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News Item12/2/2020 9:23 PM
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ladybug wrote:
Here's what's really going on, no matter how hard the pro maskers try and claim people are being 'disobedient' -
This was in CANADA,this is NOT an endorsement of this religious gathering or their beliefs, rather, their RIGHT to meet because they ARE following the guidelines. Yet, Wal Mart lets people in to shop, but you can't gather to practice your religious beliefs, even though you follow ALL the guidelines?
Some like to insist we are 'rebels', 'disobedient' to God, blah blah blah. Here in the USA, there are NO LAWS mandating this stuff, there are guidelines, etc. but no one has passed any legislation making those guidelines the law of the land....yet.
No one is disobeying Romans 13, as James pointed out. NOT wearing a mask doesn't mean you are being disobedient to God, that is merely an opinion of a left wing liberal mindset.
Because people are passing through Walmart and other stores and in churches and stadiums they are sitting for extended periods of time in close quarters. It's NOT persecution. To call this such degrades the real persecution our dear brothers and sisters endure in generations past.

News Item12/2/2020 8:03 PM
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CV wrote:
This is how cults get started. Your 1st statement is true. Your 2nd is an imposition tainted by your agenda.
Your unquestioned reverence of the state borders on deification, which coincidentally matches your push for masks. We disagree on where the Bible sets the limits on Cesar, not that Cesar wont over reach anyway.
God is sovereign over governments, AND over me & my actions.
Firstly dear friend, my reverence goes to God, who instated the powers of government that tell us what to do. Regardless if it's seat belts, speed limits, taxes, or wearing masks, they tell me to do it, I do it. If they tell me that I'm not allowed to preach Jesus anymore, I slam my foot down and say NO! You cannot prove in scripture (without twisting its context) where God has set limits on governments and their right to exercise their power and authority over man unless those powers come into direct opposition to God's holy law. Where do you draw the line? If you don't like the law, then you have a right to say no? This is called circumstantial ethics. This is what children do when they don't want to eat their vegetables. Society has been raised on a no-discipline philosophy and now we're seeing the fruits.

News Item12/2/2020 1:10 PM
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My honest answer is this. I read Romans 13 the way it was written. If you believe in the sovereignty of God then you will understand that He controls the king in any country you can think of. He also controls the laws the king dictates. He also has ordained/allowed many rules and laws to be put in power that have rained down persecution and suffering on Christians/Jews and many other religious and/or political groups down through the years. I can think of many right off hand. The problem I have with those who think that Romans 13 is up for interpretation is it places the power of changing God's law into the hands of those who don't like the taste of the medicine, as it were. Romans 13 tells us to submit to authority, ordained by God. Period. Yes, they are ungodly and unfriendly to Christianity, they always have been and always will be. We have no right to question authority unless it goes in direct opposition to what God has commanded us to do in scripture. Masks, social distancing, vaccines, etc. do not get in the way of my preaching the Gospel and loving my neighbor as myself. Just because we don't like what is going on in society, doesn't mean we have the right to change scripture to fit our rebellion.

News Item12/1/2020 4:57 PM
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Amen brother John from Wales. Too many times, we compromise and allow music in that has no business in our ears or hearts. This church is another in a long list of rebellious churches that flaunt their so-called rights in the faces of the governments that GOD (yes God) put into place. You can rebel against anything you don't agree with, but if that rule or law was sanctioned by a governmental authority, you are rebelling against God. I know there will be those here that don't agree with me, and that's fine. You have your rebellion and you'll be held accountable for it on the DAY of all days.

News Item12/1/2020 12:34 PM
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Hi John,

Yes, Scotland is the land of the brave alright. It's a wonder how anyone of my family survived with all the hardships that buffeted them on all sides.

So you paint? That's wonderful. I also paint and woodwork which keeps me busy. I used to illustrate but with my joint pain, I find holding a pen uncomfortable after a half hour or so. If you have time, write me and we can talk further about our hobbies, Scotland and other interesting subjects.

