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Freedom Ministries
Pastor John Weaver  |  Fitzgerald, Georgia
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Freedom Ministries
P.O. Box 394
Fitzgerald, GA 31750
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"Very Profound"
That sermon took my mind to places I never have even thought of. I’m going to have to listen to it again. Thank you Pastor Weaver.
John Weaver | 2 Corinthians 9:15
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Sermon3/6/07 10:13 PM
Angela Wittman from SW Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Every American who loves freedom and their Christian Heritage should listen to this sermon. Thank you to Pastor John Weaver for preserving truth and teaching it to others.

Sermon1/26/07 4:38 PM
Bro Mike  Find all comments by Bro Mike
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“ Razor no more... ”
Brother John - Thank you very much for this message which has brought to light a very obscure truth in our generation. I have never had a beard, never wanted one and honestly prefer to be clean-shaven. Now I see how this is yet another area of my life where I have been deceived by the enemy and our wicked and adulterous unisex generation. Thanks to bro Slattery for mentioning this message in one of his radio interviews. I put my razor and shaving cream in the closet today so as to get my life more in conformity with God's patter for Biblical manhood. Peace in Jesus the Messiah.

Sermon11/3/06 10:02 PM
Doug from Virginia  Find all comments by Doug
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The Rapture of the Wicked
John Weaver
“ RARE SERMON, which makes it great! ”
This is an eye-opener, readily demonstrating the Scriptural position that the unbelievers will be taken out before the Believers. Of course, this is totally opposite from Dispensationalism, which opposition further authenticates the ring of truth of the message to all who have ears to hear.

Sermon11/1/06 5:41 PM
Michael jude from tx  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael jude
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“ Render to God the things that are Gods ”
According to the IRS,501 c-3 Christian churches, ministries, and organizations may not: Expose conspiracies.Criticize the New World Order. .Criticize government agencies and bureaus Criticize an institution of government such as the White House, the Congress, the Federal Reserve Board, or the Supreme Court. Criticize any proposed or pending bill or legislation that would take away the rights and freedoms of the people.Support or encourage a law-abiding citizen's militia.Support or encourage the Second Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Address homosexual rights or the pushing of a sodomite agenda in schools Appeal to peoples' emotions by employing an evangelization method such as "fire and brimstone" preaching) Discuss or identify threats to Christianity.Criticize the civil powers of the the Vatican United Nations or Council on Foreign Relations Highlight or otherwise bring attention to immorality of public officials or corruption in government. Complain of government persecution ,such as happened at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and elsewhere Isa 59:14 - And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.

Sermon10/30/06 9:01 AM
Old School Christian  Find all comments by Old School Christian
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The Lord's Supper - Part 5
John Weaver
“ Wonderful Message About Loving One Another! ”
This is a humbling sermon that cuts to the heart regarding unity and division among the Body. Pastor Weaver often says in other sermons that as Christians we must stand together or hang separately and that it was division in the Church in this country that led to all of these other divisions and factions we all see today in the States. We need to ask ourselves, 'How important is this difference?' Pagans are watching us to see how we love one another... or how we don't. Like Pastor Weaver's other sermons, this is worth listening to over and over again!

Sermon8/11/06 9:20 AM
Tim Smith from NW Indiana  Contact via email
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“ Thank you thank you thank! ”
Now I must let my wife hear this :)

Sermon7/17/06 3:44 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia  
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“ A Powerful Message Series ”
Part 1 is going to lead the listener to follow through with Parts 2 through 5 on this series, in order to learn all the ways that God is SLOWLY pouring out his wrath, and bringing judgement on the USA (and perhaps other nations in the world in the process). In listening to all five messages, I don't see how any can be refuted, or not be viewed to be occurring in the present. Marana tha, and may God have mercy on our souls!

Sermon7/1/06 1:24 PM
Mrs. Toni Cunningham from Missouri  
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The Lord's Supper - Part 10
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm enjoying your series on the Lord's Supper, and I really enjoyed this sermon in particular and the rich meaning involved as to why as God's People use wine at the Lord's Table. Our family continues to be edifyed and blessed by your bold, caring and precious preaching, Pastor Weaver. May God bless you, your family and your church unto a thousand generations and longer.

Sermon6/30/06 8:02 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia, USA  
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“ Very Eye-opening!!!!! ”
The stories of the treatment of the CSA women and children by the USA soldiers were so horrible that I could't listen to the entire message, through to the end.

Sermon6/28/06 8:53 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia, USA  
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“ A Sobering Message Regarding our Family! ”
With a 90-year-old unsaved Dad who worships the gnostic god of the Masonic Lodge, I understand the heartache of having the deceived-unsaved in my immediate family. I also understand the sovereignty of God in the salvation of the Elect, from His having saved me at age 43. Praise Him Who gives, and Him Who takes away!

Sermon6/27/06 8:16 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia, USA  
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“ Amazing Concept Regarding God's Judgement! ”
With all the talk today about God 'going' to bring judgement, this message is absolutely fascinating that God's judgement against the entire nation began with the South's losing of the war. It's a correct observation that today, EVERY state in the union is enslaved to the Federal Government . . . every state is under God's judgement, evidenced by it's absolute loss of freedom . . . yet we're the 'free-est'-appearing nation on the face of today's earth . . . what a paradox!!

