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827 total votes have been cast on this survey | 672 user comments  ( edit survey )

Do you Believe someone who make a strong profession of faith but falls away and never repent, will go to heaven?
Created: 9/16/2006 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 17 years ago
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 •   Yes, because God always will love him to the end.
  10% | 85 votes

 •   No it was never true faith!
  76% | 625 votes

 •   I am not sure.
  8% | 69 votes

 •   Yes because God is like father christmas.It does't matter if you are naughty or nice.
  1% | 6 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  5% | 42 votes


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Survey11/8/08 5:26 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription:

*****"The Lord knows those who are his,"


*****"Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness." 2 Timothy 2:19

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity. Proverbs 24:16

Survey10/19/08 11:18 PM
Christian Warrior  Find all comments by Christian Warrior
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ABCM: what on earth are you talking about? have you ever read the Bible?

Survey10/19/08 11:09 PM
ABCM | usa  Find all comments by ABCM
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Every one will go to heaven but all will no stay there. The person must decide against Christ. If they do then their is no returning. We go to our end with God's blessing of your choice.

Survey2/27/08 6:22 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Rhonda wrote:
Only God knows the heart of man
Doesn't the Bible say several times that we will know people by their fruits? The sort of fruit John the Baptist called fruit of repentance? Is this not what James meant when he said that faith without works is dead?
John gives the clearest explanation for apostate believers or those who fall away finally after a credible profession of faith. "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they have been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us" (I John 2:19).

Survey2/27/08 10:56 AM
Rhonda | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Rhonda
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Only God knows the heart of man

Survey12/5/07 11:33 PM
Elkin M. Kaufman | Walker, La.  Go to homepageFind all comments by Elkin M. Kaufman
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Where God's will leads you. His grace will keep you!

Survey7/6/07 12:19 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Seaton needs a class in Church history.

Do they offer that in the F_anciful L_and of the Calvinist?

Survey7/6/07 12:09 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Discerning Believer
"Why would the Real or True church need to be Reformed anyway? How can you reform from something that was true to start with?"

This is a joke right DB?
Even you must be aware that GOD's Reformation brought about the Catholic - Protestant divide.
Thus GOD brought the TRUE Church - viz Reformed Church out of - away from - the Papal antichrist.

THIS is historic fact.
I can't believe that you DB, would come up with this little gem!!!

"The RCC was never true to begin with. It was a perversion of the early church brought about by Constantine."


The True church has been around by the grace of God since creation. IT IS God's witness. The Roman Catholic ediface which presents itself today and in history is a church which grew with both Truth and Doctrine working together iaw 1Cor 11:19.

The "Roman" Church in early centuries wasn't even the "Roman church" - that split came in the 11th century and went east and west.

God carried His truth even through that struggle in history.

I suppose you "Baptists" are now going to tell us that you've always been around? When historical facts trace your beginnings to 1521. As for you American Baptists you were invented by an offshoot from the Puritan's, in 1639 at Rhode Island!!

Survey7/6/07 10:41 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Why would the Real or True church need to be Reformed anyway? How can you reform from something that was true to start with?

The RCC was never true to begin with. It was a perversion of the early church brought about by Constantine.

If the gates of Hell would never prevail against the church, then there must have been a true faithful remnant out there somewhere throughout history that didn't bow their knee to Baal.

Survey7/6/07 10:20 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Seaton said:

"That is why the Real Church, Reformed of course, is here today preaching the truth, serving God and the Holy Spirit Guiding them into all truth, uses the Reformed Church as God's instrument, of the Elect Remnant, as the witness unto salvation."

"The Reformed theological position *IS* the Truth. The Elect can perceive this by the Holy Spirits guidance."

Mike from Mex and anonymous, do you agree 100% with these?

Survey7/6/07 8:43 AM
JD  Find all comments by JD
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"Which you and your church teaches is a Roman Catholic dogma.
They call it Molinism.
In your church it is usually called Arminianism, Synergism or Semi-Pelagianism."

Yes, called that by deluded fanatics like you and you only. No one else ever uses such nonsense terminology except your tribe. It must give you some sort of demented please to use them because it seems they get into a majority of your posts.

The fact remains, and they are fact, that the reformed church was established by Roman catholics whether you want to admit it or not. An objective observer can see that many of attitudes of the mother are found in the daughter. You probably cannot see them because you have two areas of deception you are dealing with. 1) Demonic deception and 2) self deception.

One of you worst crossover doctrines showed up in your last post. That is the doctrine that only you can be saved. The fact that you teach it with a slight variance to the RCC does not mean that it is not the same. Both doctrines teach exclusivity in the matter of salvation and leaves a great number without hope.

Enjoy your lofty position while you can, Seaton, because one day you will give account to God for it and it will not be pretty.

