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News Item10/3/2020 7:49 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
Watcher, yes, Hitler agrees. 100% submission to an unbiblical and unjust government is being naive. The midwives in Exodus were wrong for not killing babies? They disobeyed government set in place by God, yes?...That's fine but constantly shaming those that disagree as being unbiblical is quite silly. Once again,self responsibility.
Totally agree that we are all individually responsible. I have never denied that. I don't see myself shaming others who don't agree with me. Is pointing out error in love and trying to show a better way shaming? I guess it is in this day and age of hypersensitivity. God ordains everything yes? Of course, He does. He ordained the midwives to disobey and ordained Herod to kill all the babies two years and under to get at Jesus. Does God condone or approve of lying? Does God condone or approve of killing? Does God condone or approve of rebellion against authority? Show me a biblical government and I'll agree with you. Every gov't is rotten and antichristian. I'm sorry but you haven't convinced me to disobey.

News Item10/3/2020 4:23 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
*for *prez.
You're not holier than those that differ in opinion. Masks are NOT the gospel! Where are the good Samaritans willing to lend a hand to those in need? Ah, there they are sanitizing their hands and wearing a masks practicing social distancing. Come on! 🤦
May I ask who you are directing your rant at? If it's toward me, you have no basis to make such accusations. I am as active in proclaiming the Gospel as anyone else on here, but when I am commanded to submit to the gov't GOD put into place, then I do as such.

News Item10/3/2020 4:10 PM
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LB accuses me of getting mad at others when they don't agree with me, and accuses me of all sorts of unChrist-like behavior, yet who gets who's comment deleted from this forum?

Shame dear lady, shame. I guess humility isn't one of your strong points. As John said, repent! Your anger and bitterness toward men is evident and is not becoming for a Christian lady to demonstrate for the world to see.

News Item10/3/2020 12:02 PM
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item10/3/2020 11:02 AM
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Seat belts don't save lives?! My goodness LB, you certainly sound foolish just to make your point.

Do you pay income tax? Do you obey traffic laws? Do you pull over when the police come a' calling? These are man-made laws and these laws are there for your well-being. I could name more but you get the point. If Jim needs salvation, then you need it too. Your hostility and anger says nothing about Christ. Quite the opposite actually.

News Item10/2/2020 11:25 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
I thank God that William Tyndale and John Rogers did not think like that.
Well thank God Jesus did.

News Item10/2/2020 8:46 PM
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Fine. My problem is the arrogance of so many Christians and non-Christians who laugh at others (like myself) who wear a mask and take measures to stay safe. It tears at me to see the church defying the gov't (regardless of what anyone thinks) and its orders. It seems this virus has exposed a lot of pride, fear, and rebellion in many. It has also helped others be more prayerful and considerate of others.

I pray that this virus brings Trump to his knees and breaks his sinful heart. I pray that God uses this virus to bring about much salvation and humility in a very proud earth.

News Item10/2/2020 6:03 PM
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B. McCausland wrote:
The news declare ' Donald Trump confirmed he and his wife Melania have *tested positive* for coronavirus.'
Testing positive is not all together the same as being ill with the disease.
A positive result may indicate asymptomatic people with acquired herd immunity, which fact can be used as a political stunt.
The claim now is there might be a possibility for herd immunity but that's still a pipe dream. There's no difference between being asymptomatic or being a full-blown case. You are still infected. A friend of a friend just died from the virus. Another friend who works on the front lines has told us of the devasting effectiveness of this virus and how it utterly destroys the body, from the cells up. Unless someone can say without a shadow of a doubt that this is a hoax, then please have the humility to admit that you might be wrong. I might be wrong and it might be a hoax, but my goodness, what a gamble.

News Item10/2/2020 5:10 PM
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John UK wrote:
1517, have you been away for so long that you missed all the many dozens of posts claiming that the C19 was a hoax, a fairy-tale, an orchestrated means of taking over the world, a false pandemic which is no pandemic, a non-virus, and that nobody is actually dying from it?
That's my point John, Thank you. It's either real or it isn't. Can any of us without a shadow of a doubt say that it's a hoax? I can't one way or the other, so I err on the side of caution.

News Item10/2/2020 2:52 PM
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But I thought COVID was a hoax? How can we be asked to pray for someone's recovery from a fairy tale virus?

Hmmm...I don't understand.

News Item10/1/2020 2:13 PM
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I guess the Bride's getting a little plump and God's put her on a diet.

News Item9/20/2020 8:04 PM
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Ladybug, I think you need to start acting like a Christian woman and stop telling men what to think and do. Your anger and bitterness is pouring forth as rivers of vitriol, it makes one sick. Meekness, tenderness and quietness are in order dear lady.

