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News Item8/12/2020 10:28 AM
Humble One | Humble, TX  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Interesting news. Of course, I bet everyone posting here at SA agree on what those core beliefs are, right? There has never been any discussions about those core beliefs, right?

News Item8/11/2020 6:25 PM
Humble One | Humble, TX  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Yes! But headline should read....Americans Worship at Wal-Mart...because it is a Temple for Materialists. Like the verse, '..their god is their stomach...' it is all about material goods.
Not to say that I sneer at Wal-martians who are there, nor to say that you won't see some Lexus, Mercedes BEnz, BMWs, in the parking lot. And I do miss not being able to buy a cheap, made-in-china bike.

News Item8/10/2020 1:55 PM
Humble One | Humble, TX  Find all comments by Humble One
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Nonprofits does not mean churches or even religious groups. VEry limited sampling...only 1,000.
I think the overall average---before the govt shut down churches, restaurants, businesses, etc----was that only 5 percent of church members tithe.

News Item8/3/2020 6:42 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Well, who is to say these terrorists are not going to attack your church? What are you going to do about it?
In Portland, Oregon, the churches can be burnt down with no problem (but not the mosques or Muslim schools) because there aren't a lot of Christians about.

News Item8/2/2020 12:13 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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if you decided to do the same thing for any PLanned Parenthood office in your area, you would have the police on your case in 10 min. the Mayors of these cities are not allowing their own police to enforce the normal rule of Law and Order. Christians in churches will have to decide to vote against these mayors, even run for office themselves, but in a place with so many liberals like Portland, Oregon, they may not be enough, so they will have to retreat.
Some churches have already been attacked, and you need to pray that this is "not coming to a neighborhood near you!"
And you need to know your mayor to determine if they would support violence like this.
What is happening--USA is dealing with a Guerrilla War waged by a paid army of terrorists. Some are veterans of the PLO from Israel, others are from Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba...all well trained in these violent actions.

News Item8/2/2020 12:05 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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First comment posted here says it all!
I will add that--even though some say-women can teach women, so they will let their sisters, wives, daughters, attend her conferences---it is not the same as what the New Testament teaches about 'older women teaching younger women' especially when you see her audience include women older than herself.
You could call this inclusion of 'social justice' as 'mission creep' where an idea in secular world gets into sermons, etc. Some sermons you would think are about psychology rather than God or Jesus Christ or the Bible.

News Item8/1/2020 4:33 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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Yes, it does look like the govt approves one type of gathering--'mostly peaceful protests' their news media friends call them, despite injuries to police and violent actions that can be seen in various cities around the US, like POrtland, Oregon----but does not approve a gathering of Christians.
These are not the 'Andy Griffith Show' days where all the 'respectable people' of the town would be in church on Sunday mornings, and Blue Laws prevented anyone from opening a restaurant to run competition to the 11am worship services.
Liberals laugh at those towns, saying, I'll bet you can't find a copy of the Sunday NY Times in those towns! which would eliminate their chief Sunday Worship Service.

News Item7/29/2020 5:27 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Even the headline is suspicious...the words, 'gun violence.' Just think about Chicago when Al Capone was running things, you would say, "Chicago faces uptick in gun violence"
what would that tell you? would you think the problem is the guns or the people who use them? It's like how they used to cite every car accident that involved an SUV by saying, "SUV ran over 90-yr old pedestrian"
as if the SUV had a mind of its own!

Again, if this "gun violence" was about homeowners killing 200 criminals trying to do violence to their wives and children, I would be the first person to Praise the Lord for this.

In the Old Testament, Elijah led a demonstration that ended with over 400 false prophets dead. Headline from CNN in those days would be--one man leads massacre of well-known and respected religious leaders!

News Item7/29/2020 5:20 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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First, consider the source of this survey: the late D. James Kennedy's organization that airs the 'Truth that Transforms' program on Christian TV stations.
If I could see their survey, I would guess that it was set up to get the answers they wanted. Their survey might ask "Do you think your pastor should preach more on the love of God, or on the homosexuals taking over all programming coming out of Hollywood these days?"
I think there is a Civil War going on in the US right now, and the youths who have been educated in colleges by Marxist professors are the foot-soldiers in this battle. They face off against all conservatives, willing to attack, destroy, kill police, blind police with laser pointers, all while Mainstream Media, full of liberals and Marxists, are supporting them, saying' Oh, it's mostly a peaceful protest in Portland, Oregon" where every night these Marxists terrorists gather to attack the few federal police that remain to guard the federal courthouse. And the Mayor and Governor do not want to call out the National Guard because that would make the US President Donald Trump look good! IN other words, they are willing to let terrorists rule their streets as long as it hurts President Trump.

News Item7/29/2020 5:07 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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St. Louis couple arrested for going outside their home with guns to defend themselves from dozens of terrorists. Govt did not prosecute the terrorists, but the couple. Where does that leave your church? Are you and your deacons going to stand out front, on every corner of your property with guns to defend it? You know what will happen---you will all be fined or sent to jail for using guns without a permit from the govt.
Americans need to realize there is a War going on, led in part by the well-funded Marxist organization "BLM" that will do nothing to reduce the homicide rate of blacks which is 8 times the rate of whites.

