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"The Golden Compass: A Story About Atheism"
Anonymous Name
As this sermon notes, The Golden Compass is a story about antichrist atheism. It is worth noting John 3 in times like these. This...
Rev Ian Brown | Major Deceptions Of Our Day
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Sermon9/3/06 4:51 AM
Norman Smith  
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“ Deserves a sequel ! ”
I listened to this sermon,which was mainly a history lesson. I was waiting for some spiritual application,which although there was some,it hardly amounted to much in an hour long message. A sequel,or part two ,with some spiritual application would be worthwhile at some point ? I did not like the political overtones, too much, but i guess they are neccessary to this subject,if one is to treat it in its fulness. Humbled of course by the loss of young lives for the cause of freedom. Just my thoughts,for what they are worth.

Blog9/2/06 9:30 PM
chawoott from Virginia USA  
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I decided to see the video posted on some odd site called YOUTUBE. What was actually scary was the wording on the screen. Why are you folks wasting time on pinging on preachers when you should be winning the lost? All this effort on handling God's problem makes me think that you do not believe in the God who works. God has brought down His anointed all by Himself when they really did wicked things. I am actually thinking I need to find another Christian site as this one is beginning to irritate me rather than making me glad I'm in the Kingdom.

Blog9/2/06 12:31 PM
Peter Scott from Canada  
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Here's someone who managed to take some video footage of the London show:

Sermon8/29/06 8:40 AM
Cheryl - Cal  
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“ The Stuff Twilight Zone Is Made Of ”
A great book on this cult, as well as many others, is "Kingdom of the Cults" by Walter Martin. This book is a great tool for those exposed to and considering joining any of these cults. The section on Scientology is quite lengthy and detailed.

Blog8/29/06 8:27 AM
Gayle Pospeschil from Massachusetts USA  Contact via email
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“The Northeast is alive with the Holy Ghost” (guessing no).
Definitely "NO"! I've been in Massachussetts for just under a year and the place is a spiritual wasteland! 15 years ago I visited for 10 days and the farther away I got the better I felt. It's a gloomy place and it explains why Stephen King writes as he does. I've been told by several people that New England is under a cloud. Most of those who've said that are, like me, not New Englanders. One told me the antiChrists get together at least once a year to perform rituals to ensure New England remains a haven for wickedness. Considering the numbers of proud witches, pagans, mystics, yoga practitioners, compromising churches , and other antiChrists in my area alone I don't doubt it. My pastor is from Texas and he was warned that New England is known to break pastors. I have found pockets of Christianity here but I feel like a missionary. Please strengthen us with your prayers!

Blog8/28/06 5:08 PM
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Blog8/28/06 1:07 PM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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This is a sad article. People who get drawn into these lies are in such bondage - when you see these men for what they are, they're pathetic. Not just popery, but the one world religion - the article does a good job pointing out the use of karma, you get what you deserve, no more, no less - so if you don't get healed, you have bad karma. These people are not Christian. Mike Murdock is the scary one ... I wrote a blog entry on him ... he is the mastermind who talks people out of their money, and I think a lot of the others are using his techniques now.

Sermon8/27/06 2:07 PM
Norman Smith from New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via email
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The Spear Of Calvary
Rev Ian Brown
“ Most humbling Sermon! ”
This sermon is part of a series focusing on various implements associated with Calvary. Pastor Brown looks at all aspects of the spear thrust into the Saviours side,from the actual deed,who was responsible and why,and the spiritual significence, and gospel thoughts as well. Once again,one is humbled at the condesension of our lovely Saviour in all He went through and suffered,and rejoicing that a fountain has been opened so that sinners can plunge in,as it were,and have their guilty stains cleansed. I enjoy brother Browns ministry,and am looking forward to listening to the other sermons from this series. Thanks again for the broadcasters for placing these sermons online,thanks again for Pastor Browns faithful ministry,thanks again for,but above all,we give thanks to our thrice holy God for all He has done. Most humbling indeed.

