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Sermon5/23/10 9:17 AM
Jeremy | USA  Find all comments by Jeremy
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The Bondage of the Sinner's Will #21
L. R. Shelton, Sr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
No free will involved in salvation. Man's will is enslaved to sin and must be overcome by the grace of God. AMEN brother Shelton.

Sermon5/2/10 4:57 PM
Jeremy | USA  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Images of Christ and the Gospel
Richard Bennett
“ 'Let's get back to the commandments.' Good sermon! ”
Whenever spiritual awakening comes from God as in a true revival or reformation, this issue seems to reappear and those who have come to know the true grace of God in Christ fight for this truth with all their might. It can be seen in the pages of history and it is seen in Mr. Bennett's continual and faithful fighting against idolatry. Mr. Bennett fights for this truth because he has experienced the grace of God by justifying faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone. No man who knows God as a living reality, who walks daily in communion with Him through Christ needs any picture to assist his devotion. In fact, once we do come out of darkness and into light, these images become repulsive to us. We begin to hate the things God hates and love the things He loves. And we stop looking for excuses to justify our sin. The truest test that we love God and know the grace of God is that we keep His commandments "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." I Jn. 5:3

Sermon4/12/10 6:00 PM
Jeremy | DFW  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Intend to be Intense
Joey Faust
“ Very motivating, Praise God! ”

Sermon1/17/10 11:14 AM
Jeremy | USA  Find all comments by Jeremy
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The Sin of Idolatry, VOT #196
L. R. Shelton, Sr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Painting a "Picture of Jesus" is not a tribute to the Savior. It's idolatry. Like Pastor Shelton said in the sermon it proceeds from the natural mind of fallen man and therefore is to be detested and seen for the abomination it really is.

News Item1/3/10 1:03 AM
Jeremy | Michigan  Find all comments by Jeremy
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More proof that Harold Camping has gone off the deep end. Another date for me to mark in my calendar that the Lord is not coming back on.

News Item1/26/09 11:42 AM
Jeremy | Dallas, TX  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Forget, for the moment, the fact that this was on an airplane and that she was charged with terrorism.

A. Here's a mother of 2 children drinking a strong alcoholic beverage while flying and supposedly taking care of those 2 children.

B. Same drinking woman not only spanks children but explodes at the flight attendant and proceeds to show signs of physical aggression to the attendant.

How is the attendant supposed to tell that the spankings and the follow-up rage aren't connected to drinking? How is she supposed to know that the alcohol isn't making the woman violent? For the safety of everyone, the attendant has to err on the side of caution.

That said, the fact that the children were taken away means that either the woman's drinking is more of a problem than is being conveyed in the article or the "system" is indeed being overzealous in its prosecution of this passenger.

To me, the terrorism charge is ridiculous, though. That should have been dropped as soon as it was obvious there was no such intent.

Sermon12/25/08 2:30 PM
Jeremy | United Stated  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Originally, God commanded the Jews to observe certain holy days. After the fulfillment of all things in Christ, the great Apostle Paul gently rebuked the Galatian church for continuing the observance of them. Now will we add pagan 'holy days' into the worship of Christ when even the Divinely appointed days designed to point to Him are no longer of use? (I do not mean the Sabbath)

News Item8/20/08 9:33 AM
Jeremy | Dallas  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Am I the only one who is sick of hearing the adjective "authentic" when describing matters of faith and religion?

News Item7/11/08 12:02 PM
Jeremy | Dallas  Find all comments by Jeremy
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In response to "still reforming"...I want to say that I agree that sin is sin is sin. But one of the things about homosexuality is that it is a sin against nature. Still a sin, yes, and God is no less able to deliver one from such perversion. But because it is a sin against what is natural (as opposed to sins like adultery or lying which aren't overtly against what is natural) there is usually an underlying rebellion indicating something very fundamental and critical has become "twisted" so that EVERYTHING else becomes twisted. Even to the point of skewing all truth beyond redemption (if that is possible). So I think it is the underlying rebellion that makes homosexuality stand out more.

News Item7/11/08 11:37 AM
Jeremy | Dallas  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Apparently, Fowler has published a book entitled "Reconciliation with the G.O.A.T....God of all Truth" (assuming this is the same Bradley LaShawn Fowler) which can be seen, in part, on Google's book site. It is supposed to be a way of studying the bible. The writing is poor and in some cases just wrong. Yet the biography of the author indicates he is studying Law at Penn State (!). Fowler, it seems, is a sadly deluded soul who has an axe to grind. Even the court recognizes how ridiculous the suit is. If anyone needs prayer, Fowler does.

News Item5/27/08 1:38 PM
Jeremy | Dallas  Find all comments by Jeremy
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The Article wrote:
The “positio” is a 2,000-page folder containing all the documents testifying to John Paul’s holiness.
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
Hebrews 12:14

Does this mean that only those beatified by the RCC have the honor of being saved?