News Item11/30/2020 7:30 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Ah, so you are actually Canadian, born and bred? I am an Englishman born and bred, from the Midlands. I moved to Wales about fourteen years ago, and this I expect will be my final resting place. I live about 900 yards from the local harbour. It is only a small one and it dries out at low tide. It is in south Wales, and I also love water of all types, rivers, canals, streams, brooks, lakes, reservoirs, and the sea. If I had to make a choice on where I could live, anywhere in the world, I might choose a small village on the Sea of Galilee.
Unfortunately yes, I was born in this country. I would give almost anything to move to my homeland and drink in the history and environment of my people. I do like a warmer ocean though, the Atlantic up in the north can be an awful beast to contend with.

If the world was a safer place, I would love to visit the mid-east and walk where my Lord walked, and stand where He was crucified in my place. I think that would be very sobering and put a lot into perspective.

News Item11/30/2020 5:17 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Bonny, and white as a sprat!
Where did you end up, Watcher? Oh, I think you said Canada, bro?
Yes, getting tanned is something me family is foreign to for sure. We're as white as ghosts. My family came over in the 1700s to settle in Canada. Immigration was big then and everyone thought Canada was the land of promise. I suppose it was better than Scotland was at that time. My dream is to live near the ocean, as I have always been drawn to it, and spent many happy hours soaking up the air and water, looking for shells and what-not.

What part of Wales are ye from, lad?

News Item11/30/2020 3:24 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Sure we do, Adriel. But you know what the Scots call Englishmen? Sassenachs! Aye, and not without reason. I'm glad to be out of there and living in Wales, where the people really ARE weird. But they are much nicer, because they are so much poorer.
Och aye!
Coming from a Scottish background, I completely understand! whole family comes from Inverness where the men wore kilts and the women were bonny for sure!

News Item11/25/2020 11:08 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
What exactly do you mean by “a roadblock,” Watcher? I know it can’t be scorn and/or ridicule, as you never engage in such behavior. So what is it?
Oh dear, you're right, I completely overstepped myself. The actual wording was:

There is only one to whom anyone calling themselves Christian owe the bent knee, and he hasn't returned yet. Until such time as he does, and establishes his world order, it is our duty to be as much obstacle to any devil-driven fallen man's "global order" as lawfully possible.

I know, I know...there's a huge difference between the word roadblock and obstacle. My most genuine apologies. Yeesh...

News Item11/25/2020 9:00 PM
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Mike wrote:
Interesting thinking, Watcher. Reminds me of school days when someone misbehaved in class, and the class lost privileges. The idea being peer pressure would force wanted behavior. Of course the Christian response would be hold the individual for the deed responsible, and not point the finger at the whole class, suggesting that they celebrate bad behavior.
Surprising response coming from a roadblock.

News Item11/25/2020 8:26 PM
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So do you think this man's attitude was acceptable? Do you applaud his courage to stand against the Marxist regime, as you call it? I hardly call his behavior Christ-like, but maybe you "roadblocks" do?

MS...Lawfully as possible? Who makes that decision? By who's law? Relativism in all its glory it seems.

News Item11/25/2020 7:29 PM
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An accountant for a hotel in downtown Nelson, B.C., had a heart attack and collapsed shortly after being spat upon by an angry customer refusing to wear a mask, according to the hotel manager.

The Nelson Police Department confirms it is investigating last Friday's incident, in which the customer allegedly yelled at a barista who offered him a face covering at the Empire Coffee shop in the Adventure Hotel.

According to hotel manager Rob Little, the suspect "was screaming profanities at the top of their lungs to the point that they [the staff of Empire Coffee] had to say, 'Just get out!' "

Little said that after receiving a call from the coffee shop manager, he sent his accountant — a woman in her 50s — to see what was going on.

"It was at that point that the person was trying to enter again," Little said.

"And she said, 'Listen! You're not going to talk to our people this way, and this is the law.' And he proceeded to spit on her."

To read the rest of this story, click the link.

And this is the sort of person you all celebrate for standing up against the rules?

