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Survey3/16/07 7:13 PM
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Merrill, cheryl, and all

What I am wondering is why no one has used the verse:
"A spiritual man judges all things, but is rightly judged by no one." I COR 2:15

This means, I can judge the situation for how it affects me, but not the person.

You never know what a person is going through. There is no telling what is driving their intentions, thoughts, succeses, and failures. Situations themselves are of a different nature and are driven by circumstances. Christian or not. The only thing is the Christian is better equipped to handle pressure. But that is no guarantee that the person, Christian or not, will utilize the Holy Spirit and be victorious in any situation.

So, therefore, like merrill said, "If it affects you, then you ought to make a deal about it."

But remember, the scriptures also say, "As much as depends on you, live peacably among all men."


Survey3/16/07 3:24 PM
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Discerning Believer:

I am not sure what you are trying say.

so I will say this,

"The Bible says live peacably among all men, as much as depends on you."


"For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?"

"Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?"

"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase."

some of you are saying you are of Calvin, some Wesley, some this some that...

You guys are so filled with strife that you can't get past doctrine and truly fellowship.

If I was to go to another church where there is this kind of division...I would run as fast as I could to the nearest oak tree and weep.

Most of the people that post on here are so anti social with each other. I hate to imagine what would come of it if ya'll tried to sit down at a dinner table and discuss doctrine and personal beliefs.

Ya'll obviously can't see what is going on here.

Are ye not carnal? Are we all NOT carnal? Mere men?

Guys, how can this arguing be in the name of God?

Will somebody answer what good this does?


Survey3/16/07 12:52 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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What bothers me most is that some of you agree with each other, some of you are chiding each other, and most of all NOT showing love as Jesus said we will know His disciples by.

I can never understand why people allow this to break the fellowship between believers, for a difference in opinion?

Once saved always saver's have Biblical references to back up what they believe, and the you will die in your sin if you have one unconfessed sin in your lifer's can use scripture to back them up.

I say, if you put your trust in Jesus, and HIS sacrificial death on the cross, and are continually concerned about the state of your relationship with God, what is all the fuss. No man on the Earth can look at someone and tell if they are saved...and no man can look at another and say that his faith is useless because of sin in his life. All have sinned, all will sin and there isn't a whole lot anybody can do to change that. Get rid of one sin, and the temptation for another will appear.

While you guys are arguing this point, I could give a sermon on why not to argue and why to stop judging others for their weaknesses and pray that those who are being saved will not be confused by the relentless, I'm right and you have to be wrong.

Serve God with a pure conscience, that would do.

Survey11/3/06 7:11 PM
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Obviously you don't know what I am talking about...

that's cool...


Survey11/3/06 3:59 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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I simply cannot believe what I am seeing.

Grown people tearing each other apart for the sake of the Gospel.

Each thinking that they know the truth.

Do ya'll really think that your dialect concerning each other is glorifying the Lord? Even if you are right. Is that becoming of the Lord?

Get a grip and grow up...

Survey11/2/06 8:01 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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When Paul and Barnabus had a difference in opinion on the subject of Mark...what did they do? did they argue there position eternally or did they wait til God brought them back to it and were in agreement on what needed to be done?

The Bible is clear...

I am very pleased that you have found folks that you are comfortable with, but there still is the item of bantering. All I am saying is that there is too much oppostiion and not enough comradere.

be sensitive to others feelings and give them a chance to say what it is that they believe and then say your piece.

YOu said that you use this forum as an exercise. When sparring in martial arts do you try to demoralize your opponent or do you save up the techniques they use in order to make you stronger? Keep in mind that the people you are talking to are real people with beliefs as strong as the beliefs you hold. Relax, learn, and teach. Edify, not break down.

reassess what it is that you think that God wants to accomplish through your being in this forum and begin again in new strength.

Live peacably with all men as much as depends on you. Remember that verse?

peace my brothers and my sisters. That is where unity lies. But only when Jesus Christ the Lord is the center.


