Excellent! Thank you, Bro. Jason for this talk about facing death. Funny how even we Christians don't really think about dying. This is a good reminder. I'm looking forward to the other messages in this series.
Great Sermon! Wonderful message. This is very good. Most Christ exalting sermon I heard in a long time.. a must hear. Many thanks. Loved this so much. Thanks be to God the Holy Spirit.
Courageous Truthful Speaking! Thank you for being willing to speak the truth in love. I have searched high and low for a sermon like this. Most pastors are afraid to touch the West's sacred cow - "happiness" that comes from legalized drugs. In the past couple years alone I have seen several people ranging in age from 13 to 60-something commit suicide due to being on drugs (anti-depressant and/or anti-anxiety). More and more evidence is coming out that these drugs which have been a financial boon for pharmaceutical are damaging people's minds and bodies. In fact, Harvard Medical has done a study showing a probably connection between benzodiazepines and dementia. God's Word tells us to gird up the loins of our minds, to be sober, to have self control - not to numb our minds or put a chemical in to give us a "happy feeling". Our brothers and sisters in the East who are daily persecuted for their faith are not crying out for anti-depressants, they are running to the Lord in prayer and consuming God's Word. How I pray that this truth gets out, so the Church in the West wakes up from it's life-dominating dependence on mind-altering drugs which stunts our spiritual growth and inhibits our service to the Lord. May we focus on that which is eternal and work while it is still day!
Great Sermon! I spend a lot of time in Powell’s in Beaverton. It really is awesome.
I haven’t had time to listen the last month. But today I just craved gods word and your sermons.
I miss Home but also your church. Thanks for your service.
Great Sermon! I have listened to many of your sermons. Found this series on Isaiah during my study of the book.
It is wonderful how simply you brought out the Good News of the Gospel even through rebellion on our part. Thank you very encouraging as has been the others in the series.
Thanking our GOD for the LIGHT! Many decades ago--never you mind how many :-)--GOD said, "Let there be LIGHT!" and the darkness I was in was banished! Thank you, Bro. Brian, for talking about this LIGHT. Our God is the brilliant God that shines forth His glory forever & ever.
Genealogy Made Fascinating! I'm guilty of skimming genealogical passages and was tempted to skip to the third message, BUT I'm so glad I didn't as Pastor Borgman brought out a wealth of fascinating information from the opening of Matthew. I had failed to take note of all the non-Jewish women, and even the euphemistic roundabout reference to Bathsheba. I also appreciated Borgman's going through the genealogy name by name and bringing out just what a rogues' gallery God used as the messianic line. Thank you for an edifying and enjoyable teaching!
We Clinge to Christ We clinge to Christ when everything seems to be lost. At the end of the day we clinge to Christ knowing that he clings to us. WOW GREAT DELIVERY OF THAT MESSAGE. I GOT CHILLS AND CRIED.
Great Sermon! I thought this was amazing how God the Holy Spirit enabled you to weave and unfold this portion of God's Word to exalt so beautifully God's faithfulness to His promise and Covenant, and to His mercy to us in spite of who we are. I was captivated by this unlikely portion of Scripture. May its revealing of all that He is to us remain vividly with me all of my days.