What a blessing Jeff Durbin was an absolute blessing on the Dividing Line. We are so glad he was sitting in while Dr. White was gone for a few weeks. Jeff is a gifted teacher and we really enjoyed this episode of the Dividing Line. God bless!
Great Sermon! Thank you Dr. White for your ministry and I thank the Lord for gifting you with such wonderful debating skills. My husband and I have been so blessed by you! God bless!
Great Sermon! Amazing debate! I am thankful for Dr. White's respectful yet firm analysis of the difference between RCC and Protestantism, in this case being Marian Dogma's as defined by RCC. Moreover, his emphasis on ALWAYS presenting the gospel and evangelizing, shows his true heart commitment to see individual come to Christ via the gospel. Thank you Dr. White and Alpha & Omega Ministries for your relentless defense of the Truth!
-Much love in Christ, your brother Chase.
Useful information Especially the part about not quitting alcohol quickly otherwise can lead to death. I tried to counsel people on quitting smoking, but their life is so stressful that they need to smoke, or they go insane. Maybe there is no cure for such a situation.
Full Debate Please for a fellow Arizonian! Please put the full debate up on Sermon Audio! Much appreciate it if you would! I listen to the Dividing Line and love your preaching! Hope to visit your church soon, my family and I are in Queen Creek area.
Great Sermon! Thank you Lord for using Dr White to correctly interpret your WORD. Enjoyed listening to this & other sermons recently exposing & warning people about the false teachings & interpretations of God's WORD by Leighton Flowers,Andy Stanley David Allen & others. Jonathan Edwards said "man would pull God off His Throne & cast Him into Hell if they could". Nothing's changed, man now wants to pull the Lord Jesus Christ off His Throne & put their satanically inspired fiction of free will on the throne instead, when God breathed scripture says "the prince of this world (Satan) now stands condemned" Jn16:5 & God breathed scripture says "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength & whose heart turns away from true LORD" Jeremiah 17:5.
Very Edifying and Useful This is one of the longest Dividing Line episodes in recent memory, but also possibly one of the best editions of Radio Free Geneva in quite some time as well.
Dr. White again demonstrates Dr. Flowers' objections (and by extension, the "Traditionalists" of the SBC) are based on unbiblical theology which Flowers eisegetes into the text -- the very thing Flowers accuses Reformed theology of doing.
The irony is further compounded by the fact that Dr. Flowers' continued argumentation and rebellion against the clear and consistent testimony of scripture actually proves that which he so desperately seeks to disprove: namely, that, apart from the grace of God, he is unable and unwilling to accept biblical truth. It is sad and frightening to behold. Please pray for Dr. Flowers.
Great Sermon! Even when Paul is defending his ministry against the false apostles in 2 Corinthians 10:1, he appeals to the meekness and gentleness of Christ. Matthew Henry's commentary on this verse is excellent and very applicable here:
"The mild and humble manner in which the blessed apostle addresses the Corinthians, and how desirous he is that no occasion may be given him to use severity... He addresses them in a very mild and humble manner... yet in the midst of the greatest provocations he shows humility and mildness, from the consideration of the meekness and gentleness of Christ, and desires this great example may have the same influence on the Corinthians. Note, When we find ourselves tempted or inclined to be rough and severe towards any body, we should think of the meekness and gentleness of Christ, that appeared in him in the days of his flesh, in the design of his undertaking, and in all the acts of his grace towards poor souls." -- Matthew Henry on 2 Corinthians 10:1
Great Sermon! so the southern bapstil see the Mahler as sith lord Darth mohler he send his apprentices. on other notes does anyone else think the pope would throw in to the bull by popes at time of the reformations.
No Sermon When I try to download the sermon, it just downloads as a text document. You may need to re upload this file. I've tried on three different devices with the same error.
Great Sermon! I just listened to this on the ministry web site of Dr. James White, Alpha and Omega.it was very edifying. We all need to hear this more often.