Survey11/2/06 6:59 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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the Bible is clear. The Bible is for the Bible and for the building up of the Kingdom of God. If you are not in the mode of thinking that you aren't going to find like minded thinking among God's people then why bother creating havoc on people that are trying be like-minded toward others who are following the word.

Yamil...either you are on the right track or you aren't. There is only one track...only one. That is God's track. Run the race to win, not to seek controversy...

Your comments?


Survey11/2/06 6:37 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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Hey Jerry...

I have read some things from most of the people on here that are defamitory and unchristian like. I will say that you have been as reserved as the most. I wouldn't mind sharing a conversation with you sometime.

From what I am seeing yamil has been offending alot of people. What i would like to see is all of us sharing our opinions without an argument. when i am offended by someone I try to find out what the real problem is and how I might be able to rectify the situation. If by chance I am not able to find a peacable venue and an end to the madness, I have to resign that not all people hold the same views that I do and I will not argue my position with someone that won't play point-counterpoint with an open mind.

Life is too short...


Survey11/2/06 3:39 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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Here's one for you guys...let's hear what you hav to say!

May the God of Patience and comfort grant you all to be like-minded towards one another inChrist Jesus, that we with one mouth nay glorify God and even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Where is that in these discussions?

I am interested very much in what all of you have to say, but this bantering back and forth is encroaching on getting on my nerves. The verse I quoted above states that we are to be like-minded Christians for God's purpose.

The conversations that are on this website are like-minded allright, but they are not, for the most part for the building up of the Kingdom of God.

What say ye people?

Survey11/2/06 1:29 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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Some of you guys are so on the right track.

Makes me feel proud...really!


Survey11/1/06 10:11 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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This is a Christian website....right?

Survey11/1/06 10:08 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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Matthew? Can you hear me? I agree one hundred percent!

It is a hard life, but...

Go man....peace

Survey11/1/06 10:04 PM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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I don't get why most of you guys bash each other's comments rather than try and learn from your differences? That would make more sense to me. Don't you think?

Survey10/31/06 9:05 AM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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I believe that since the salvation of the one who is doing the particular believing is dependant on his or her beliefs, then the only one who truly knows if they are saved is...maybe you guessed it...them!

Many times a person will make a profession of faith and later be impressed on by the Holy Spirit to "Examine their ways." By making a new commitment to serve Christ at the point and audibly reaffirming to Jesus and the Father the individuals commitment of belief. The Heavenly Father and Jesus know very well who are the redeemed. You don't, I don't, and it is best left up to the individual to decide. Let them say, "Jesus is Lord" with their whole heart and don't question them.

It is my belief, "if a person is concerned about whether or not they are saved, then they will either come to one of these places: They will realize that they are grounded in scripture and are saved by the grace of God, or
They will realize the need for that relationship with God and seek out someone to show them the way. Peace.

Survey10/31/06 8:51 AM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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Baptism is symbolic and is not required for salvation and eternal life with Jesus.

The Bible says that, "No one can truly say except by the Holy Spirit, Jesus is Lord.

If someone says, Jesus is Lord and you know that they beleive it and live their life as best they can to please God, I say let them baptize as they wish. If you aren't sure if they are teaching correctly and you feel that you have sufficient enough knowledge to ascertain whether or not they are? Then go with them and see for your self. If you don't like what you see after giving them proper consideration, depart if that is what you feel the Lord is telling you. Chances are, He may have some work for you there.

Don't burn your bridges until you are sure that God may not want you to go back. (But then how will you know?

Baptism says to the people you attend church with and the people you encounter in life(at work, school, friends, etc... not just passers by) that you are going God's way for your life and that you accept HIS salvation freely.

Survey10/31/06 8:37 AM
fully endoctrinated  Find all comments by fully endoctrinated
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Waht I see is a bunch of people who are having ahard time with fellowshipping. Your statements are slighting each other and there is gnashing of teeth.

To be blatently direct, I will say this:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength. And, love your neighbor as yourself.

What you believe has to be what "saves you." What you believe won't save anyone else unless that is what "they" believe. Peace.

Glenn Bond
Christ, The Sinners Substitute

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