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News Item7/13/2020 6:13 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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I'm sure it has to do with the comet that is passing by this week. Get out tonight and look up in the skies.
Or the solution is to prohibit the sale of gasoline to everyone.
Haven't people learned that buses, trains, taxis, and all forms of public transit are just ways to spread the virus?

News Item7/13/2020 5:56 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Thanks, 'ladybug' for the OSHA posting. I think at one of those news conferences it was mentioned that masks do not protect the user from getting the virus. But a lot of info is flying around, and recently I saw somewhere, maybe WebMD, that say it reduces chance of getting the virus by 65 percent.
Another place said that beards work against masks working well, that they prevent the sealing of the area around the mouth.
What we need is more info about the dangers of wearing a mask, like breathing in your own CO2.
But little matters when few people are wearing masks, and I think that is what explains the recent increase of cases in Florida. It's hot, it's summer, and people wnat to be out playing racquetball, tennis, basketball, going to the pool, beach, etc, and masks just don't work for them.
I just heard that pools are not safe because the chlorine reduces your immune system's resistance and makes it easier for you to get the virus from another person at the pool, If they check the temperature of each person, that would be OK, but then, another report says that 'seasoned citizens' do not get a high temp. when they get the virus.
It's like the experts telling people to get out and walk, then tell, don't go out because the mask won't protect you.
So...just walk in

News Item7/8/2020 10:21 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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HWell, then that explains why there is so much poverty among white people. What we need is to redirect all govt aid programs that help black folk to help poor white folk instead. And we can get rid of all Affirmative Action, Head Start, racial set-aside or quotas.
And this explains why whites are not the majority on NBA or NFL teams; there needs to be an Affirmative Action program there for whites who can't jump, can't make baskets, can't catch a football, just to have them around to show how good our society is to the unfortunate.

News Item7/6/2020 4:36 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Poor Luther must be rolling over in his grave!
What an oxymoron--Evangelical Lutheran! What big evangelical campaigns have they sponsored? Who is their Big Name Evangelist with TV program, radio, podcast, website?
I wish these reports would also include a description like this...The Evangelical Lutheran denomination ranks 10th in size in the USA, and their membership has been declining by double-digit percentages for the past ...yrs.

News Item7/6/2020 4:32 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I wish someone would do a study to show the correlation between the virus cases and restricted spaces like elevators, buses, and trains. I know you can look at any state's dept of health website to check different counties, and you can see that rural counties, with no public transit systems, few bldgs tall enough to have elevators, there are very few cases.
They might have Walmarts or other large stores full of people, but few cases. Can you make the connection?
But I also interested in the impact this virus or the govt shutdown is having on churches. Will people go back to church when we finally get beyond this? Will they change their involvement, dropping out of many activities like Sunday schools, choirs, etc.? Once they get used to hearing sermons online, and find websites like this one where there are 1,000s to hear, they might think...all that driving, all that need to dress up, put on a face, I need this? And with groups like Kiva, they can give money to needy people around the world, taking care of one object of their church. Maybe they will realize 90 percent of their donations is just paying for salaries, heat and a.c. of the bldg, and not for spreading the gospel.

News Item7/6/2020 3:02 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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can anyone hold up one scientific study that shows that masks prevent the acquisition of the virus? didn't the govt experts at CDC say that masks were not needed back in March, but then we found out that they said that only because they didn't want every John Q. Public from buying up 'all the masks' and keeping them in his garage; they wanted to save some of them for medical folk.
then, when you look at the way they count virus cases, they never subtract the ones that died off, or the vast majority that recovered.
and then, they say they are not trying to keep the virus 'at bay' but only to keep hospitals from being filled up with cases.
Let's Review: 1. they lied about masks at the start
2. they lied about cases now, because they don't care if everyone gets the virus, just that they don't go to the hospital.
So, now tell me, can I trust these people? Would I buy a used car or a house from these people? That sound above the right rear wheel...oh that only happens on days of the week that end in Y. and that leak in the basement...that only happens when it rains.
Sure sure sure. I trust you. You're from the government and you're here to help.
And the media is just passing on the info.

News Item7/4/2020 3:18 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Do you think they would ban singing at one of those rallies against racism, operated by the Marxist organization, BLM?
Anytime you hear the words, 'systemic racism' you need to ask yourself, Can this be improved? The Bible tells us man has a "Systemic Sin" problem; the solution is Jesus. Do we think the same solution can work on this problem, too?
But wait, let me ask you, is it racism to choose 95percent blacks for your NBA team? Is it racism to choose 75 percent blacks for your NFL team? Yes, it's systemic racism operating against the Asians, whites, Hispanics. Does anyone want to see it changed?
Can we get rid of Affirmative Action programs, Head Start programs, and all other aid that targets mostly black people, because that just perpetuates this Systemic Racism?
And, then, I ask myself, why aren't the blacks from the Caribbean complaining that they can't get a fair shake in the USA, despite being immigrants and black? They also have slave backgrounds in their countries; you can safely say all blacks in the Caribbean did not come on the Mayflower or any similar ship, escaping poverty in Africa. No, black tribes in AFrica captured them, sold them to white slave traders (anyone remember Amazing Grace author John Newton?), who then sent them to the Caribbean.

News Item7/4/2020 3:09 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I have heard that in the Dominican REpublic, the races are so mixed that their forms do not have the categories of 'white, black, Hispanic, etc" but instead grade you on your hair. Do you have good hair (straight) or bad hair (curly, hard to control). A friend in Miami told me that he worked at a bank office and learned all about the blacks of the Caribbean, like Trinidad, Barbados, their food styles (spicy hot!), and hair. The women in his office would send him out to the cafeteria to get a snack because, unlike them, his hair might get messed up by the wind, but he could easily comb it back into place.

