something was missing, yes, it was wisdom in knowing what the passage really speaks.
Again, God’s blessings to your ministry.
Rich in gospel hope This was so encouraging. This will help many who have wondered (as I did for years) "have I committed the unpardonable sin? What a blessed gospel we have! What a marvelous Saviour! Worth listening to the very end.
Excellent ! Must hear sermon! An excellent and very important message, for those who wish to live godly, in Christ Jesus the Lord. A must hear sermon, for those who are heavily burdened with the issues of life and living in this world. God is in charge, He knows what He is doing and allowing, and He will bring good out of the bad. Thank you Pastor Paul, for this much needed message for the suffering Christian.