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Alpha and Omega Ministries
Dr. James White  |  Phoenix, Arizona
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"Thank you."
Joshua Unconvinced Calvinist from NC
Thank you for being willing to speak the truth and take the criticism. I stand with you. May God bless you and provide abundantly...
Dr. James White | The Dividing Line 2021
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Sermon12/10/19 9:48 AM
Dale From Houston from Houston, Texss  Find all comments by Dale From Houston
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“ Listen - Might Be Life Changing To Those Who Think 12-Step Is The Answer ”
A great discussion! I have been attending SAA and OA for many years. However, after the Lord worked a miracle in me (Salvation), I have slowly begun to see 12-step essentially sets up another religion in your life and this is idolatry. In my group, it is common for people to gently scoff when someone enters the group and mentions that God did not cure their addiction. The reality is few people are actually exposed to the real Gospel, even in the Bible Belt, and true biblical repentance isn’t taught. In fact, sin is hardly mentioned. So when someone claims that praying to God didn’t help them, they are actually admitting their version of therapeutic moralistic deism didn’t work. Of course it didn’t - it’s a false Gospel. Anyway, please go to the Apologia radio website and sign up to their Academy. Learn, bath in the real gospel and biblical truth. God is faithful - He will deal with you exactly where you are at.

Sermon12/10/19 9:31 AM
James from Pittsburgh from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA  Find all comments by James from Pittsburgh
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Unbelievable Radio Discussion
Dr. James White
“ GREAT Prophetizing by Dr. James White ”
Excellent comments about CNN and OBAMA and the entire American Media & Press Racket. This was in 2009 on Inauguration Day for Obama. James White's comments are extremely correct, predictive and prophetic of the lies, hatred, and complete God-less-ness of our Nation's Elected Officials, News Media, Hollywood and the powers & principalities in charge of running the Country. Dr. White hit the nail right on head with his comments and could not have been more on target about how Obama's Administration was setting up to be run, and how CNN & the rest of their ilk were setting up to continually report Lies & Fake News 24 hours around the clock. Now after having lived through the entire 8 years of Obama administration Racketeering, we see that Dr. White was clearly seeing the future back then in 2009. Even now as we approach 2020, we live thru the remnants of this still in the form of the Deep State & entire Media Mafia working together. The False Prophet & The Beast, with false religion together with government and media (TV,radio,press,internet,hollywood). They now have joined together to rid the world of all True Christians & God-liness. and it will only get worse. We Must pray non-stop to Our Father, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit for this nation and O

Sermon12/3/19 11:58 AM
Glenn Schmidt from British Columbia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Glenn Schmidt
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I agree with you about JD Hall but wonder if it is just better make a statement about him and other critics of yourself and then walk away from it as I am a little worried that it might encourage a spirit of bitterness. Just a thought. God bell you James. You are in my mind the best debater out there, and I come from a fundie background too!

Sermon11/14/19 2:49 PM
Jeremy from Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother when Dr. Brown confronted you with the idea that if someone is seriously inquiring if they may be saved and if Jesus died for them, that you would be unable to tell them yes for sure...I believe he thought he had you on that one. I would have pointed him to John 6:37 All that the Fathet gives me will come to me and (therefore) whoever comes to me i will never turn away. Dr. Brown makes Christ out to be a liar by his arguments. Our Lord is the one who tells us the Father's plan and that there are some He has given to the Son to save. He says this throughout John's gospel. Arguing against this truth comes from fleshly emotions that are rooted in the sinful idea that God owes fallen man anything. He could have left us to all perish but He did not and so we ought to be grateful for His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. Also, the gospel is not, Christ died for is that Christ died for our (believers') sins, etc...and this invitation is given to those who are weary and heavy laden. "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..." Matt. 11:28. And so to Dr. Brown, your person inquiring after salvation should be given this message, Christ died for sinners and promises to save all who come to Him for salvation. Are you inquiring after

Sermon11/14/19 8:25 AM
Jeremy from Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great friendly discussion between 2 well intending men. For those in the universal atonement camp I would challenge you to consider Jesus' words in John 6:37 "All that the Father gives me will come to me..." and just camp our right there and ask God to reveal its meaning to you. Also, please consider the teaching of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians concerning the fact that salvation is said to be God quickening or resurrecting the one who was formerly dead in trespasses and sins. Those whom God raises from the death of sin to faith in Christ and eternal life cannot be lost and God will keep them to the end. Start here and understand this, and then interpret the rest of scripture accordingly and you'll find it all fits together nicely. Oh, I John 2:2 is John reminding his hearers that it wasn't merely a Jewish Atonement at the cross, but it extends to the whole world. But dear free will person will you not see the fact that if Christ bore Judas' sins on the tree then God cannot punish Judas for his sins. He cannot punish sin twice, first in Christ, then in you. OT sacrifices were offered as a type or shadow and only temporarily covered sin. Christ made a real atonement that took sin away once and for all. He came into the world to save sinners, not so they "could" be saved. He raises

Sermon10/27/19 12:03 AM
Christian from Biloxi, MS  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I see the point about Flowers not giving a full exposition of Romans 9. Although, I think a full exposition was unnecessary. He stated that for the most part they were in agreement as to the meaning and purpose of that chapter. What he then did was focus on the passages or verses that he disagreed with White's interpretation and also added to the context of the chapter (referring back to Romans 1 and following). It made sense as he only had 22 minutes. I don't even fully agree with Flowers, but I still think he did an excellent job (especially for a beginner).

