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Rev. Larry Saunders | Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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(416) 297-6569
Toronto Free Presbyterian Church
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Richard Bennett
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Images of Christ and the Gospel
Series:  Former Roman Catholic Priest  · 3 of 4
5/28/2007 (MON)
  |  Bible: Exodus 32; 1 Kings 12
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Richard Bennett is originally from the Republic of Ireland. He spent twenty-one years as a Roman Catholic priest in Trinidad, West Indies, twenty years of which he served as parish priest. He had the best of academic training in things Catholic, plus twenty-one years applying Catholic teachings to everyday life. After a serious accident in 1972, in which he nearly lost his life, he began to study seriously the Bible. After fourteen years of contrasting Catholicism to Biblical truth, he was convicted by the Gospel message. He was then saved by God's grace alone and formally left the Roman Catholic Church and its priesthood. He has founded an evangelistic ministry to Catholics called “Berean Beacon”, his website is
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Richard Bennett
Images of Christ

Former Roman Catholic Priest
Special Meeting
Toronto Free Presbyterian
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Richard Bennett
Images of Christ

Former Roman Catholic Priest
Toronto Free Presbyterian
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mike sibinilContact via email (9/18/2014)
from Penampang, North Boneo
“ Great Sermon! ”
YAHWEH forbids the making of any form of idolatrous images of the heavenly beings, be it of Christ or YAHWEH Himself; what is forbidden, let no man say thus: "BUT WE DO NOT WORSHIP THE IMAGE, IT MERELY REMIND US OF OUR GOD..." Now, did NOT we hear of that SAME excuse from the Israelites who made the golden calve to represent (to remind them) of their deity named YAHWEH (ho is also our Elohim)?? Now, why did NOT the true Elohim YAHWEH encourage them to make for themselves hundreds if not, thousands of other idols to represent the images of the unseen Elohim and to remind them of Him whom they weren't able to see?? YAHWEH could have easily said to them thus: "WHEN YOU GAZE AT THE WORKS OF YOUR HANDS, IT WILL REMIND YOU OF ME.... AND I SHALL BE PLEASED WITH YOU AND SHALL POUR OUT MY BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU FROM HEAVEN ABOVE AND THAT THERE WILL NOT BE ANY CALAMITY AND CATASTROPHES INFLICTED UPON ALL YOUR LIVES ON EARTH FOR I SHALL NOT ALLOW A HAIR FROM YOUR HEAD TO FALL..." Now, are human beings getting such blessings from YAHWEH?? If NOT, then WHY not??? Listen!! If you would kneel down and worship (utter prayers to) the stone-cold image of a human being short of calling the same as the image of the unseen Creator Elohim; perhaps, YAHWEH would not be so much wrathful t

kelley (2/25/2011)
from va
“ this is the truth ”
i want revival and reformation in my life. i want to be an image breaker. after i heard this message i removed my child's picture bible books. i want God's power, the power of his written word alone to work in my child's life. i use to be a sunday school teacher. i thought i was helping the children know Christ better with images and puppets and the like. i am sorry for the damage i may have done to these 4 and 5 year old children. i am very guilty. Lord forgive me. i believe it teaches children (and adults) to be irreverent towards God. they lose the fear of God when he is depicted in images. i even recently gave my 8 year old neice the Picture Bible for her birthday. i thought it would encourage her interest in the Word. i am so foolish. the cry of the reformation, "Sola Scriptura", so why was i always trying to prop up God's Word with images. the scriptures alone are sufficient. and if a soul will not hear them then there is nothing else that will help. no images, no movie, no drama, no picture Bible. God's Word is sufficient.we must accept this. now i understand the gavity of John's command "little children, keep yourselves from idols". i love you all, my dear brethren in Christ. God bless you all.

Jeremy (5/2/2010)
from USA
“ 'Let's get back to the commandments.' Good sermon! ”
Whenever spiritual awakening comes from God as in a true revival or reformation, this issue seems to reappear and those who have come to know the true grace of God in Christ fight for this truth with all their might. It can be seen in the pages of history and it is seen in Mr. Bennett's continual and faithful fighting against idolatry. Mr. Bennett fights for this truth because he has experienced the grace of God by justifying faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone. No man who knows God as a living reality, who walks daily in communion with Him through Christ needs any picture to assist his devotion. In fact, once we do come out of darkness and into light, these images become repulsive to us. We begin to hate the things God hates and love the things He loves. And we stop looking for excuses to justify our sin. The truest test that we love God and know the grace of God is that we keep His commandments "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." I Jn. 5:3

James glory Robins (4/18/2010)
from Yorkshire, England
“ Great Sermon! ”
this is a must see video! The Lord is clear, in the pages of Scripture that He hates Idols and being a Jealous God, will tolerate no idolatry. Idolatry has embedded itself in the depest fabric of society today. Even the once Biblically sound reform church members have moved away from the absoluteness of Gods express commands against Idolatry and images of Jesus, the Holy Ghost and the like are found as symbols and letterheads for some of the most well known, once Biblically safe ministries ans missions. In this video, Richard Bennett, powerfully teaches against this horrendous trend and calls us to repent and consider the areas of our lives where we have perhaps slipped into apostacy and idolatry, using the pages of Scripture and Biblical examples, from both the old and new testament. After watching this teaching, I am certain the Spirit of our most Holy God, above Whom there is no other, nor any besides, will readjust your attitude, back in line with the true Bilical doctrine. May the Lord Jesus quicken the truths contained therein, unto you today. jamesglory..England, April2010

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  Richard Bennett
Richard Bennett spent twenty-one years as a RC priest in Trinidad, WI. After a serious accident in 1972, he began to study seriously the Bible. After fourteen years of contrasting Catholicism to Biblical truth, he was convicted by the Gospel message. In 1986, he saw that...

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