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News Item10/22/2020 4:47 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"I Should Have Worn a Mask
"It’s not a partisan or cultural symbol, not a sign of weakness or virtue."---Chris Christie
a worthwhile editorial by Chris Christie, it'll be iffy if you can read it, because a lot of times they won't let you read something unless you're a subscriber.
How many times have I heard from people that thought COVID was a scam and when they got infected they had wished they listened?

Unfortunately, sometimes it's too late.

News Item10/21/2020 11:41 PM
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My word, if I had a quarter for every time I have heard an American shouting about the constitution, freedoms, and rights, I would be a millionaire right now. Enough with the apple pie and picket fence mentality. The conditioning has done its job. No matter what is said here or anywhere else for that matter, it will never change your minds. Have fun with the virus, perhaps it's coming for YOU!

News Item10/21/2020 8:12 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Just so I'm understanding you correctly,
You trust what China is sharing regarding their numbers they are reporting on testing and deaths as a result of the virus. Correct? I base this question off of your post a few hours earlier which you said...
"Look at Wuhan. They went overboard and welded people into their homes. This seemed horrible when we first watched it, but look at the numbers. They are under 100K and the States are well on their way to 9 million. One country slammed the doors shut and the other laughs in derision."
Unless you flew over there yourself and executed a thorough examination upon the scene for yourself, you are taking someones word at face value aka trusting it to be true.
I am erring on the side of caution. Do you understand now? I take the numbers in China and other countries as an indicator that something is going on. Therefore, because something is going on, I will take precautions to protect myself and my family until the world is a safer place. If that means we live in masks and social distancing from now on, so be it.

News Item10/21/2020 7:41 PM
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You can no more prove my info is wrong any more than you can prove your info is correct. I do not share your confidence in what you've read and embraced. That's the difference. I don't trust any government to tell me the truth, therefore I act according to my own conscience and according to the law of the land. The point of this article is, remember, churchgoers disobeying the government God put in place. Call it what you want. It's still disobedience, and if you disobey God's ordained government you might as well be disobeying God.

News Item10/21/2020 5:57 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Do you seriously think we are being told the truth by those that rule China?
Prove to me that they are lying. That's my point. Most of you here are relying on Facebook posts and other questionable information for your confidence. I am not relying on anything but common sense and I don't have enough confidence to act like it doesn't exist.

News Item10/21/2020 4:33 PM
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Mike wrote:
1. Thank you.
2. Agree with your example of keep the child isolated, “....yet with Covid... presents a problem in that the time tested rules are not being put in place, therefore are not out the window. Instead we isolate the healthy along with the ill. A guilty until proven innocent scenario. Not so with mono, chicken pox, measles.
1. Sarcasm again. Well done.

2. The reason being that people such as yourself are rebellious and refuse to follow orders. If the sick would isolate and take care of themselves, then we wouldn't have such a problem. Look at Wuhan. They went overboard and welded people into their homes. This seemed horrible when we first watched it, but look at the numbers. They are under 100K and the States are well on their way to 9 million. One country slammed the doors shut and the other laughs in derision.

Maybe we need respect for authority and do the right thing and stop finding loopholes, and perhaps the curve might flatten some. There's a reason why a population of 300 million has far more cases than a population of over 1 billion. Think about it, and stop being sarcastic. You win no one by such an attitude.

News Item10/21/2020 12:48 PM
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Mike wrote:
At our church meeting we are required to wear our Chinese made or homemade masks when walking in and standing to pray or sing, but not while sitting. I figure it’s because the virus is somewhat lighter than air, and doesn’t go below 4ft above the floor...
So you continue your sarcasm about a serious virus? Very mature and very Christ-like. Well done.

And Chris, can I ask you if you ever had a friend who had something such as pink-eye or the like? What were the actions your parents took to keep you safe? Did they say to socialize with him and play with him because isolating him wouldn't actually help? It's funny how with any other virus/bacterial infection such as mono, chickenpox, measles, etc., we have always understood to keep the child isolated until he was over his contagious stage, and yet with COVID, all of the sudden these times tested rules are out the window and we should all just get back to life as normal. I'm not experienced enough in these medical disciplines to make such a huge decision like this. I would rather err on the side of caution.

News Item10/21/2020 1:17 AM
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And any infected and contagious air will stay in that social distancing bubble and not spread around, right?

