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Survey10/29/08 7:17 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I hate to say it but if any mocking is done it is by fringe elements who say that the AV(KJV) can correct the Hebrew and the Greek, which is madness.

I mock no one for their informed or uninformed choice to read scripture.

On the contrary. When I first became a Christian at 15 I was given an NIV. This served me better than absolutely nothing at all, and with my study I discovered that there was something wrong with it. This lead me to where I am now 20 years later.

Actually those who support all other Modern translations state themselves that "All modern translations tend to disagree against the KJV" to quote Dr Gordon Fee in How to Read the Bible for All its Worth.

This is because of the sources from which they all derive, verses the sources from which the AV derives.

Please do not allow mockers to distract you from investigating this intelligently instead of emotionally.
I know there are KJVO's out there but if you placed all the Greek and Hebrew Manuscripts in front of me I would point out the ONLY ones which are reliable.
If there is an only it is in regards to that. And if a modern English translation was constructed from the same material the Av was constructed and from trustworthy honourable translators I would devour it

Sermon10/28/08 7:14 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Puritan Speech #1
Michael J. Phillips
“ Eureka ”
Wow. What a brilliant first 6 minutes. That's all I have listened to so far an I am leaping around Eureka. I had to stop the message and make comment. Thank you for this great message so far. I am so looking forward to hearing them all. Not monasticism of the tongue, it is speaking words of life. This is a great principle to expand beyond just the tongue. In fact I am going to have to read some of Richard Baxter's stuff. The simplicity and blatant obviousness of truth can escape us so easily sometimes. May the Lord Bless you.

Survey10/28/08 6:58 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Ask me a year ago and I would have said no. But I am now believing yes.
This change has come about in my understanding of the term sanctified and holy.

I am sanctified and holy unto God not because I am sinless but rather because I have been set aside for His purposes.

In Israel the temple was holy, the items used in the temple were holy.
These items were strictly for use only in relation to the service of God.

So to are Christians (not "christians" if you know what I mean.

We are a peculiar people set aside for the purposes of God.

No, I will not be sinless in my lifetime, but I have been set apart for the work of the Lord.

Survey10/28/08 6:44 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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By Faith Alone, by Grace alone.
But if you do not have works as a result of your faith then your faith is questionable.
Like a fruit tree faith is like the budding of the flower. But if that flower produces nothing then was it really a fruit bearing tree? It was only pretty outwardly (like the whitewashed tombs ie: the "pharisees")not pragmatic like caring for the widows and orphans for example.

Jesus said that every tree that does not bear good fruit will be chopped down and thrown in the fire.

Works do not save you but without them there is no evidence of faith and thus you cannot be convicted in the Court of Heaven as having faith cause you never showed any faith.

It is a dichotomy to those who do not rightly divide between Paul's words and the words of James.

Survey10/28/08 6:31 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I completely agree with GC Grimes saying that the division of the scriptures into verses is a terrible idea.

Certainly though with some bible software the divisions have or can be removed at will so this is already possible.

I cannot disagree more though on your comment saying there is more potential for good than harm.

I work with many Musilms, and the no 1 attack on scripture is this very fact, that there are so many English translations, and I concur.

I explain to them the reasons behind this and it opens doors into speaking about the corruption in their religion too and the hand behind Islam and "Christianity".

You say you want 1 more English translation.
We have over 300 do you think people will even notice 1 more on the market that it would become the standard?
And that's the whole point, to drown out the gains of the reformation.

When I was younger I had the very nuts and bolts of my being mocked by "Christians" because I read the AV (KJV). Interestingly enough they all read different Modern Translation and NEVER made fun of their choices.
There was a spirit operating there, and there is a spirit operating through these new translations, towards a final ecumenism and syncratism.

Survey10/28/08 5:45 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I tend to disagree with that notion Rhemaworth.

Scripture says "He sends the rain on both the just and the unjust"

So if blessing can fall on those unjust (for the sake of the just) so too judgment can fall on the unjust for the sake of the just too even though it may impact them.

I mean who are the souls under the altar having being beheaded in Revelation. I would not call that a blessing.

The issue is Christians should not be so concerned about the Physical outcome in the big scheme of things.

Scripture says to pray that we be found worthy to escape. We may not be worthy to do so. (I am not talking about the false notion of the rapture.)

Our pain could be the salvation of one more soul for Gods Glory.

All in all God is righteous regardless of what He does, because He is God. What right does the vessel have to tell the potter that He has done wrong.

Survey10/28/08 5:31 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I seriously find it hard to swallow the notion that people in "democratic" countries actually believe they are participating in a non preplanned outcome.

The same sinister elements running Bush are the same sinister elements running both Mac and Obama. Just do some research on who are their advisers and backers.

Just look at "democracy" in Canada, Australia, England and the US.

