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News Item11/25/15 8:00 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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B. McCausland wrote:

"Lord, may I be in that position and state in which you can make use of me to the best of my possibility."

This was such an encouragement to me, the Lord in His mercy through you, gave me a sweet cordial.
Many thanks.

News Item11/25/15 7:16 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Sister B,
Will be including you on our grateful list to the Lord, you have been a tremendous blessing on this forum.
"Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do".
1Thes. 5:11.
Every blessing.

News Item11/25/15 3:10 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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GSMontana wrote:
Hey Dorcas I was thinking of you earlier. I hope you still post here because Ive enjoyed your posts. I haven't posted in a while either.
God bless.
Warm Christian greetings GS,
I have been enjoying reading your posts since you came back on the forum.
No I do not post much anymore on much nattering and slander, which I want no part of, or is it glorifying to the Lord.
I wish you and yours every blessing.

News Item11/25/15 2:42 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Hello ladybug,
Just stopped by to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.
The Lord Jesus be with your spirit, and all yours.
Your sister in the Lord,

News Item11/14/15 9:12 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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B. McCausland wrote:
John, with dutiful respect towards your person, sometimes around here the old folk state that one 'needs his head examined' when going about in rabbit trails as the list posted here seems to go!! Just a good old laugh ... Please, do not take offence to this.
The texts you anchor your post from (Mt 12:36-37) were forwarded to Mike to underline the responsibility attached to our Christian behaviour in the use of the tongue, say our speech or words.
It was rather alarming to read in Mike's post his attitude of making light of any being offended because of words spoken. So, the point of the verses proposed was to bring to light how seriously our speech is taken by God.
Forgive is something is missed out, failing to see your point.
Your late post seems to indicate you can take the role of a perfect diplomat
You have respectfully and Biblicaly laid out your concerns.
It is crystal clear of what you are referring to and to whom it is addressed.
Thank you for your steadfastness.
It has been my experience on this forum, that this will end up in a ditch as it will continue in nonsensical retorts, rabbit trails, throwing of firebrands etc.
Every Blessing.

News Item11/13/15 2:32 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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B. McCausland wrote:
It should read instead: Hopefully, speaking the truth in love will not be confused with 'evangelical feminism' ever.
Appreciate your thoughts.
The Gospel brings us to our knees. When faith is born, we submit to truth about God, but also truth about ourselves.
The Gospel humbles us, we admit our own lack of goodness as we submit to the One who is perfectly good and worthy of all out praise.
Alas, if only that moment of true humility would remain with us through-out our lives, but instead we let pride rear it's ugly head and we have more of an attitude of the ungodly.
As one said to John Wesley,"My talent is to speak my mind."
Wesley replied, "That's one talent God wouldn't care a bit if you buried!"

News Item11/12/15 2:49 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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C.H. Spurgeon concerning slander:
"it is a fine thing, when you are slandered, not to hear it. And it is a better thing to never reply to it".
To all my sisters in Christ who faithfully proclaim truth and the honour of our Lord Jesus Christ...

Sing unto the LORD, praise ye the LORD: for he hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers.
Jeremiah 20:13.

News Item11/9/15 1:16 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Ladybug wrote:
Perhaps the Lord used the painting to draw, however, faith does not come thru viewing paintings. Brokenness over sin doesn't come by viewing an image either- the word and the Spirit are what brings brokenness and salvation.
As for teaching, the word of God is sufficient for teaching. Too many today want to tell stories and tend to stray from the word. Personal experiences are not a bad thing but should never be the sole means of teaching.
Concerning personal experiences , the Lord did say unto the Gadarene demoniac....."Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath compassion on thee".( Mark 5:20).
Would agree they should never be the sole means of teaching, and would add never should imagery of our Lord ever be used as it is a product of men's fancy and imagination, and forbidden in Scripture.

News Item11/8/15 6:42 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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s c wrote:
Paintings may be "inspiring" but they still are not an adequate means when it comes to the Gospel especially if they use false images.
God's Word says that it is by His Word and by his Spirit that brings saving faith. His Word alone is sufficient.
People who rely on their feelings are unstable and,more than likely,will opt for the warm fuzzies in lieu of truth when given the choice.
I agree s c.
The Bible instructs us not to make any likeness of God.
He has ordained the foolishness of preaching to evangelize the world.
He has promised to attend the preaching of the Word with the power of the Holy Spirit.
The so-called "pictures" of Christ are a hindrance and a temptation to idolatry!