The rebellion and ignorance of the church are appalling.

News Item10/18/2020 10:30 AM
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Gargano wrote:
Most local Christians know that this cult is insane and dangerous:
"The murder of a woman last May by cult members of the Almighty God Church (AGC) at a McDonald’s restaurant in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, shocked China and the world. Two of the five criminals were sentenced to death in October, and the rest received prison terms.[i] Back in December of 2012, the cult staged over 40 antigovernment riots throughout China ,[ii] announcing judgment on the “Red Dragon,†by a returning Christ, as a Mayan prophecy of doomsday on December 21, drew near. The red dragon, mentioned in Revelation 12:3, was interpreted by the cult as referring to the communist government."
Back in December of 2012, the cult staged over 40 antigovernment riots throughout China ,[ii...The red dragon, mentioned in Revelation 12:3, was interpreted by the cult as referring to the communist government....

Sounds familiar.

News Item10/14/2020 7:44 PM
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
Both Planned Parenthood and PETA qualifies as a domestic terrorist organization.
Very true.

News Item10/14/2020 3:03 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
Watcher, please note where I said, "so says your leftist views " I do not hold to the opinion that a man is unable to speak against abortion. However, Jim's lefty friends do and Jim is in bed with them therefore he should live what he preaches and shut his mouth on abortion. See what I'm saying?
Indeed my friend. It just hit me wrong is all. I have met women who demanded that I keep quiet about abortion as I didn't know what I was talking about because I wasn't a woman.

On a side-note, I contacted PETA one time and told them I knew of an organization that was murdering baby animals en masse. They were incredulous. They asked me which organization was perpetuating the crimes and I told them it was Planned Parenthood. They ripped into me for my deception and I frankly told them because they considered man an animal, then why were they not protecting a class of animals that were going unnoticed in society? They refused to respond because I backed them into a corner they couldn't get out of. They know full well that abortion is wrong, but they have closed off their consciences so much that they can commit murder and sleep soundly at night.

News Item10/14/2020 10:38 AM
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HerbalMama wrote:
What disease, Jim? What disease is so life threatening that a woman has to kill her child? What percentage of abortions are performed for life saving reasons, Jim?
You have no uterus. You can't speak on this matter so says your leftist views.
Forgive me if this wasn't your intention, but please don't reduce pro/life issues to being a woman or not being a woman. I don't have a uterus, but I would gladly take in a baby into our home in order to save it, and we have inquired many times to do so.

It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, what matters is the fact that under no circumstances or situations is abortion a viable option. It's a life, made in God's image, and should be protected at all costs.

News Item10/13/2020 3:28 PM
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The difference between a program like Facebook and a knife is thus:

One can be programmed to control thoughts and actions, we all know this. The power of advertising is well known. I can threaten someone with a knife to do something, but if the knife just sits in the knife-block, it has no sway over the thoughts and minds of society.

Facebook and Twitter were used extensively throughout Trump's campaign. Why? Because they are powerful tools that can be used to control the masses. Facebook, run by antichristian people who support Islam, homosexuality, environmentalism and the like cannot be trusted to guide us on a daily basis in the ways of truth. Hence the reason to either limit your time on it or get off altogether.

News Item10/13/2020 2:57 PM
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Boy, this thread got out of line, and for once, I'm not at fault!

I do believe that Lurker needs to do some of his own research and come to an educated conclusion on this topic. FB has long been known for controlling its users. An easy way to figure this out is my wife went on Canadian Tire for one thing or the other and all of the sudden, FB had ad after ad on with coupon from Canadian Tire for her to see. Not only that but she has Facebook Purity installed because of all the ungodly ads. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that FB can be quite dangerous, it just takes a brain.

News Item10/13/2020 1:43 PM
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Christian wrote:
Anyone that defends Facebook has there head in the sand or denies the agenda they push. It’s a matter of study and research. Facebook is a simple tool created by the evil people to guide goats in the church from ever being sheep!
Actually, there has been evidence that FB has used algorithms and subliminal suggestions to force its users to do different things. Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to as much. I think it is a dangerous thing to spend many hours on FB or any other internet site. I come and go throughout the day and comment or reply, but I most assuredly do not spend hours here. There are many psychological and physiological effects from doing so. Everything in moderation.