They are only two horse races of which both horses are trained and bred with those who hate God and the scriptures.
But then us "christian" nations have thumbed our noses at God and we are beginning to reap the whirlwind of judgment.
We have spat in the face of the advances of the protestant reformation, and we are well on our way back to Rome, and all our political options are controlled from there.
For example the whole Australian Republic idea is up again only 9 years from being voted down to destroy our constitution. Are not Americans find the same forces operating towards the same goal. What about England and Sharia Law.

I think casting ourselves before a merciful God seeking national repentance and a spiritual awakening instead of a trusting man is the only hope we have in turning our nations back to honourable, decent, law abiding, respectful societies blessed by God.

Survey10/27/08 9:35 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I was just answering this survey when I noticed Christiana's comment.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
I was surprised that of all the multiple choice answers there was not anything about the glory of God.

We do not exist to help, educate, encourage and whatever the church finds it putting it's hand to without all being done to the Glory of God.

If your take away the glory of God then we are acting out of supporting basic Human Rights as outlined by Thomas Aquinas, which is exactly where our entire social system is heading.
In this sense we are becoming more Roman Catholic socially than we realise. Selah

Thus we can see the social justice influence even in the framing of this survey.

Survey10/27/08 9:21 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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CMT you are on the money with your comment in not wanting even books for free.

A good message on Sermon Audio might be of interest to you by Dr Scott Johnson regarding Ghost writers.
People like Billy Graham have had it done and some of the Christian books written today are Ghost written by Atheists and Homosexuals with the name of a "famous" Christian pinned to the front.

With all our reading we know less than we did 100 years ago.
And like what they do with the scriptures, drown out the truth with a plethora of other dubious at best and wicked at worst translations, they are also coving their bases with works by Christians, to ensure good godly works are also not read.

I think this is the hand of God acting to wake up those who are conscious to perceive that the only way to know God is to read His Word, pray and seek His face and ask Him for understanding and not the wisdom of man.

As useful as some books may be, I think we have mode them more important than the very Word of God.

Survey10/26/08 8:30 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Why shouldn't a Christian run for office. Godly men are needed to rule from the mountains of the world.

The problem lyes in the fact that that Christian better be called to operate in that function because they are going to have to walk through the mine field of secret societies, God haters, conspirators, and be well aware who is trying to pull their strings through advisors.

In fact they would have to be willing to have faith in Christ to help them dodge the bullet (real not metaphorical) intended to shut them up, and have a clean past or they will be shot down in some scandal leaked to the press.

I truly believe a Christian is most needed to run for political office, but unfortunately I have to also add that if they succeeded I would be very skeptical as to what sort of Christian they were. (Though God can do as he pleases and perform miracles eg: in Daniel the three Jewish children came out of the fire not even smelling of smoke)

I would also say NO if they were operating at the behest of a religious organization.

Survey10/26/08 8:20 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I used to be of the belief that Daniel 9 missed almost 2000 years where God was silent.
Till I started questioning the church and believe the scriptures for what they were and now I believe God has spoken without a gap throughout the last 2000 years.

I then started studying Hebrew back in 1998 with a Genius of a Gentleman, an atheist at that too.
It is clear from examining the passage in Aramaic and Hebrew that Daniel 9 is without doubt refering to Christ.

The break in the passage referring to the prince that shall come is a literary style which breaks from the subject matter as an interjection.

The same sort of thing occurs in Matthew 24 referring to the destruction of the temple.

In regards to the subject of the two witnesses, it might be worthwhile to listen to M J Mencarow's messages on Revelation to start with as an introduction. he is well balanced and not dogmatic.

It would be wise to carefully not swallow the deceptions of a future anti christ when the one we have right now will be the one for the future.
Check out the teachings of 2 Jesuits Ribera and Lacunza alias Rabbi Ben Ezra who were commissioned by the magisterium to pen alternative views to the protestants and take the heat off the Pope. Most Christians today believe their teachings.

Survey10/25/08 12:53 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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So many books such short a life.
Too short to waste my time reading blatant 21st Century tripe like this.

Survey10/25/08 12:37 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Considering judgment starts in the house of the Lord, it would be apt for God through His Holy Spirit to separate the sheep from the goats.

Though the rain can fall on the just and the unjust equally I think God is inclined to warn those who listen that it's time to "come out of her my people".
I hate to say it but I think on the whole the Protestant Churches have shown their true colours and are siding with the whore of Rev 17 because "blood is thicker than water" and they are some of her many daughters.
There are exceptions but unfortunately these are few.

Survey10/25/08 12:30 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I think it is more concerning that in the first chapter of Matthew we are told His name will be Jesus because he will save His people from their sins.

The problem arises that the name Jesus does not mean that. That is because all translations have brought across the Latinised version of our Saviour (notice that Saviour is spelled with a U because as any good dictionary will show Saviour means Christ and savior means any sort of savior. Why does modern translations use Savior?)

