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Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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"The Name of Blasphemy on the Beast's Heads"
Anonymous Name
It is important to remember Revelation 13:1-18 in times like these. The beast, who is the Antichrist, has the name of blasphemy...
Rev Ian Brown | The History of the Papacy
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Sermon3/3/06 7:12 AM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ Jam-Packed ”
This lecture is an hour and a half of material jammed into an hour, so you'll want to get the accompanying PDF notes to go back over. It's hard to absorb this much material at one time. You may also want to get a Bible with color maps and contour lines to follow along, because the geography of the area is vital to understand to know why certain things unfold the way they do in the Bible.

Sermon3/2/06 11:06 AM
Kelly from Miramichi, Canada  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent beginning! A unique approach to a study of our God's Word. Knowing what the author is conveying (History, Prophecy or Poetry)aids in our understanding. Get the notes, they are pdf's, well organized and may be priceless!!....kbe

Sermon2/28/06 1:36 PM
Brian from USA  Contact via email
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“ Rev. Brown is a BLESSING ”
I'm not sure when I started listening to Rev. Brown, but it's been for several months. And God has truly blessed me through is preaching! In this day and age of feel-good emotionalism and relative morality, it's hard to find good, solid Bible preaching that speaks the TRUTH! Rev. Brown allows himself to be used by the Holy Spirit to preach the Truth. His messages show who he's out to please and glorify...God and God alone! I thoroughly enjoyed this first part in his study of the Bible. As someone else mentioned, few people take the time to start with the basics and work their way up when it comes to the Bible, and they get frustrated and quit as soon as they come to something they can't understand or grasp. Whether you're new to the Bible or have been studying it for 90 years, I believe ANYONE can use this study. I'm looking forward to how the Spirit leads Rev. Brown through the rest of the study!

Sermon2/27/06 6:27 AM
Simon from UK  
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“ An Excellent Answer ”
This is one of the most thoughtful sermons I have ever heard. I had been searching for wisdom regarding the Mohammed Cartoons and found many answers in this message. Highly recommended - A relevant word for our times.

Sermon2/27/06 5:55 AM
Wayne UK  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I really enjoyed this opening study and eagerly look forward to those that will hopefully follow in due course. I would encourage brethren to have a listen and recieve the notes as they will surely prove beneficial in helping our witness and especially helping new converts. A wealth of healthy material to keep on file and free! There are surely many 'feebleminds' in the faith (like myself) who will also benefit greatly, by the grace of God, in grasping all the basic fundamentals. If you are a feeblemind too...then start these promising and enjoyable Bible Studies! If you know any feebleminds...then here is the material you have been waiting for!

Sermon2/24/06 2:54 PM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ Useful survey of the basics ”
Good, solid teaching about the basics of the Bible. If the rest of this series is like the first part, this would be a good resource to have to give to new Christians (and anyone else) - if it is around 20 parts, the MP3s and PDFs ought to fit on a mini-CD-R or cheap USB flash keychain so it could be copied for others.

Sermon2/24/06 10:19 AM
Andrew from UK  
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“ It is easier to build up than to build down ”
First, this message is a great introduction to a most important subject. It always important to begin with basics. There are many, I fear, that delve immediately into the great theological controversies without first considering simpler things. It is a consistent Bible study, graciously proceeding from basics, that will equip the Christian best for their pilgrimage in this world. Secondly, I would encourage anyone intending to this listen to this series in part or in entirety to request the notes from Rev. Brown. They are excellently produced in PDF format and more importantly an excellent resource both conjunct with this message or used independently. May the Lord richly bless the preaching of this series to encourage us all in the study of His Word.

Sermon2/23/06 2:16 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The opening lesson of a promising series designed to introduce God's word. May the LORD profit this to the saving of many. Amen.

Sermon2/21/06 6:30 PM
Robert Gillyard from Netherlands  
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“ Thank You! ”
I thank you and your congregation for your making use of I too have discovered the usefulness of the computer in connection with my faith. It is a great tool. Please, keep using it!

Blog2/20/06 6:55 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia, USA  
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The Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In the media recently, how many Muslims have we read about, anywhere in the world, in any medium, who were exhibiting any of this fruit?

Sermon2/18/06 7:48 AM
Dessie Yates from Williamson West Virginia  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this excellent teaching of our Lord's sovereign grace and the reminder that He is in complete control and has called His children and gave His life for them. I am so thankful that the Lord taught me this truth many years ago when it was and is not popular in our area.

Sermon2/17/06 1:49 PM
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“ Powerful Message ”
As western governments grovel before imams over Danish cartoons while passing laws to "liberalise" every form of depravity, how long can it be before Deuteronomy 28 v 47 ff is realised in the west? This message exposes the hypocrisy of the religion of blood, and the difference between it and biblical Christianity. Thank you, Rev Brown, for this reminder of Who it is we serve and Who is able to preserve us in these dark and savage days.