News Item10/13/2020 1:37 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
So,let me be a humbly lovingly candid as possible

He who seeks to save his life shall lose it, but He who loses his life for My Sake (Jesus Himself saying ) shall find it.
Perhaps you remember Simon attempting to get Jesus to somehow avoid the Cross and not die.
Simply NOT Enough room to tell of the Immeasurable Worth of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of His Kingdom.... Why He is and it is worth dying for, let alone merely suffering some embarresment
Thank you for your grace in allowing me to have my opinion.

I will stand for Christ no matter what. I will proudly proclaim the Gospel in any manner He desires me to, no matter the consequences. If I lose all for the sake of the Gospel, so be it. It's a small price to pay for thanking Him for saving me.

But...I will not lose my family or my life because I railed out against Islam, homosexuality, or the gov't. Those are secondary issues and are not worth being persecuted over. Like I said, if I am put on the spot and asked to give an answer, will I tuck tail and run? No. I will give a truthful answer according to the Bible and what I have learned therein. But being politically and socially active won't save souls.

News Item10/13/2020 12:42 PM
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Let me be as humbly candid as possible.

1. We are Christians, pilgrims, slaves, and strangers on this earth. This earth is not our home. Our home is in heaven. Therefore, we are only here passing through. Just as an ambassador who visits a foreign country shouldn't be looking for work and setting down roots. It's not his home.

2. We are called to be lights in the darkness. We are called to be examples. How? By being voiceboxes yelling from the corners and rooftops of the world? No, by being examples of what it means to emulate Christ. We are told that we have no business telling the world what to do. Are we called to be political activists? No. If we are placed in a position where we must give testimony, then speak out, but don't think for a minute that this is your mission. You change the world through the Gospel, not through social reformation.

3. Jesus had a mission on earth. We are commanded to act like Jesus but no do what He did. There's a huge difference between the two. We are supposed to emulate His character, not His actions. Jesus was crucified because He was THE light in a dark world and exposed the sin and rebellion of the world through His words. The Gospel is an offensive thing. Most hate it.

I have no more room...

News Item10/13/2020 10:30 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
No one is disagreeing with you Watcher about the truth or the importance of the gospel. We are saying that Christians standing up and pointing out wickedness that needs to be stopped is just as Scriptural a duty and you have not shown that to be unBiblical. Any problems you and John UK have with social media can be said of the internet in general yet here you are. We appreciate your reminder that ultimately what solves issues is redemption and we put no faith in politics. That doesn’t mean we don’t use means given us by God to do good to all men by resisting evil Thanks for your thoughts
There's a time and place for everything, and this was not the place for her to spout off. Fine stand up and speak out against evil but do it in a peaceful and quiet manner. Getting others to sign petitions, criticizing the hand that feeds you...she was just plain asking for it. Golden apples spoken at the right time, are worth more than all the harsh words available to the human tongue. Another quaint ditty: Honey attacks more flies than vinegar. If you want to get your point across be nice. That's one bit of advice I'm still learning.

News Item10/13/2020 10:23 AM
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Question for you: what kind of masks were you wearing?

You see we wear N99 masks that are very tight and form-fitting to our faces, plus I went out and picked up activated charcoal filters and cut them up as well and that adds yet another layer of protection. We haven't been sick once since wearing them.

I have a cat (a little Bombay cutie), and when I change her litter, my wife puts on her N99 mask so she doesn't have to smell it. Without the mask, she gets the full-frontal assault on her nose, with the mask she doesn't smell a thing.

Can't say much more, but if you're wearing a cloth mask or one of those typical surgical masks that are all loose on the sides of your face, then it's no wonder why you're having trouble.

News Item10/13/2020 12:05 AM
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HerbalMama wrote:
I haven't worn one either, LB. Ended up sick, as expected this time of year, but NOT with covid. Thought this little guy was easy to catch. 🤷
I've dealt with your kind, Watcher. Not pleasant people. Where ever you live that people are "disobeying" in droves is full of freedom loving folks. You should be thankful. Y'all ain't all dead yet so maybe time to question things....
But here we go round the mulberry bush, round the mulberry bush, round the mulberry bush, here we go round the mulberry bush on a cold and fearful morning.
I won't react. I'll just smile and throw a holy kiss your way!
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