Sermon10/9/19 7:40 PM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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“ Consider this may be speaking to that ”
Ezek 36:23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith ***the Lord GOD***, when ***I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes***. 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Sermon10/6/19 4:39 AM
Samuel W. Setliff from Lithuania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Samuel W. Setliff
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Why Am I a Christian?
Dr. James White
“ Great Sermon! ”
Perhaps the most brilliant treatment of the subject we have ever heard or read in such a brief message. We continue to be blessed by Dr. White's ministry.

Sermon9/30/19 12:28 PM
Simplain  Find all comments by Simplain
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I agree.We shall concentrate on Christ Jesus so that when we fall in sin,we get warned and rebuked and chastened;when we want to obey HIM,He tells us what the law really means. Our Helper teaches us in everything with God's words,so we won't misinterpret His words and misuse His law that condem the guiltless(Mathew 12:7) and stumble in judgement.Only the Commandments are eternal and unconditional laws (Mayhew5:17~20;17:17,Deuteronomy5:22, Exodus34:27~28, 1Corinthians7:19).Other rules are to serve God's saving plan,they are conditional (Hebrew9:10,10:1, Colossians 2:20~23), and also lower and smaller than the Commandments(Mathew 19:8~9,23:23~24). That's why Sampson touched corpses (Judges14:6,19,15:14), Abigail disobey her husband (1Samuel25), Deborah judged Israel people (judges 4:4), Ezekiel ate dirty food(Ezekiel 4:12~15), David ate shewbread (Mathew 12:1~8).They were all not guilty.For they were not under the law,but under grace, which means they were led by the Lord Almighty,who is greater than those rules. Christ is all and in all.We shall focus on Christ and deny our own wills, knowledges intelligence, preset positions and everything.So that we can boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and keep growing in the grace and knowledge of Him.

Sermon9/29/19 12:23 PM
Tim Rice from Anderson, SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tim Rice
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“ always, Dr. White! ”
This is an excellent response to the Bob Wilkins' claim that Reformed persons cannot be assured of their salvation. Dr. White identifies the errors of the anti-lordship position and walks through 1 John 5:1-15 to present a reformed perspective of assurance which is based solely upon the work of Christ AND evidenced by our obedience to him! This reminds me of Philippians 2:12-13 (work out your salvation) and 2 Peter 1:3-11 (confirm your election).

Sermon8/16/19 11:50 AM
Sam Watson from N Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sam Watson
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“ The King James Only Controversy ”
Hello Sir. I'm sure you get asked this a lot, and, if this gets read, I'm not expecting a direct reply given the busy schedule of all involved -- Are there any plans to release The King James Only Controversy in an electronic format? Kindle for example? Would be most helpful. Regards...

Sermon6/30/19 6:26 PM
Herald  Find all comments by Herald
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“ Great DL ”
Great DL. Much appreciated. May God bring His people out of group thought (or community thought) and may we be united not by the colour of our skin, but by (and in) the gospel.

Sermon6/21/19 11:37 PM
Herald  Find all comments by Herald
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“ Choice Sermon ”
After all these years I thought I ‘twas a Baptist, little did I know that I was choice meat.

Sermon6/20/19 9:37 PM
Antony NZ  Find all comments by Antony NZ
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A universal will of salvation of God to man. This already lowers the idea of sin, because this is really a rebellion against the idea that God is merciful & just & yet selects only some to be saved. "The fundamental presupposition of such an assumption (that God's mercy must be poured on all alike)is no other than that God owes all men salvation,that is to say,that sin is not really sin & is to be envisaged rather as misfortune than as ill-desert" B B Warfield quoted by Cornelius Van Til in Evil and Theodicy.

Sermon6/18/19 9:33 AM
Chris Brenan from Seattle, WA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chris Brenan
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon6/17/19 11:56 PM
Bill Barrie from ON  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bill Barrie
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The 'Read My Book' Debate on BAM
Dr. James White
“ Great Sermon! ”
I luv James he was great & on point is finishing the debate and painting Gorge into a corner by asking him if God knows who is & isn't going to believe why would He create them if He knew they were going to perish

Sermon5/25/19 5:24 PM
James Thomas from Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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“ Something to consider ”
Luke 2:22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; I believe Scripture shares for us the answer for this question of "her" or "their" in Luke 2:22. Lev. 12:4 And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, ***until the days of her purifying be fulfilled***. Seems like Luke 2:21 references Jesus. Luke 2:22 Mary and in Luke 2:23 the "they" would be Joseph and Mary.

Sermon5/24/19 1:09 AM
Steven Gysler from California  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steven Gysler
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“ Not much on Stanley ”
95% of show deals with Mormon Kwaku and his denial of the Trinity based on his misunderstanding, or misrepresentation, of what Christians believe. He fails to make the category distinction between Being and Persons as clearly presented in the Athanasian Creed.

Sermon5/15/19 12:48 PM
NA  Find all comments by NA
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“ Muslim ”
I get your point about not judging based on the worst a group has to offer, but these people making death threats are not extremists, but purists. The religion itself calls the people to action against others not like them.(infidels) The "peaceful" Muslims are the equivalent to twice a year Christians. While I don't think taunting them is a Christ like thing to do, calling the Muslim religion out for what it is, is okay. Many time God has spoken against and destroyed false religions temples, idols, and their followers.

Sermon5/2/19 12:34 PM
Timothy Rice from Anderson, SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Timothy Rice
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“ On Cultural Marxism ”
I am troubled by what is happening in the western church. Thank you, Dr. White for your willingness to stand for the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ! May God grant that many others of his faithful will do the same.

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