Sermon8/25/06 2:45 PM
Cheryl - Cal  
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“ Benny Hinn - The Devil's Emissary! ”
Benny Hinn is the absurd Headliner in Satan's Lunatic Side Show. I cannot imagine anyone in whom the Holy Spirit truly dwells falling for his bombastic blasphemy. The elect do have free will to make certain choices in daily behavior, regarding which the Holy Spirit will convict us when the need be, but we cannot fall into apostasy. God will not allow it. In that, I rest assured! Benny Hinn is a screaming indicator that we have been living in the Last Days. He is definitely a false prophet as well as a part of the anti-christ system.

Sermon8/12/06 11:55 AM
Chris Bando from West coast  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerful and passionate is Ian Brown for the cause of Christ!

Blog8/10/06 3:57 PM
Cliff Leckey from N. Ireland.  
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Sadly Richard Littlejohn is a lonely voice attempting to interject some reality into Israel's position but I fear it will be drowned out by the clamoring of the liberal media, baying for Jewish blood, supported by "the useful idiots" crowd and backed up be that "old faithful" called Propaganda.

Sermon8/9/06 4:41 PM
Christian from Switzerland  
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“ the truth shall set you free ”
Please take heed to this message. I wished I knew as a teenager what I know now. Although I have broken away completely from homosexuality I still suffer from severe depression, mental and emotional torment from my involvement with the "gay" philosophy. The longer you flirt with this deathstyle the harder it gets to break free from it. Yes, God can set every homosexual free and yes, God is willing to forgive you, but you have to repent. Don't believe the lies of the gay agenda. These people do not have your best in mind. Listen to the God who made you and loves you more than any human being ever could. Leave Sodom while you still can.

Blog8/7/06 7:03 PM
Colin from Liverpool  Contact via email
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Its nice to see that someone is not looking through anti-israel glasses that the media and also the Stop the War Coalition are doing. This Political movement under George Galloway reminds me of the Nazi movement and sadly many people are being swayed by it.Lets pray for Israel at this time , for whoever touches Israel touches the apple of his eye

Sermon8/5/06 9:22 PM
Carol from Toronto Canada  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message. One of the best I have heard on the subject. God still has his eye on his people the Jewish race, and we know that Jerusalem will be in the hands of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are in. And we know that Jerusalem will be there in the tribulation period because of reference to her in Rev 11. Thanks again. Even so come Lord Jesus Carol

Sermon8/2/06 11:04 AM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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Woes Upon The Wolves!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
The wolves in America are different - more out for themselves, to make money for themselves; they're not like the ones in the UK which are out to promote an agenda. Both are extremely dangerous, and this message is a timely and passionate call to look under the sheep's clothing and see how sharp the teeth are. The ones in America will basically preach anything that keeps the money coming in. Preaching like Pastor Brown is hard to find in America, especially over TV and radio, because everything is driven by money. Sermonaudio is a great resource so people can hear the true gospel.

Sermon7/29/06 9:20 AM
Howell Davis from Brighton, Mi. U.S.A.  Contact via email
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“ Exceptional Sermon! ”
As always, Pastor Brown is extremely well versed in scriptural history as applies to these final times. Israel is but a micrcosm of the world in which we live. Currently, Islamism is the scouraging demon. But wait! Satin's minions are uniting. There are many others, but none so diabolical as these. Come Sweet Jesus, come!

Sermon7/27/06 11:05 AM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ Recommended ”
It's good to have this situation put into its historical context (both ancient and recent). This presentation is excellent, focusing on the history and current issues of the area as well as how the situation relates the Bible - a good antidote to the story being told by the mass-media...

Sermon7/27/06 8:11 AM
Paul Thompson from Ballymena  
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“ Very Informative Sermon! ”
A very well rersearched presentation of the present crisis in Lebanon...

Sermon7/15/06 9:40 AM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
An excellent sermon about the historical and spiritual realities of the Somme. I recommend this sermon, and the study of World War I in general. (For more of my comments on the Somme, see:

Blog7/12/06 5:03 PM
aj giblertson from california  
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The Smart Cars are already available in the US from ZAP ZP (NYSE). A California based company who imports, retrofits, and then distributes the Smart Cars to their dealers. Zap is also planning on bringing a Brazilian made car to the US, the Obvio! 828, that is a hybrid that can run on any combination of ethanol and gas. Zap is also the only car company who is selling a Chinese manufactured car in the US the 100% electric Xebra city car .

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