News Item11/25/2020 5:15 PM
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Press right home to your conscience the question, “What do I have of the mind of Christ?” Does my heart answer, does my disposition correspond, to the holy, meek, humble, forgiving, benevolent, patient, self-denying mind of Christ? Do men who know the beauty and glory of the Original, as it is delineated on the page of the gospel, when they see me, say, “There is the image of Christ!” Or do they look skeptically on, and after standing in silence for some time, profess they can see little or no resemblance? Oh, be satisfied with nothing short of a copy of Christ’s heart into yours!

John Angell James

News Item11/25/2020 2:32 PM
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You refuse to engage because you think you're right and have no reason to think otherwise. This isn't humility, but pride in its highest form.

I am not in favor of fascism/nazism or anything of the sort but am in favor of thinking with my brain instead of being a parrot like you. As the bandwagon goest, so dost thou!

News Item11/25/2020 2:17 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
This is from the Corbett report, a quote from Klaus Schwab, "if no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a global order deficit". - from
That should raise some flags to those with discernment...
So, do away with all authority and law enforcement? Is that your idea of a safe and free world?

News Item11/25/2020 1:40 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
There's NO excuse to use excessive force on someone for petty behavior, choking them to the point of a state of unconsciousness...
It would help if you had a different soapbox LB; your's is getting old.

If you had a loved one and someone was trying to assault them, and a policeman happened upon the scene, would you want that policeman to stop the perp at all costs? Or would you want him to attempt to reason with him and perhaps delve into his childhood and emotional baggage that forced him to be the criminal he is?

If a criminal of any sort is causing a disturbance, and if that criminal will not comply with a police officer (who has been given authority to control a person at all costs to protect the public), and if that criminal continues to resist arrest, then the policeman has no choice but to amplify his force to achieve compliance. If the criminal submitted and left the venue without disturbance, then he would have been fine. Imagine if the man had a gun? It would have been a very different story. But you didn't see any of that, except conspiracies, global reset baloney, and railing your poison down on men again. What if the officer was a woman? How then would you have reacted?

News Item11/25/2020 1:04 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
This is what's coming, a police state -
Seeing as the teen was acting like anyone here in my area, when told to put on a mask, then I can understand the policeman's frustration and aggression. It's just a mask, people. Honestly, this whole rebellion thing is completely getting out of hand.

People here have accosted and attacked store employees, spit on them, sworn at them, and made a huge scene because they were politely asked to put on a mask.

You have to wonder at a person's motives when they see the policeman's aggression and glaze over the teen's. If the teen would comply respectfully, then the policeman probably wouldn't even be there in the first place.

***UPDATE*** The young man was reportedly rowdy and was kicked out but sneaked back into the venue.
The original reports were that he was not wearing a mask. This is true but it was reportedly NOT the reason for the eviction.
The assault was still egregious.

News Item11/24/2020 3:30 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
Jim L, it's sad to see your heart fixed on that which is passing away. Your hope is in this life, in the stock market, in politics, etc.ALL this is fleeting and will sonn be destroyed. Your hope in this passing world is like the wind.
Question: Have you ever actually asked Jim where he places his faith? Have you asked him who his Lord is? Maybe Jim, you could expand on this and lay down your convictions for LB and other critics to see? To be interested in stocks and finance doesn't mean you place your faith in them anymore than looking forward to payday means money is your god.

News Item11/24/2020 12:53 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Around where I live bro, the majority of people are very sensible. Our local supermarket has a 100% mask wearing result. But then, the Welsh always were more sensible than the English.
England always will have lockdowns, one after another, until they realise what is required to break this evil.
Thank you for understanding my comment. At least someone has enough sense to read with understanding. Yes, it would be nice if those in Canada and the States had enough sense to not fight against something that was for their own good. Society has such a sense of conspiracy and distrust, they cannot hear the truth even if it's right in front of their faces. Everyone lies so COVID must be a lie and everyone who believes it's real must be weak-minded, etc. Then when this is all over (if it ever ends), then what? What will be the defense of the naysayers?

News Item11/24/2020 12:01 PM
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Lurker wrote:
So God allowed China to unleash their chimera virus on the world because the world wasn't submissive to the rules of the governing powers intended to flatten the curve of a virus that didn't even exist yet?
I said that, didn't I? You certainly know how to read into someone's writing, don't you? You must get awfully tired from jumping to conclusions. Talk about bait...
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