News Item7/29/2020 4:59 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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California is a mess...high taxes, high regulations, earthquakes, illegal immigrants with all the crime that goes with that, yet high restrictions on owning guns to defend your family from's a wonder Grace Church has not moved to quieter, more conservative place like Alabama.

News Item7/29/2020 2:53 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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What if 200 of these shootings were homeowners defending themselves from men trying to violate their wives and children? I would not have a problem with that, just wish them good aim to kill the intruder. A similar thing happened in Port St Lucie, Florida, when 3 evildoers broke into a gun collector's home. He got a gun and shot at 3 of them, killing 2 inside the house. The 3rd one escaped but his neigbhor--with gun--held him until police arrived. That's a good case. Turned out all 3 had extensive criminal records.
Reality--not many of the Mnpls. cases were like that one, and they probably had a lot of black on black violence included. Statistics show that most blacks die at the hand of blacks, not from whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, or illegal immigrants gunning them down. Most killings by police are of white folk, not blacks.

News Item7/29/2020 1:37 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Don't think that this cannot happen in the USA. Right now there is a guerrilla war going on in many locations, like at the Portland, Oregon federal courthouse where they gather nightly in an attempt to burn down the bldg. Do you think your church is protected? Wait until their ire turns on church buildings!

News Item7/29/2020 1:34 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Pews could be marked out like chairs in your doctor's waiting room, with 6-ft. spacing. Sure, it would limit total attendance, but how often does a church fill up the house--Christmas and Easter, right?
I read somewhere that the great majority of churches in the US have less than 100 members. I would bet those 100 do not attend every service on every Sunday. But their pews hold 100 or more, so there is plenty of room leftover.
So...why not just schedule 2 or 3 services to handle the smaller groups?

News Item7/27/2020 6:53 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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If you worship in a church in Portland, Oregon, what is the difference between the violent, organized attacks against the Federal Courthouse and your place of worship? If the local police are 'standing down' and not helping out there, what do you think will happen when this same violent mob of anarchists and Marxists turn their anger and hate on your white steeple topped church?

News Item7/27/2020 11:24 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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How long O Lord? How long?
is the Bible verse that I wonder about when faced with this shut-down. And I wondered about all the different ministries and churches in CA when the govt started to get tough on opening them.
In Florida, the Catholic churches have been open for months now. They were the first to open, and I wondered how they got a pass.
TV news showed a few of them with the seating marked out, limited, etc.
One good thing about the shut-down is that it makes people think...why am I going to church anyway? Teaching--I can get that online, SA has more sermons than you can listen to 24/7, and there are many other websites. I would bet every single church in your town has a website with their sermons posted. Social time? Yes, but don't atheists complain that the church is just some social club, 'birds of a feather flock together' and that much of the $$ given is used for salaries, maintenance of the bldgs.
Yet now, even the 'experts' in these things say that the shut-down has affected people's mental health, suicides, child and spouse abuse have gone up.
Some of them say people who go to church are healthier, but that might be that healthy people go to church, unhealthy people go to bars, nightclubs, get into fights, etc.

News Item7/24/2020 5:37 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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maybe it reminds you of these verses:

John 5:39, 40:
Ye search the scriptures, because ye think that in them ye have eternal life; and these are they which bear witness of me; 40 and ye will not come to me, that ye may have life.

News Item7/16/2020 6:03 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I have heard that Catholic churches were allowed to open way before others, at least a friend in Florida told me.
Of course, they are the largest church in the US, so it could have been politicians just responding to the Power of the Vote---you keep us closed, and we will not vote for you.
When restaurants and bars were closed, they didn't have the political power.
The 1st question is...well, when will we go back to normal-when a vaccine is announced? Then we'll hear from people complaining about taking vaccines, which will lead to the measles outbreaks we've seen in some areas (like Europe, for example).
2nd: will people go back to church as before? or will this extended Time-Out make them know, I can get sermons and Bible studies on my cellphone, cable TV, satellite radio service, computer, etc. Do I really need to get dressed up once a week to make a show of being 'in church'?
Maybe this is a winnowing process so that only the people who are really interested in what their local church is doing, both in terms of growing spiritually with others, and a mission impact in their area, will be there.
But it won't look pretty--an 80 percent drop rate.

News Item7/14/2020 6:41 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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I forgot to mention that beards keep masks from closing off well, so let's see a New Clean FAce Campaign!

News Item7/14/2020 11:49 AM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Find all comments by Humble One
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Due to this Wuhan Lab Flu virus, how many kids are being schooled at home, tho' still under tight control of their local school system. And I wonder how many of those kids' parents have chosen to go the True Homeschooling Route, using materials from some other place than their school system.
In many areas, parents have to decide soon what will happen in the fall--have their kids go back to the school bldgs, or just stay home, or a mix of the two.
Before, the Experts were telling us that kids don't suffer from this virus like the elderly. Yes, but they still can die. As parent, do you want that to happen, and then have to deal with violent kids whose parents don't want them at home anyway!
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