News Item5/27/08 1:30 PM
Jeremy | Dallas  Find all comments by Jeremy
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William wrote:
Entrapment like this by the police or TV producers does not do anything to solve the problem of sexual sin.
If I can make an observation, the law was never meant to solve any problems of sin. It was only and is only meant to respond to violations. Whether or not one was entrapped doesn't change the illegality and wrongness of the act. And in a moral context, the exposure of this man's life was necessary. If he repents, no one will get the glory but God.

News Item4/19/08 2:12 AM
Jeremy | Dallas  Find all comments by Jeremy
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One has to take what WND publishes with a grain of salt. They are usually more tabloid than hard news. In this case, if one reads the actual bill, you find that nothing in it prohibits a spank on the behind with an open hand. At least as far as I can tell...

Sermon4/15/08 9:58 AM
Jeremy | Dallas, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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“ Question.... ”
Whether or not it is possible to fall away after tasting the good gift of God (I believe it is possible), is it really those that consciously, with a self-will and intentionally totally turn away from Christ? If a tree bears bad fruit but "wants" to bear good fruit, is that really worth anything?

News Item3/19/08 2:38 PM
Jeremy | Dallas, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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[URL=]]]Psalm 37[/URL] seems appropriate.

News Item2/6/08 11:49 AM
Jeremy | Dallas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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ErnieG wrote:
And what pray tell are the owners wishes?
snipped for brevity
As soon as he asks you to leave, legally, you need to leave. That's free speech on both sides. Yours to present the gospel and his to reject it. From what I can tell, no one had their free speech violated.

As far as I can tell, there are two levels of protection here. There's legal protection - which, as associated with free speech, protects all legal activity and also protects the wishes of property owners on their own property (provided those wishes don't directly violate the law). But when you are dealing with sharing the gospel with someone, there is a Higher Court. If you are relying on the court of the land, there is no guarantee of justice. But if you rely on the Bar of God, there is a final guarantee of justice and there is no need for anxiousness over man's rejection of the Truth. Abiding by the law of the land is not only reason for a good conscience, but also a good testimony to the unbeliever. Constitutional protection should not be what Christians rely on - but it certainly should be taken advantage of.

(I had more to say but comment length is limited)

News Item2/4/08 11:43 AM
Jeremy | Dallas, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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ErnieG wrote:
How about being asked to leave the store when I went into a Western Wear Store to purchase some goods last week. In the course of my conversation with the store manager that I had given a church tract and invitation, I said, "When a person rejects Jesus Christ, they are sending themselves to hell and not God!"
He suddenly became very offended and said, "Sir, I have to ask you to leave my store!"
I complied, and went outside the store adn told him it is my duty as a Christian to share the gospel with others and give them the truth.
Isn't this a violation of Free Speech and if so, what should I do? I was thinking of returning everything I bought previously ($500+ of goods) and asking him to repeat that statement with a witness present. If he did that, would I have a case to pursue in court?
I sure would appreciate any replies as this seems ridiculous!!!
Whether it was the right thing to do or not, it certainly wasn't a violation of your free speech. While on the owner's property, if you want the protection of the law, you need to abide by any and all of his (legal) wishes.

Sermon1/25/08 5:15 PM
Jeremy | Georgia  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Warning to Professing Christians
Albert N. Martin
“ Warning: Professing Christians ”
JESUS IS LORD!!! Thank you for preaching Jesus Crucified and mans depravity in the mist of a Holy God.Hang in there Bro.

News Item11/30/07 11:09 AM
Jeremy | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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GG wrote:

"Where did JPII teach "Ex Cathedra", that I as a Catholic must believe that Allah and Yeweh are the same? How would that affect me, since I only worship Yaweh\Elohim, the God of Abraham?"

So the church is master of your faith? How can that square with this "least of all apostles":

Moreover I call God for a record upon my soul, that to spare you I came not as yet unto Corinth.
NOT FOR THAT WE HAVE DOMINION OVER YOUR FAITH, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.
II Corinthians 1:23,24

The church and/or the pope has dominion over the faith of all who submit to HER. It is not swayed by the words or wisdom of man whether or not he says "This is true and infallible" or not. Such a declaration can only be made by the Holy Spirit. The pope takes the place of the Holy Spirit by so doing.

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
I Corinthians 2:4,5

Shouldn't he have said "...but spoken ex cathedra so you would know what to believe. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in my infallible decree."?

How, then, can the RCC or the pope be considered to be

News Item11/30/07 9:55 AM
Jeremy | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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GG wrote:

"What about all of the Protestant Churches, all of which continue to teach that Christ words are untrue. Jesus said that the "Gates of Hell shall not prevail" against his Church, but Protestants falsely teach that the Catholic Church became corrupt until the time the Reformers appeared some 1500 years later. Jesus must've gotten an 'F' in Church history. "

Methinks you have the wrong "rock". The church was never designed by Christ to be an organization in the sense of an earthly setup. He said clearly that His Kingdom was not of this world. It is built after the heavenly pattern. Revelation shows that there is a woman that the devil wanted at. She was to be fed IN THE WILDERNESS for 1260 years. Not in plain view, but in the midst of toil, oppression and persecution. This is not a picture of the church of Rome, but of the true church of Christ. The church was only ever founded on one man - the man Jesus Christ who spoke not of riches and dominance, but of persecution and tribulation.

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