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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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"Great Sermon!"
Amy Douglas from England
So encouraging thankyou.
Glenn Wilkinson | Isaiah 41:8-10
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Sermon6/8/07 12:24 AM
Patrick  Find all comments by Patrick
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Lord, Revive Us ...!
Rev Ian Brown
“ The Great Need Of The Hour ”
Rev Brown -- "Amen" to this message.

Sermon6/5/07 8:18 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Don't let the math scare you - this is great ”
Don't let the title scare you, or the opening - this is a great sermon on God's grace and mercy to sinners even when it doesn't make sense to us, with a lot of Biblical examples. (The math is very simple: 2+2=11 in base 3 because in our base ten, 2+2=4, but in base 3, 4=3+1, so you write the 1 in the ones column, and carry the three to the threes column, where you have 1 three, so it's 11. Or, you could do it all in base ten and then use the change of base formula, but who wants to get out a slide rule for something this easy?)

Sermon6/4/07 4:08 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Angels - Watching Over Me!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
It was provedential to receive the Institute of Creation Research daily reading for June 3rd "There is "an innumerable company of angels" (Hebrews 12:22); beings of great power and wisdom (II Kings 19:35; II Samuel 14:20). They are not omnipotent, omnipresent, or omniscient, of course, since they -- like us -- were created by God, simply to obey God. "Bless the Lord, ye His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His word" (Psalm 103:20). etc." Then hearing Rev Brown's sermon was highly instructive and a great blessing!

Blog6/3/07 2:30 PM
Abigail from Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit." (John 15:7)

"And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." (Matt 17:20)

"Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matt 21:21-22)

Blog6/3/07 12:33 AM
Livinright from Arizona  Find all comments by Livinright
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Benny Hinn is a fraud and in the Old Testament he would have been stoned for being a false prophet. It is easy to blame a "lack of faith" for death or other problems in someones life, but you can't defend your position without doing injustice to the word of God. Jesus never promised that we would be healthy, wealthy and wise if we just had faith. Faith is given to us by the Father, it is not something we manifest in our selves-He is the author and finisher of our faith. So I suppose that since Benny Hinn has such great faith he will never die! And was it the apostle Paul's lack of faith that resulted in his thorn in the flesh not being removed? Just defend your Benny Hinn style take on faith with the Word! This poor man went to Hinn with much faith and Hinn scammed him and then the blame goes on the dead man-how incredibly Christ like of you Hinnities.

Blog6/3/07 12:22 AM
Mike from New York  Find all comments by Mike
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"Jesus Christ healed all that came to Him for healing, and He still heals today. The person that needs healing must have faith that Jesus will heal him/her."

So, if one is not healed, it is due to their lack of faith?

Blog6/3/07 12:08 AM
Abigail from Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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Jesus Christ healed all that came to Him for healing, and He still heals today. The person that needs healing must have faith that Jesus will heal him/her.

If people knew the Word of God and had spiritual discernment, they would know the difference between a charlaton and a true minister of God.

People are deceived because they do not wand to apply themselves to the Word of God and learn of Him.

Jesus warned that at the time of the end "Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." (Matt 24:11)

Blog6/2/07 3:14 PM
tinkerbell from venezuela  Find all comments by tinkerbell
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I believe the man lost faith in Jesus and died. He doubted and listened to those around him.
Benny Hinn is not responsible for his death. There are occasions when the health service actually kill people faster...and that is a fact!
My point is why blame Benny Hinn due to a lack of faith and whom? God?

Sermon6/1/07 1:28 PM
Patrick  Find all comments by Patrick
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Search Me, O God...!
Rev Ian Brown
“ A Blessing ”
This excellent sermon is on the topic of sin in the believer's life, so it's already a controversial subject in many mainstream/"mega" churches, added to which the text is from one of the "imprecatory" psalms. Dear believer, do you sometimes get frustrated about unanswered prayer or a seemingly fruitless Christian life, as do I? Please hear this message from Mr Brown, and you will be blessed by God's word. This series would also be good to send to anyone you know in the doldrums, or who attends any type of "church" where the full counsel of God is not preached.

Sermon6/1/07 12:22 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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Search Me, O God...!
Rev Ian Brown
“ A great series ”
Pastor Brown's series on pivotal Old Testament prayers is a great study. This one, about an important and well-known psalm, is an installment about an important prayer that strips away everything and gets to the heart of each person who comes before God.