News Item7/4/2020 11:52 AM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Are there any other countries in the world who have a better record at dealing with these issues? I am thinking of Brazil, that imported many more AFricans as slaves than ever done in the US and also Caribbean countries like Jamaica and Dominican Republic, Cuba.

News Item7/2/2020 5:00 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I'd like to hear comments from our posters in England since they understand better than us Americans how Hong Kong came under British control, the terms of the 99-yr lease, etc.
I believe it has something to do with the famous Opium Wars of the late 1800s.

News Item6/29/2020 3:35 PM
Humble One | Humble Oil Company  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Is this a news story or just wishful thinking on the part of the Democrat Party? (oops, it does say Yahoo News but you know 99 percent of all journalists are Democrats, so it might as well be the same.
Maybe some REpublicans are thinking the same thing--didn't we vote R because everyone said the Senate needs to be in their control to get conservative judges on the Supreme Court?
But, when you consider what the Election Day choice is...either Obama's VP Biden, or President TRump, then you see it's an easy choice. All the unrest these days have only made things harder for Dems. There is no way a large portion of the American 'body politic' are going to vote for Dems who are sponsoring all the unrest today. In fact, I think more of the Silent Majority--the large portion of the population who do not register to vote or bother to vote---will come out strong for President Trump.
Just ask the public--do you want more unrest, more laws passed by Congress that will defund your local police, unleashing a crime wave that only Mexico and Venezuela are dealing with.

News Item6/29/2020 1:14 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Remember when it all started, we were comparing the 'regular' flu with this. CDC gave an estimate of 50k deaths from that flu, and the year before it was even higher. It shows you the reporting is not as clear as news media wants to give you. Also, have you noticed the number of cases cited by each state does not subtract any cases from April or May? Don't you think by now, June 29, all those cases have resolved, either recovered or died? Shouldn't they subtract them from today's number?
Also, the use of maybe, estimate, etc is very common in news stories. IT happens when editors want to get a story out and already have it in mind. so they run with this estimate. Try to find a story written like the Good Old Days of what, where, when , and why are the lead questions answered.
Example: Biden's son got $$$millions$$ as a consultant to a gas company in the Ukraine, when he has 0 experience in that industry.
If he was the top expert on this, maybe he would be worth it. Then, VP Biden tells Ukraine, get rid of that prosecutor or we will cut your....
NOw that's a simple news story. Will the Wash Post run it? CNN? Time? Newsweek?

News Item6/25/2020 4:46 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Maybe the question was too religious for people to say yes. They might have done well to pair it with the question, do you believe in God? (of course, that leaves the door wide open to what God do they believe in. Even Paul said some people in his day had made their stomachs their lives, which is a lot like many people today called 'foodies' who think nothing more than about food).
I don't think people think human life is worthless, which some people might think their answer means.

News Item6/25/2020 3:03 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Church attendance is another thing to put on the list of 'What the Virus has Changed' because it puts to the test...why are people going to church anyway? Was it for entertainment? Get your kids out of your hair for an hour or so? Or was it to show off your new suit/new dress/new hairstyle/new hair color?
I think a lot of blue collar workers love to go to church so they can wear a suit and tie, something they can never do at their jobs. Meanwhile, lawyers, bankers, insurance salesmen are looking to make contacts that will bring them more business.

News Item6/24/2020 2:02 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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WP, good questions about whether there will be a school year starting this August/September, the current teachers still get a paycheck for running classes online? Sounds much easier than dealing with all the discipline problems and traffic.
Let's see if there are any reporters willing to dig into the data to see if more teachers are retiring. I was thinking that anyone who lives close to a public school has just seen their property value decline by at least ten percent.
Just like in Mnpls, U-Haul and other moving companies are getting a lot of new business, I bet.

News Item6/24/2020 12:12 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I'm wondering how this anti-police attitude would have changed anything in the case involving the black high school student in Central Florida, shot and killed by the Hispanic guy Zimmerman. Police were not involved at all. Z. was a local crime-watch guy, so if there are no police, then you will see more of these folk on the streets, with very little training on use of guns.
How do you like them apples?

News Item6/22/2020 11:01 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Contact tracing might be a good thing for the local church to determine how effective the members are at coming into contact with non-Christians in order to share the gospel.
Aren't there signs on the inside of church doors that say "Your Mission Field Starts Here" to remind members that when they leave the church sanctuary, they are entering the mission field?

News Item6/22/2020 10:11 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I have never heard of this person, nor this website. Are they real or is this more 'fake news'?

News Item6/22/2020 10:09 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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And that brings up a good question: are there any Arby's in India? or, can you find pics online of INdians eating at Arby's? and then, what about leather--where do they get leather in India to make shoes, belts, etc?

News Item6/21/2020 2:42 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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My humble understanding of Catholics is that most of them do not attend church with any regularity. Maybe the govt-imposed shut-down increased a desire to attend, like saying to someone, don't think about pink panthers, and all they can do is think about pink panthers. And there will always be the very religious elderly folk who will seek out the customary. It is like children who like to hear the same bed-time story repeated to them night after night. Elderly folk might say, after so many years, I have found what I like and I don't want to try new things in search of something I might like. "Better to like what you have than to go out seeking after something different that you might not like" (oops, that just explained why blacks have been voting for Democrats the past 50 yrs or so, with no real results; and the appeal of "Give Me That Old Time Religion")

I have seen news of Catholic churches in many parts of the USA holding services already, and a friend tells me a Hispanic Baptist church near him had a grand re-opening service today.

I wonder how the shut-down will change the local church? What do you think?

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