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News Item5/30/2020 2:24 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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i guess you could say the glass is less than half-full!
interesting results, it makes you wonder how many people sitting in pews each Sunday are really there because they want to be, and then maybe they can't get into the online church experience.
i heard a news story on Christian radio that 15 % of Catholics never attend their own church, and 30% of JEws never go to a synagogue.
on the other hand...Barna is the guy who wrote a book, Revolution, about how the old fashioned church model is going out of style. many small churches are closing, and it is not because there is some big mega church in their area.
i've seen a dallas church replace a local baptist church with their programming online. the bldg is there, i guess they hold sunday school classes, fellowship time, etc, but no pastor is there to preach. not sure how that works.
a church on TBN talks about their local campuses, as if they were a college.

News Item5/30/2020 9:41 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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i wonder why catholic churches are allowed to be open when others are not. you might think the reverse is true, since at a catholic church taking communion is a central part of their service, while this does not happen in other churches at every service; sometimes, it is nothing more than singing, listening to a sermon, reciting some creeds/verses/responsive readings, and then saying hello after the service

News Item5/29/2020 2:58 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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is this the same city where a somali-immigrant killed a white woman a couple yrs ago?
do you remember the case getting any media coverage at all?
do you remember white folk going out and burning down stores and police stations in their own neighborhoods?
hmmm...neither can i.
what is the difference?
do you notice a pattern here?

News Item5/27/2020 2:43 PM
Humble ONe | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble ONe
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it would be better to call it by the name of Wuhan Lab Flu, since it is a flu and comes from a lab in Wuhan China. Even the very liberal Washington Post reported this.
Also, few know that Dr. Fauci had something to do with this lab being funded, back when he was working under Obama.
And, NYTimes published a whole front page with names of dead from the virus; the Cedar Rapids Iowa newspaper checked the name of the guy from there on the list, and found that he had died of gunshot, not this virus.
unofficial reports are that hospitals are lying on death reports to collect more $$ if they say it was from this virus.
even, if you went to the hospital for a broken leg, and on the way home got hit by a drunk driver, they might well classify your death as from the virus.
the suicide rate has gone up due to the shut-down; can they be blamed on this virus?

News Item5/22/2020 2:57 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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the divorce rate has gone up due to the stay at home orders. so don't expect a lot of children to be born out of this, and parents may realize having kids is not such a fun thing after all.
and with many losing jobs, they don't feel they will be able to pay for them.
it all adds up to a lower birth rate.

News Item5/9/2020 4:42 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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A friend was telling me that he was listening to the Moody Radio program, "Land and the Book" that talks a lot about Israel, and the current govt situation there is so messed up that it sounded just like any other secular country in Europe. Yet, the rest of the program seemed to set Israel the country on some pedestal, as if that verse about 'If my people who are called by my name' could apply to it today.
Problem is that many Jews to not believe in God. Many there are true patriots for their own country, moreso than many Americans are for their country.
(I was thinking....for Americans living abroad, wouldn't it be funny for them to attend a church service and have the preacher use that verse to refer to the country they are living in, whether it be Ecuador, Colombia, or Canada.)

News Item5/7/2020 3:20 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I've heard many counties in the US have very few cases of this Wuhan Lab Flu virus. No reason for them to shut down everything.
Also, since when did we turn over management of all areas of our life to one govt agency?
And, have you noticed there is never any subtraction in the counting of cases? Check your state's health dept that keeps these records and you will see new cases added, bu but never subtact the dead, nor the ones 3 weeks ago.

News Item5/7/2020 3:14 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I thought TBN already had a channel there; at least, that is the impression I get from seeing the main hosts Mr. Crouch sitting with someone with Jerusalem in the background (or is a leftover Hollywood set used in movies?).
I guess this law against evangelism is something not mentioned in all the tours of the Holy Land promoted on various evangelical programs and churches.
Have you been on one of these tours? I'd like to hear your impression.
A friend told me he saw someone they knew from another church in the airport, just coming back from a trip, and her first impression was that it was very highly hyped, very heavily promoted, so much so that she felt taken in.

News Item5/4/2020 3:21 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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This reminds me of the old hymn, 'Stand Up For Jesus" and the verses where JEsus says, "He who denies me before men, I will deny before the Father in Heaven"

News Item5/4/2020 3:04 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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They should give the kids the 1040 tax form to fill out, using some simple figures to start with. Then they can graduate them to the famous 'qualifying dividends' worksheet, which is a masterpiece of confusion: multiply $659,189 by .15 and then subtract from the total of lines 12 and 15, unless line 15 is greater than the sum of lines 5 and 7.