Sermon6/18/06 1:52 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia, USA  
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“ Phew! This message preaches good, pastor! ”
Having personally opposed NAFTA and CAFTA, and the related millions of illegal aliens now within our borders, and seeing the 2006 Republican effort to delete both our northern and southern sovereign borders, for the purpose, they say, of opening up free trade throughout North America, this message has great impact! Seeing the uncontrolled growth of the USA federal beaucracy, the gross financial mismanagement of our national finances and the resulting national debt, with no one in the government taking responsibility for or even trying to address this issue, and without having personally agreed to this massive debt, I'm totally unwilling to be individually responsible for about $29,000.00 of it, as is every man, woman and child alive in our nation today. It's no surprise at all that they won't end the "death tax". As criminal investigators often say, "Follow the Money". Our federal government is in desperate need of this money, along with all the cash in the Social Security Trust Fund. This is hardly Scriptural financial management!!! Again I ask, where does the responsibility for this mismanagement lay, and who is going to do anything about it??! Or do we all simply send in a check for $29,000.00??!

Sermon1/10/06 3:46 PM
Laurel from CA  
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“ Fear Not! ”
Thank you for this much needed admonishment and encouragement.

Sermon1/10/06 8:53 AM
A Christian  
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“ Just Listen Right Now! ”
What an uplifting, refreshing sermon! Pastor Weaver lovingly reminds us of truths we know in our heads and scriptures we've heard over and over, yet we still need to hear because of our forgetfulness and sinful tendencies that can so easily weigh us down. This sermon will drive you to the scriptures with a renewed boldness for serving the One True and Living God as you are reminded Who really is in charge and how much He loves you.

Sermon10/5/05 2:43 AM
Zach Doty from Yakima, Washington  Contact via email
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“ Extremely Good Sermon! ”
This is one of the best sermons I’ve heard, dealing with authority and government; I wish that the rest of the Christian world would wake up and realize that government is not absolute authority! I believe that the time for another revolution is at hand, and as in the revolutionary war preceding us, our motto should be “No King But King Jesus!â€

Sermon9/9/05 7:44 AM
A Listener  
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“ Wonderful Sermon on God's Sovereignty! ”
It's amazing how angry professing Christians get when someone even hints that events like 9/11, the Southeast Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina are God's judgement on the wicked and his attempt to purge the land of evil. God's wrath in his sovereignty is not a popular subject today in our sentimental, libertine age. Thank you, Pastor Weaver for reminding us that it's one thing to believe in the doctrine of God's sovereignty, it's a whole other thing to apply that belief to every inch of our lives.

Sermon8/9/05 2:53 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Today, I found out that 2 ladies whom I knew in my childhood passed from this life into judgement without Christ. This message reminds me how short a time we have and that we need return our lives back into His Hands for His Service.

Sermon8/7/05 9:57 AM
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“ Thank You for an Interesting Series! ”
This was a good series about Jesse James. While I think many things that Jesse James did were immoral, I agree that much of his vigilantism was a reaction of defense against the extreme and personal tyranny of his day. At some point, justice has to take place. And all too often people who take justice into their own hands are treated as criminals before they are deemed heroes at a much later time. As long as we have an ungodly government, people who disobey it in order to obey scripture will unfortunately be seen as criminals. Paul Hill comes to mind. Whether Jesse James and Paul Hill are in heaven is our Lord's decision; however this series certainly gives Christians a different perspective than what they will hear from most pulpits. Prayerfully more men will abandon their pietism and statism and see Rom 13 as an opportunity to let God's justice shine instead of an excuse to just let civil rulers get away with murder, literally. Christians should be as respectful and obedient as possible for a witness (as a believing wife to an unbelieving husband). However, as there are limits in submission in marriage, there are limits in our submission to the state. We need this principle drummed into our heads, and that's why your sermons are so important! Thank you, Rev Weaver.

Sermon5/12/05 8:00 PM
A Listener  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I appreciate Pastor Weaver's open and honest perspective on interracial marriage. While I am not completely opposed to every single instance of this practice, being there are way too many variables; I am extremely concerned about most reformed preachers' unqualified endorsement of the practice. Saying "It doesn't matter to God, case closed end of story" is in my view, as antinomian as being completely against any of it can tend toward legalism. An interracial Christian couple in courtship should undergo special marriage counseling, and should be graciously willing to submit to candid discussion and exhortation regarding the tremendous disadvantages of these marriages, when same race marriage is difficult enough. They need to be aware that the purpose of marriage is for dominion in the earth, and that their heritage is important, or God wouldn't have given it to them to hand down to the future generations. They also need to be prepared to cover in love a pastor's conviction against performing an interracial marriage without a judgemental spirit, gossip or ad hominem attacks such as "nazi", "bigot" etc. In fact, I would highly recommend this sermon to a Christian couple considering an interracial marriage. It may make them think twice. Thank you!!!

Sermon3/19/05 11:29 PM
Evelyn Bradley from Norwalk, CA  Contact via email
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Deja Vu
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! Deja Vu ”
This message of warning and consequences for rejecting God touched me in an unusual way by the power and authority of the Scripture and the way John Weaver spoke with such authority and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for making it available on the Internet. God bless you. Click on to see a petition to request the impeachment of Federal Judge Myron Thompson who ruled against the Ten Commandments monument in the Alabama Supreme Court and whose ruling later was the catalyst for the illegal removal of the beloved Supremne Cout Judge Roy Moore because Judge Moore stood by his God given right and Constitutional requirement to acknowledge God. John Weaver's sermon, if heard across our nation, may touch the heart of our people and bring about a national revival. To God be the Glory.

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