I'm sure this is standard practice, however a 'security notice' on Benny Hinn's website regarding his upcoming London Crusade makes intriguing reading:
"Special Notice: Benny Hinn Ministries strictly follows security and privacy guidelines, as well as auditorium/coliseum policies, to allow each service to be enjoyed by all who attend. Back packs, coolers, food brought from outside the venue, and/or video cameras are expressly prohibited during all services."
And there was me imagining it was only crooks who placed their hands over the lens of video cameras!
I dont know why this is even a problem. If you must know we are called to call out and let the light shine. When someone is teaching heresy we are to stand up against it. We are to show people the err of their ways. Paul went and handed a man over to Satan so that he would not be taught to blaspheme and there are several other areas in the Bible where we are told to stand for truth. We are allowed to call a skunk a skunk actually. The Scriptures do not ever ever ever use nice words to describe those that are false teachers and neither are we. Yes we pray and love but since when is rebuking and discipline not a part of love? Have we lost our discerment?
I believe you are judging..am I a fan OF BENNY HINN? NO..I am A child OF GOD...I love BENNY HINN as I love you AND everyone...We are suppose to love each other AND build each other up..NOT TEAR EACH OTHER DOWN...IF BENNY HAS DONE SOMETHING WRONG,,GOD WILL JUDGE..SO JUST PRAY FOR HIMM...IN CHRISTS' LOVE...SALLY JO
What qualifies us to judge Benny Hinn. Hmm! We judge the fact that he visited Kathryn Kulman's grave. He felt the anointing when he was there. Is this necromancy? No, if it was, he would have to have some kind of contact with her actual dead body. There is nothing wrong with visiting the place where a person has died. People do it every day. Let's go further. In the bible a dead man was placed into a tomb where Elisha's body was layed. That man instantly was raised from the dead. This showed that the anointing on Elisha's body was legitimate. 2 Kings 13:20-21
I decided to see the video posted on some odd site called YOUTUBE. What was actually scary was the wording on the screen. Why are you folks wasting time on pinging on preachers when you should be winning the lost? All this effort on handling God's problem makes me think that you do not believe in the God who works. God has brought down His anointed all by Himself when they really did wicked things. I am actually thinking I need to find another Christian site as this one is beginning to irritate me rather than making me glad I'm in the Kingdom.