Sermon5/31/07 9:19 PM
Patrick  Find all comments by Patrick
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Open Thou Mine Eyes ...!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Excellent ”
In a day where some who profess Christ hold to the view that not all the Bible, or even most of it, is applicable to today's Christian, this sermon will enliven and quicken. Mr Brown's text and his exposition of it reveals the Source of our guidance, and it isn't man deciding what book or verse applies to us, for indeed all 66 books do. Praise the Lord for faithful and God-honouring preaching.

Sermon5/30/07 7:05 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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Angels - Watching Over Me!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Rare to find solid Biblical teaching on angels... ”
A welcome sermon which tells us what the Bible says about angels - and it's very different than what pop culture and tradition says! Reliable, Bible-based information on angels is hard to find. If you're searching the Internet for information about angels and came across this sermon, please listen to it with an open mind (and open Bible) and get the truth.

Sermon5/24/07 5:14 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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The Spirit And The Scriptures
Rev Ian Brown
“ Quick! Listen to this study ”
This is a fantastic Bible study on the quickening power of the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit uses the Word of God. There are so many scripture references that I encourage people to use the pause button and turn to them, or have a pad and pencil handy, since the study is fast-paced. I benefitted from going through these scriptures and seeing how the Lord saves and quickens a sinner.

Sermon5/24/07 2:45 PM
Patrick  Find all comments by Patrick
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Speak, Lord...!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Packed With Value ”
This message is the opener in a series from Rev Brown at the Wed night Prayer Meeting at LFPC, and I already know I will be hearing the rest of these DV. This sermon is packed with the most valuable information from God's word on the topic of prayer, and is strongly recommended for all, especially those caught up in "name it and claim it" and/or Arminian man based theology. May the Lord be gracious to save at the hearing of His word.

Sermon5/8/07 6:31 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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The Solitary Solution For Sin!
Rev Ian Brown
“ This is one of those must-listen sermons - A+ ”
What if there was a disease that everyone had, and no one would talk about? If you realized you had it, people would just tell you it was in your mind. And what if everyone who ever lived would die of this disease, and there was a cure, but almost no one would talk about it? The Bible clearly shows us, and it takes little effort to prove empirically, that everyone has the disease of sin. Pastor Brown shows us the reality of the disease, but doesn't stop there - he shows us the one person, Jesus Christ, who did not have the disease, and who provides us with the eternal cure! If you have not experienced this cure freely offered by Christ, listen to this sermon and examine yourself in light of it - do you have the disease, and do you want the cure?

Blog5/6/07 3:10 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I dont know why this is even a problem. If you must know we are called to call out and let the light shine. When someone is teaching heresy we are to stand up against it. We are to show people the err of their ways. Paul went and handed a man over to Satan so that he would not be taught to blaspheme and there are several other areas in the Bible where we are told to stand for truth. We are allowed to call a skunk a skunk actually. The Scriptures do not ever ever ever use nice words to describe those that are false teachers and neither are we. Yes we pray and love but since when is rebuking and discipline not a part of love? Have we lost our discerment?

Blog5/6/07 2:14 AM
SALLY JO from INDIANA  Find all comments by SALLY JO
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I believe you are I a fan OF BENNY HINN? NO..I am A child OF GOD...I love BENNY HINN as I love you AND everyone...We are suppose to love each other AND build each other up..NOT TEAR EACH OTHER DOWN...IF BENNY HAS DONE SOMETHING WRONG,,GOD WILL JUDGE..SO JUST PRAY FOR HIMM...IN CHRISTS' LOVE...SALLY JO

Sermon5/4/07 6:43 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Learning from history ”
This is an excellent overview of the importance and meaning of the Reformation. I highly recommend listening to it. The history of the Christian faith, especially the Reformation, is being forgotten today. Resources like this are great ways to educate yourself about the rich heritage of the faith. What happened in this period is still relevant today, and the freedom of Christians today is a result of it.

Sermon5/4/07 9:06 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Simplicity and understanding ”
This sermon does have a good point about how clear and understandable the Bible is compared to other religious and philosophical works. There is no one who can't understand the Bible. Considering the labors made to explain the simplest philosophy of man, and the convoluted works produced in persuit of that goal, the Bible is unique - and breathtaking - in how the most difficult concepts of existence and meaning are explained so clearly they can be understood by anyone, with no special knowledge. More proof that the Bible is not just another book.

Sermon4/22/07 3:54 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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For What Is Your Life?!
Rev. Tomm Tice
“ Great Sermon! ”
Have you recently been troubled by the thought of "dollars"? Have you ever considered your own life as just like a dollar bill? If you are not a christian this is an excellent easy to understand message for young and old.

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