News Item9/20/2020 6:33 PM
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Watchmanrem wrote:
I hope i am not included in this..
If other then it to them...
Hope you will stay and just say what you BELIEVE and leave to The Holy Spirit...
My problem is no one is willing to accept other opinions. I offer opinions based on my experience and research, and it goes over like a grave insult. Between the ranks here on SA, I feel like I have never belonged and once in a blue moon come back for some conversation and it always ends the same. LB was completely out of line with her assumptions and conclusions, putting words in my mouth and accusing me of accusing her of things I never even thought. There is a serious lack of love and patience on this forum and that stinks.

Absolutely right, Dave. Submission is too easy. Christians have rights don't you know? Instead of the Bible, stand on the ol' Constitution and see where that lands you all on Judgment Day. Idiots indeed!

News Item9/20/2020 10:39 AM
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Dave wrote:
Exactly, social justice warriors, the it's not fair snow flakes of the Christian world.
Hatched for years,
I have read the bible, and yes that which God had decreed is hatched years ago.
At what point do you stop raging against the will of God?
Well said, my Australian brother. Thank you.

News Item9/19/2020 10:48 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
Jim, you mean like choke slamming a woman to the ground for having a medical condition that prevents her from wearing one? Or arresting a pregnant woman in her pajamas in front of her young children for planning a peaceful protest via her facebook?
Watcher, I can't apologize for others but I do hope you didn't take my comment as condescending. My experience has been quite different from yours and I definitely disagree with your mask beliefs but, like, you said, that's my constitutional right. Likewise, I grant you the grace to express and follow your constitutional rights.
Thank you for your grace, HM. My belief is that I am not under the constitution as a Christian, and I don't think we as the church should be using it to state our case. We are pilgrims in this world and have a home that is not of this earth. There's too much in the way of the church demanding its rights. This reminds me of the church of Laodecia in Revelations. "The church of my rights".

News Item9/19/2020 5:56 PM
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Well, I guess the lot of you are far more intelligent than I am, so I will be cautious and wear the mask, use hand sanitizer, wash down my groceries, etc., and seeing as everyone here is so smart, go ahead and live as normal.

I really think everyone here needs a huge lesson in humility and love. Everytime I come on this forum to express an opinion, I get roasted. It's time I shook off the dust and moved on. Thank Ladybug for making me feel so much at home. Your gentleness and meekness will draw many to the cross.

News Item9/19/2020 3:10 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
As I stated, arguments stem from attacking a person, watcher just proved this to be accurate and true. According to him, I kill people because I don't wear a mask and I am not a Christian how fast this escalated downhill?
Wow...I'm shocked and disheartened over how you have drawn this offline and blown it all out of proportion. I do think LB you need to calm down and start asking like a Christian lady rather than a snappy angry woman of the world. The truth hurts, and you need it right now.

News Item9/19/2020 12:45 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
"Nonetheless, exercise your constitutional rights and freedoms and get sick. Infect those around you and watch them die. That is after all, your right."- how condescending of you. Rather than admit your hypocritical error concerning who suggested no masks for ebola or insulation blowing, you use subtlety to get your view, which apparently is the only correct one, across. Hypocrisy knows no limit. Btw, I am not familiar with your beliefs so please refrain from calling me your sister
I have defended you in the past on more than one occasion, but I can see now, that my defense was in vain. I am a Christian, saved by the grace of God. Apparently you're not? Sorry for making the assumption. I will be quiet now as it seems once someone's ego has been attacked, no amount of love or patience will help.

News Item9/19/2020 12:19 PM
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Please don't get upset dear sister. I never accused you or anyone else of anything. I used the illustrations as comparisons.

My mask is rated at N99 and it quite tight and well-fitting. Nonetheless, exercise your constitutional rights and freedoms and get sick. Infect those around you and watch them die. That is after all, your right.

Have a blessed weekend.

News Item9/19/2020 11:13 AM
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HerbalMama wrote:
Watcher, interesting. My experience has been quite different. Those that don't wear one are avoided or shamed.
I'm constantly looked upon as a walking virus in my area. It's sad but funny to watch people use purses, gloves, books, and everything else to "protect" themselves.

This mentality that a healthy person doesn't need to wear a mask is ludicrous. It's like saying you can walk through a village in Africa that has been ravaged by Ebola without a mask because you're healthy. You can blow insulation into your attic without wearing a mask because you're healthy. Nurses don't need a mask to treat a flu patient as long as they're healthy.

Doesn't wash and is only an indication of social conditioning.

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