News Item5/3/2020 3:43 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I think everyone can make their own list of the good things that this time has brought about; it's one way of being grateful, living out what Paul said, " be content in lack or in want'
I would also recommend the Dave Ramsey website for their podcasts called "Message of Hope" by different speakers.
Many people are cleaning up their homes, which is a good thing.
I've seen families outside bicycling together, which may not have happened when other things were open to provide entertainment and distraction.

News Item5/2/2020 3:34 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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A couple weeks ago, when Resurrection Sunday was upon us, many churches celebrated by singing the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Messiah.
I think another song from the same oratorio would be 'He Shall Purify" for this shut-down time, because that is what has happened. Gone are the betting pools on March Madness--remember how important that was to the last president? Gone are the complaints about how many millions baseball players are making, and now, even the NFL draft was shrunk to just an online event, getting closer to the day when they will play games without spectators, just to have them on TV where the real $$ is made.
Gone is the experience of 'eating out' which could save people $$, tho' they are still ordering take-out or delivery.

News Item5/2/2020 2:40 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I had been making a list of things that have imporoved, like less traffic on the road so less pollution, less accidents.
Someone told me they saw an ad on a TV network saying 'stay-at-home' does not mean 'stay-indoors' so get out and take a walk! Wouldn't they be selling more ads if people did stay indoors and watch their network?

News Item5/1/2020 10:15 AM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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If people would look at the CDC numbers for the 'regular' flu that comes every year, for which we have a vaccine (which many people do not get), then we should have done all this shut-down a long time ago.
If the world were really concerned about deaths from something that is treatable---tuberculosis, then we would hear of all the millions dying from it!
Same thing with malaria, for which we have medicine (but not all countries and people can afford it).
What really bothers me is when the NY Governor says he is concerned about preventing '1 more death' yet he says it's OK for babies to be killed a day after they are born.

News Item4/30/2020 1:29 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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When are the five times? The story does not seem to say when they are. Why? Is one at 3am or 5am?
Jim Schneider's latest addition (here at SA) on this subject has a guest that says Muslims gain weight during Ramadan, because they eat after the sun goes down and before it comes up, and then sleep all day.
I wonder what this does for production in factories in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country. I've already heard that, in the Middle East, it is impossible to get things done during the month.

News Item4/30/2020 9:17 AM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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how interesting that there is a town called Roundup...makes you wonder if they can sue the Monsanto company for damages from their weed killer?
I'll bet whatever TV local news they tune into will continue with scary stories about the deaths in New York. As if, in New York City, the local news is occupied with life in Roundup, Montana.

News Item4/29/2020 4:29 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I've heard many govt leaders say, I will not open my city/county/state until the case numbers go down. But the problem is that the state dept of health is only counting new cases and not subtracting people who have either died or have recovered. For example, the Florida Dept of Health gives a number for the state each day but it never subtracts.
What you can do is construct a table to show the rate of growth of new cases. Just teke the new cases and divide by the day before and you get a percentage. As that number goes down, you can say you are recovering well in your area.
You can't use deaths since the CDC changed the way they are counted---now anyone who dies of anything--like a drunk driver hits them on their way to the hospital or on their way home from the recovery--is now counted as a virus death. Well, I would count it as a alcohol-related death.
People who find out their are positive but are not really sick, but get scared and kill themselves, they are counted as a virus death. Well, I would count them on the suicide list.

News Item4/29/2020 4:19 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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Well, everyone knew he was a leftist from his days in Argentina. The real question is then, why did the cardinals select him? Who are they? What were the other candidates? Why did they pick him?
Someone said of govt that it is like a huge cruise ship, hard to get it to change directions. The same could be said of the RCC, probably bigger than any govt. (well, except Communist China, if you think of all their agents in the world)

News Item4/29/2020 4:13 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I've heard this governor say that he was concerned about 1 more death from this Wuhan lab flu virus. Yet he said a while ago that it was OK to kill babies that were just born. What is the difference? I guess we have to lower the voting age to 1 day to get his support.
Also, didn't he require all NY State nursing homes to accept virus patients? Does that make sense to you--it's like spreading the virus to more people.
Also, can anyone check the death rate from car accidents? Should we ban all cars? Confucius did say that 'everything is within walking distance, if you have enough time'

News Item4/23/2020 3:57 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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I wonder why this story merits attention here. What is the theology of the department store?
Is US society worse off when people can shop online at any time, including during a church service.
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