News Item11/1/15 8:45 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Rodney wrote:
I know this is completely off subject, but I want to rejoice in our God and Savior Jesus Christ! He has saved a young couple in our church who our congregation has been praying for and ministering to for some time now. The young lady was saved about a month ago and it has been obvious that God was dealing with his heart as well. Today, during the preaching of the word, He came to full assurance of his salvation. Hallelujah! Our God is so good! Praise His holy name forever!
Rejoicing with you Rodney..PTL

News Item10/24/15 12:46 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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B. McCausland wrote:
1. Additional remark:
The difference between 'imposing’ and leadership in teaching is something preachers/teachers do not always grasp. With the average absence of God fearing in the pew, this is not a superfluity that any can dispense with.

I was referring to individuals who are pharisaical in their approach to others,
Always keeping in mind the Divine right of private judgement and not being under dictatorial and tyrannical unqualified submission to their articles of faith, forms of worship, ' holy days' etc.
Three basic truths which the Reformation recovered for Christendom, need always be kept in mind.
The supremacy of the Scriptures.
The right of private judgement.
Justification by faith without the deeds of the law.

News Item10/24/15 11:52 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Warm Christian Greetings, Mourner,
The Lord has brought you to my remembrance many times lately.
I most certainly will pray for a blessed opportunity of sweet fellowship between you and your son..
Blessings and a Good Lord's Day to you.

News Item10/24/15 10:23 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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A lovely testimony..
"A Sabbath well spent brings a week of content,
And strength for the toils of the morrow:
But a Sabbath profaned, whate'er may be gained,
Is a certain forerunner of sorrow".

News Item10/24/15 10:16 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Frank wrote:
If I think something is sinful and I do it, then it was indeed sinful.......for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Concerning going down the road of legalism...has been my experience that many in Christendom want to impose all their rule keeping and church attendance as bench marks on who is a child of God and who isn't.
But..what saith the Scripture?
"There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and destroy:who art thou that judgest another?"(James 4:12)

News Item10/21/15 3:00 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Let us always remember that it is not about all the idolatry, necromancy,rituals, etc. that is the danger of popery but it is their false works based gospel, which is a damning delusion .
They not only do not preach the true gospel--they actively oppose it.
And for this they are accountable!

News Item10/20/15 8:27 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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News Item10/14/15 10:50 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Get Real wrote:
it's so frustrating, i dream of being taken care of, someone smarter and stronger then me making decisions, and not having to make them and be told that i'm not only bossy, but that it's all my fault when things go wrong ...
not having to protect everyone, but being protected ...
yet now i have come to learn it's really God doing the protecting, and His grace which sustains me ...
it's wearing me out physically and emotionally because we live in dangerous neighborhoods and in dangerous times .. i'm positive that i will die before my husband and after 35 years of it, i'm fine with that
Good evening get real,
You are on my heart and in my prayers.
Remember what our blessed Redeemer spoke to us:
"these things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world".
John 16:33.

News Item10/11/15 5:24 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Dave wrote:
Gods blessings mourner and a big g'day
Also if your reading Andrea from Athens Gods blessings for you and you are in our prayers here in oz.
sorry for off topic but while I'm here God bless to all, Dear grandmas and grandpas thankyou again for scripture points and guidance,
Big g'day to all and g'day Christopher brother hope you are well. Dorcas, sc,DOLORES , Jim , Pennned , Bmc , nat oz, Marcus , John , tony , Stever an Stevenr,,John y, observer, GetReal , Hugh Scotland, joe, all newcomers and wait for brother geff. If I've missed your name sorry and in the name if Christ love to you
Warm Christian greetings, Dave.

News Item10/4/15 10:24 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Hi Chris,
Please don't misunderstand my post.
I was commenting on the practices of ecumenical modern day evangelists, such as the BGEA, not maligning any who have had a genuine conversion through these methods.
Have a blessed Lord's Day.

News Item10/4/15 9:48 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Thank-you for being a voice of reason.
The ecumenical BGEA has been wedded to the RCC and other false religions for a long time...
The high calling of preaching has degenerated into a series of gimmicks and tricks.
The Apostle Paul called men to Christ, not to aisles, altars, sacraments, RC priests, etc.
The method and theology of those that practice such 'evangelism' is to be exposed and people warned of its deceptive and soul damning practices.
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