Survey7/6/07 8:06 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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The "salvation by works"
Which you and your church teaches is a Roman Catholic dogma.
They call it Molinism.
In your church it is usually called Arminianism, Synergism or Semi-Pelagianism.

Regardless of terminology
Your doctrines are human effort unto salvation - otherwise God cannot save.

This is neither true nor Biblical.

Thus if anyone is teaching Roman popery dogma and superstition it is YOU and your church.

It is your convictions which demote God from sovereign status and raise man above sin and above the effect of sin.
Again this is neither true nor Biblical.

It is your convictions which imply that Grace and the Holy Spirit are not necessary to bring man to salvation, and that the sinner can do it himself - cooperating with God only after the sinner has made the first move. Even, in the first instance, if he is spiritually dead and the very enemy of God?????

Not Biblical JD. Sorry!!!

Survey7/6/07 7:55 AM
JD  Find all comments by JD
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You continue to insult people who knows better than the tripe you spread.

Most everyone knows that Augustine is noted as the "Father" of the Roman Catholic Chrurch. Therefore, what I said remains true, The continuity of christianity for the reformed that precedes the movement is RCC and nothing else. Your heritage is Roman Catholocism and not bible christianity. Some of those same RC attitudes are prevalent among the posters on this board particularly that only a certain few "priests and popes" have insight into the truth. The difference in the priesthood and the authority line of the RCC and the Calvinists is that theirs are living and yours are dead.

Seaton, you do not have the luxuary of independent thought. If you try it, you will be labeled as a traitor. If you don't believe me, go back a couple pages and see the reaction to the man who called himself "anonymous" who tried a little "thinking for himself".

I doubt your pride could withstand "ostraciszation".

Survey7/6/07 6:35 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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One of the greatest grace filled "Reformed" teachers in history is Augustine, who lived in the 5th century; - please note, if you can, that this is slightly before the 16th century Reformation ordained and worked by God Himself.

God carried the True Doctrines of Grace all the way through human history. That is why the Real Church, Reformed of course, is here today preaching the truth, serving God and the Holy Spirit Guiding them into all truth, uses the Reformed Church as God's instrument, of the Elect Remnant, as the witness unto salvation.

If you require any more "truthful" facts on history ask the Calvinists who will teach you the Truth.

Survey7/6/07 3:11 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Well, I suppose it is slightly better than hell.

Survey7/5/07 8:31 PM
JD  Find all comments by JD
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I just saw the headline on the Drudge Report where your temp in Vegas was 116 today. How are you coping?

Survey7/5/07 5:55 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Don't be silly.

Survey7/5/07 5:52 PM
JD  Find all comments by JD
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"The "argument" as you put it has not changed since God recorded it in Scripture. Thats why the Divines are simply a link in History of the True - Reformed - Church. This continuity is by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit."


There were 1500 years of Christian history before the reformation. ALL the reformers were Roman Catholics. There was a true church before the monks were converted. We do not owe our Christian heritage to the Catholic church and the truth did not begin with Luther and the boys as you people infer by your words and actions. I do not see any continuity with pre-reformation era christianity that was not RC.

If you are silly enough to believe that, knock yourself out, but I am going to label you as being silly if you do. I hope you don't mind!

Survey7/5/07 12:26 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Name one strawman made by me and I will correct myself and give you an apology.

Until then please look in the mirror.

"I try to avoid your stupid and childish and proud arguments but at times get drawn into them because of the EGO and PRIDE on your part."

Ha! Are you sure that it is not your EGO and PRIDE that is drawing you to me. Noone is forcing you to answer me. I guess its a matter of perspective.
"I wasn't seeking after Him until He sought after me and awakened my heart and mind to my sin and need of Christ."

Like I said. To the Calvinist "none" means everyone except me. Everyone else is guilty except the Calvinist. This is what is called the F_anciful L_and of the C_alvinist.
And speaking of strawmen here comes another one....

"You on the other hand sought after God of your own will, and you were so smart to see your own need, unlike the rest of the imbeciles out there in the world."

They just keep coming, don't they.

Survey7/5/07 12:20 PM
Mike | mex  Find all comments by Mike
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Again you are the most maddening person I have ever TRIED to communicate with and I do mean TRIED. You say one little thing is a straw man when your arguments constantly are filled with multitudes of straw men of what a Biblical Calvinist believes.

I try to avoid your stupid and childish and proud arguments but at times get drawn into them because of the EGO and PRIDE on your part. This will be my last post to you ever Lord willing as you have no eyes to see and no desire to understand God's Word. You do worship at the altar of self. If God says that none seek after Him,I wasn't seeking after Him until He sought after me and awakened my heart and mind to my sin and need of Christ. You on the other hand sought after God of your own will, and you were so smart to see your own need, unlike the rest of the imbeciles out there in the world. Yes, you worship at the temple of self and free will. You will one day recognize the folly of such self-aggrandizement.

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