Great Sermon! This is a MUST LISTEN for all who profess Christ verbally, yet their hearts remain unchanged. Those who claim the promise of 'all who call on the Lord shall be saved', yet neglect the doctrine of regeneration.
my opinion (but i am not egligable to teach) order of things
Wrath and Judgment of God,
About Savior who says your Father which is Heaven
Phase 1
Meeting father alone secretly
Importance of keeping Lords sayings
They must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God
God has revealed the things to them which they came to know
They are the children of the kingdom and they belong to God
The greatness of commandments of God over traditions of men
Lord Jesus came to save sinners and he died for many sinners
His resurrection from the dead
Phase 2
Godhead of Lord Jesus Christ
They were born of God
The only begotten Son has shown the Father
Lord knows them even before they followed him
Their deeds are wrought in God.
Son hath life in himself
Lord acknowledging that they know him in a glorious manner
They are his own and Lord came for them
Guaranteed eternal security for them
The Father is in him and he in Father
They have seen father
He has gone to father and he will come again
Shown Father more clearly
God bless this Man! Being a person who came to know Christ after living for years in immorality and sexual impurity, I am so immensely blessed by the authority, clarity and Godly sorrow of this message by Albert N. Martin.
Reminds me of an old preacher from my church who lives what He preaches and has a passion to teach the younger Generation and cries out to warn them against sin with 'tears in his eyes'.
Much love to you Sir, you've been a blessing to me!
Great Sermon! Powerful Biblical Preaching!!
I have a great concern about churches full of unregenerated 'christians,' because of a truncated Gospel. Yet that gospel is so popular today.
The Scripture would say that it is 'another gospel' that is preached and believed. It might look good on evangelists reports of numbers, but what of eternity?
Thank you for your faithfulness.
Another powerful sermon This message confirmed my position
with God through Jesus Christ. My
record and my heart have been totally
changed and the Holy Spirit is now
directing my life. Praise God and
thank you Jesus.
Great Sermon! Dear Friends.
Have been listening to the series on Adoption by Pastor Al Martin, just finished no 9. These are thrilling and blessed studies, but also very challenging. We are left in no doubt about the reality or otherwise of our conversion.
Thank you.
Unbelievable Speaker of God This man is anointed by the one true Living God. I recommend this to everyone. This word is straight from the Bible and spares no sugar coating.
A Must Listen To What exhortation, confirmation and encouragement.
Thank you sincerely, Pastor Martin:)
May God richly bless you and your family as He does already, and also, all who hear and do the will of our Lord and our God, amen.
Great Sermon! This sermon was a blessing as it helped me to have a better understanding of the Book of Revelation and how it applies to the church today.
Essential Message for Today! THIS is THE message necessary for awakening the apostate church of today! The destructive seeds of the "carnal christian" heresy were sown a generation ago, and, because of that we see the church in its sad condition today. Pastor Martin addresses this most serious heresy. He is courageous, and I am sure he has been persecuted for calling this doctrine what it is, as I have been persecuted for saying the same. Scripture is clear - we either walk in the spirit or we walk in the flesh, not both. There are those who want to do away with 1 John 3 where we are called to walk in the spirit. The unredeemed want Grace, but they do not want Holiness. They hate that with a passion. Thank you Pastor Martin for contending for the TRUTH. There are two groups of people - period - the redeemed and the unredeemed. There is not a third class - the redeemed and carnal. This is HERESY.
Great Sermon! Another excellent sermon. A must for every church or ministry leader.This is a follow up sermon to "Tithing as an aid to giving #1". Make sure you listen to the entire series and get nourishment for your soul!
What a blessing! It is a great blessing to see the sermons from the Trinity Pastors Conference online. May the Lord prosper His Word mightily.
Thank you from the heart.