Sermon2/15/06 1:50 PM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Sucked in by Counterfeit Christianity! ”
Hinn is very skillful. He knows how to manipulate his audience. They give money and go home thinking that they have communed with God. Thinking that they are "better people" for the experience, usually poor and uneducated and worse off when he leaves. Benny goes home with $Millions (some have suggested $86M) annually from his exhaustive world snake oil show. I guess the problem with Hinn and his ilk is that they lead people astray from the true Christ, which further down the line can result in bitterness and disappointment. False conversions built upon shifting sand. Benny will have to answer to the Greatest who knows his mind, his every word, his thoughts, and deepest intentions. I have watched his persuasive "feel good" charade; his communicating with the dead woman, etc., etc. He absolutely teaches a false doctrine; "Hinn's Hindering Hints."

Sermon2/14/06 6:19 PM
Lee from U.S.A.  
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“ Powerful! ”
Certainly you covered all the Islamic bases. Well researched and presented! I have sent your sermon to many other preachers of the Word, teachers, and to fellow Christians who suffer daily and study with me. I pray they'll listen and forward on. It is a truthful shaming of the "protests" and lawlessness of the Muhammedens all over earth and those who are silent on the matter.

Sermon2/14/06 3:29 AM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ”
My dad, who would be past 100 now (1905-89), contributed to more broken homes, more wrecks, more fights and spousal abuse, more lost jobs and production than any man on earth in America at the time. In the 1920s, until the repeal of the Volstead Act in 1933, he was a Federal Enforcement Agent with the U.S. Department of Justice. After the law was repealed he went to work selling refrigeration to the burgeoning flood of new saloons opening. In 1939 he went to work for the Hiram Walker Distillery. He rose rapidly through the ranks and ultimately became U.S. sales director for the largest distiller of neutral spirits in the world, National [now defunct]. He, himself, was an episodic alcoholic. Old Bushnells' Irish Whiskey was one of his imports. I grew up a drunk in a house and world of drunkeness. I know more about Madam Alcohol and her devastation than any human I know. My dad would always say "There are more old drunks than old doctors." "It eases the pain." "If alcohol had not been invented, the Irish would rule the world." All you say is true...and more. While the world drinks, satan's minions [Muslims] plot and enact our our very demise. I pray that your laws are not relaxed.

Sermon2/11/06 6:57 PM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Benny Hinn - Sorcerer and False Prophet! ”
The Benny Hinn Revival SHOW – Sucked in by Counterfeit Christianity. Satan is the great counterfeiter, the liar of all liars. Emotional responses, money giving, psychological temporary healing, wailing, and fever-pitched singing are no proof of anything. People think they are getting closer to God when in fact they are being kept from a real and personal encounter and life with Christ. Mass hypnosis, the power of suggestion, the desire to conform are all part of the plan. Hitler used the same tactics. Hinn & Co. know the outcome and the promised yield of the "cash cow" before the first song or first "healing" ever takes place. They do market projections and profiles of the places they plan to visit and fleece. This is not to say that these Hinn Crusade people are not sincere, just sincerely wrong. Is there a connection with Hinn and his Muhammaden roots, the constant quest for money? As Christ said to the Pharisees, "Ye go ten miles out of your way to make a convert only to make him twice the devil you are." Benny creates still more false prophets with his magic and vanishing act.

Sermon2/11/06 12:11 PM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ How Desperately Needed! ”
Pastor Brown's sermons - and all those from the true Reformed tradition in N. Ireland and Scotland - are desperately needed over here in America, where solid, sound preaching of God's word is difficult to come by. We're so starved for spiritual nourishment! Please don't stop putting sermons on sermonaudio!

Sermon2/9/06 12:03 PM
Tommy Morris, Jr. from Youngsville, Louisiana, USA  
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“ Thank You! ”
Thank you Brother Ian for sharing God's word with us all. I want you to know that we lift you up in prayer as well as ALL of our friends and missionaries throughout the world. May God give us all a "double portion" of his sweet Holy Spirit to carry on and be "fervent effectual servants."

Sermon2/8/06 5:58 PM
Howell Davis from Michigan, USA  
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“ Until All Hear! ”
Thank-you Dear Brother Ian,   Your uplifting energetic teaching, observations, and scriptural relevance to today have made my life so much better this past year.   Speaking of TECH, we in the States enjoy seeing digital pictures of you and your flock!   Since every meal should be in remembrance of Him, every enriching event we see through the marvels of the human eye [that refocuses 100,000 times per day] is a joy. The simplest of your gatherings will do just fine.   I may never be able to visit the Emerald Isle, land of my ancestors, but seeing it and the brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus is fun!    Praise, and all glory to our Father-Creator-One stand-apart God, for gifting ONLY humankind with the calculating brain to invent, perfect, and use technology.  

Sermon1/30/06 9:10 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a clear explanation of the Doctrines of Grace under a different acronym, showing that this is the Gospel and none other. We like the emphasis on God's sovereignty running through this sermon. Can His finely detailed plan of salvation be frustrated because I choose not to go along with it, or to renage on it once started? Do I have the power to frustrate God? Is He pleading with and anxiously awaiting a "decision" from sinful man? Thank you, Rev Brown, for a message that sweeps the nonsense and blasphemy of Arminianism away.

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