In reality His name should be Joshua which then adds up with the meaning and also has the name of His Father in it.

Survey10/23/08 8:51 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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That's correct. Westcott and Hort did not have any involvement in producing the NWT. Though the texts they rely upon are.

Rather a German ex Roman Catholic Priest named Joannes Greber who was involved with occult practices like speaking with spirits ended up producing a translation with the help of the spirit guide which later was used as the basis for the NWT.
This was denied by JW's till it came out in court and they could not avoid the evidence.

Mr Greber was told by his spirit guide that the Bible was corrupt and that he would help him fill in the gaps.

And Yet, it is terribly coincidental that any honest and frank analysis of both the NWT and the NIV will show there is hardly a ounce of difference between them both except John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word .... and the word was a god." NWT Which is impossible in all the exsisting Greek texts.

Survey10/23/08 6:15 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Miguel the name of the book is

The Jesuit Conspiracy
The Secret Plan of the Order

Published in 1848 and it has been scanned in by

Just type in "Abatte Leone and Jesuit" in google and this pulls it up.

Mr Leone was a Jesuit in training and overheard a high level meeting.

What comes out in his quotes has eerily come to fruition in light of history, renown individuals and the way society has changed and so on.

Survey10/22/08 2:55 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Jake ON I understand what your saying. The 1881 Revised Version was to update a few old words nothing more (since the Authorised Version is based on the most reliable manuscripts). Or so said Westcott and Hort.

What is concerning is when you examine the who's who in the occult there is a golden thread that keeps coming back to these two guys.
Madam Blavatsky, Alister Crowley, Anton La Vey, even Timothy Leary, C S Lewis etc. The Chronicles of Narnia make some very Satanic claims. That is why I hold no respect for any "man of God".

I read a book at the beginning of the year by Abatte Leone written in the 1840's the name escapes me (I had 4 hours sleep yesterday and had to get up 2:30 this morning for work. Memories on the blink)

What is freaky is that everything he says he overheard between some high ranking Jesuits is now in hindsight History which has come to pass. This validates this book and the fact that there is multi faceted plan of attack against truth and the word of God.

Survey10/19/08 11:32 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Well considering "Judge not lest you be Judged" and considering one cannot judge the heart I judge the last outward appearances to obtain my verdict.

No Pope firstly can be saved, else they would reject their office and repent - wish that would happen just once, that would be so glorifying to God.

Secondly being buried in a Trapezoid shaped coffin with the same markings as on the ones explained and drawn by Anton La Vey founder of the Church of Satan who was also founder of the Order of the Trapezoid, he explains that the Trapezoid is a powerful occult shape which draws in and holds dark energy to purpose the resurrection of the dead one.

Also the use of the M and the cross is exactly same as Anton La Vey's drawing which has and upside down cross and a W.

What though is interesting is that they are not claiming to be opposed to each other. The Popes coffin merely was facing the cameras in a different direction but when you turn the coffin in the correct way to match that of La Vey's presto, we have both an upside down cross and the letter W.

W in reference to the Hebrew letter vav which is 6.

No way the Pope in heaven bound, he is bound somewhere else.

Survey10/19/08 11:19 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Your name Alone is very apt.

it reminds me of a sign that was in a church I was very involved with when I was an enthusiastic, energetic christian. When my heart burned with a zeal and had not been cooled by the "cares of this world" even the "cares of the church".

The sign read "All One In Christ."

The hypocrisy and godlessness I saw in this church and many other I was associated with had me reading the sign as Al one in Christ, as I felt terribly alone.

Today it is clear my continuance Alone in Christ is purely because the church today has dropped the El from their line up. If yu know what I me El meaning God and L removing the double L.

Keep reminding yourself that all who have walked after God have done it in a very lonesome way, and yet equally comforted.

Survey10/19/08 2:54 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Dr Fred you are right. It cannot fail to pray and be in Gods will.
Maybe God wants you out of the "church" so He can work on some pet theories that the a heretical, and false church may have instilled.
Certainly running back into another heretical false church will not solve the problem of alleviating confusion.

I personally find all the church I have attended over the last 14 years unable to feed my hunger for God, rather sprouting vain philosophies and psychologies of man and pouring Gods word through those filters.

Hey forget the church, I have trouble getting my family to desire the reading of the word of God over ENTERTAINMENT.
They go to church but that's all they do.I cannot get them to care about the things of God beyond 2 hours on a Sunday.

The Church is sick, and the problems I face in my home life are merely a microcosm of the big picture most Christians will not face. The TV needs to go, stringent controls over the comptuter also is required.

I pray every day and with my children that we as a family will have instilled within us a hunger for the things of God. That we will have a spirit of repentance for worshiping other gods, as us 20th Century Nicolatians are so apt at doing.

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