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News Item11/10/2020 11:50 PM
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Lurker wrote:
Your humility is overwhelming.
Right back atcha Superchristian...

News Item11/10/2020 10:25 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Yahoo news published a complete Los Angeles Times article on John MacArthur. Is really quite well done, and interesting, even get some history of John's family. it might be one of the most in-depth articles you will see on John MacArthur even pointing out his father had Roy Rogers and Dale Evans in his congregation at one time. Just highly in depth and informative
"L.A. megachurch pastor mocks pandemic health orders, even as church members fall ill"
I believe John is going to have his day in court this coming Friday?
Well that raised my blood pressure some. Thanks for the informative article Jim. It'll fall on deaf ears here, but there are some of us who can see with eyes wide open.

News Item11/10/2020 2:52 PM
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John Lee wrote:
I know all that, Watcher. You think I'm stupid or something?
But the answer is not in hyperCalvinism or Que Sera Sera. Neither are biblical.
So then, let me ask you this: is God sovereign? Does man have the ability to make decisions outside of God's influence? When we read in scripture (John 1, Col. 1, Romans 9, Prov. 16, 21...etc.) where God runs the show, can you say that this isn't the case and we must take the reins of society to make sure the right man is put into power? Can you please clarify as to what you mean?

And by the way, I never thought you were stupid, just full of programming that influences your thoughts and decisions accordingly. It's not your fault, but it would be your fault if you stayed in that spot and not attempted to search out the truth.

News Item11/10/2020 1:40 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Are you saying we shouldn't elect officials? That there should be no government? That it is every man for himself? I don't understand, Watcher. Please try to bring a little clarity. Thank you.
Please try to understand and don't read between the lines as most do. I will try to be clear. The governments of the world are corrupt. They don't care about you, only your money and subservience. They will elect whom they want to elect and there's nothing you can do to prevent that from happening. If you think you live under a democracy, then you are naive and living in a fairy tale land. There is no such thing as a democracy on earth. There never was. If you don't believe me, then try and force your MLA/Senator or elected official to work on your behalf at the risk of losing his job and you'll see what happens. I've been there and KNOW for a fact, that I mean nothing to the government. My elected representatives are nothing more than cardboard cutouts and have no power to do anything but ensure they have a long career and a good retirement fund. This is reality. Trump, Biden, or whoever are spokesmen for those they serve, and the powers that run the show on this earth will put in power he/she who will fulfill their plans accordingly.

News Item11/10/2020 1:21 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Biden is not in power yet, and will not be for quite a while, maybe never. You do not know if God is ensuring fairness on earth by an investigation into corruption during the voting process. The just God does not require corruption to achieve his ends.
Find any process on earth that isn't tainted with corruption and selfishness and I'll eat my hat. Don't be naive. EVERYTHING in this world is tainted with self. Trump will be ousted eventually, even taking into account his temper tantrums. I don't support either, so don't think I'm some sort of Biden supporter. All I'm saying is this whole process of electing officials is a farce. It always has been and always will be. It's just another way the gov't has lied to the people.

News Item11/10/2020 12:11 PM
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Frank wrote:
Well, this American will never trust elections again!
We are becoming like so many 3rd world counties; lawlessness, rioting, and now election fraud. And of course, a Harris/Biden presidency will assure of us of socialism.
Come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly.
I cannot understand anyone trusting in elections or the voting process. Can one be so naive to believe that their vote will make a difference when who is elected and who is ousted has already been decided not just by God, but by the powers that run the show in society? It would be willful ignorance to not believe that powerful individuals are pulling the strings behind the scenes to make their plans come to fruition. Biden is in power not because of voting corruption, but because God said so. God placed Trump in power and now He has decided to replace him with Biden. Stop kicking against the pricks everyone and submit to God's plan for your country. You asked for Trump you got him, now it's Biden's turn to dish out some discipline. Hopefully, the church smartens up and humbles itself in the sight of God and begs for mercy.

News Item11/9/2020 8:29 PM
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No name wrote:
I’m pretty sure most people know trump isn’t a Christian. The reason you should have voted for him is because he is a better president not because he’s a better moral “guide”. I see people arguing on here all the time with Jim Lincoln about who is “more moral”, joe or Donald. ..
That is logical to vote for the lesser evil but from those on this forum to Franklin Graham to the Copelands, etc., all state that Paula White (of all people) led the man in the dreaded sinner's prayer. Now does Trump think he's saved or does he think Jesus is just another line on his CV, only he and God knows. As far as his lifestyle proves, I don't think he's saved by anyone's definition. As for a leader, yes Trump did some good, but doesn't every president that comes along? Trump conned the Christian world (including JMac) into believing in him and now he's out in the cold. My personal opinion on voting is based on scripture that tells me to follow my conscience. I cannot bring myself to vote for anyone for at least in my mind, I would have to compromise too much to do so.

News Item11/9/2020 5:01 PM
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happyday wrote:
Trump is antichristian, not the antichrist. Can we separate ourselves from this strange love-fest for a moment and realize that your superhero was beaten?

News Item11/9/2020 2:50 PM
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Daniel Mashao wrote:
The day many Americans will realize Trump was the Anti-Christ. He did not have to fool anyone with a holy lifestyle. They believed in him as long as he gave them what they thought they needed - some semblance of goodness.
Well said. Methinks I detect the taste of sour grapes in the mouths of these Christians who have touted Trump's salvation and good works. Now he's out, all I have been reading is voter corruption and democratic tricks. Face the facts, God decided to put Trump in power for four years, now it's Biden's turn. God raises up who He decides and our only responsibility is to submit and pray for our leaders.

News Item10/30/2020 4:19 PM
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Frank wrote:
Well, I don't consider Jerry Falwell Jr. to be a Christian and I also don't consider Liberty University to be a Christian university.
So, I don't care in the slightest how this works out.

News Item10/30/2020 3:00 PM
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Phillip Mezzapelle wrote:
"But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers." 1 Corinthians 6:6đźž
Jerry Falwell Jr. isn't a brother, and neither is the court he's using. This man's reputation was destroyed long before the university found out about his transgressions. He should take responsibility for his sins and repent instead of passing the blame onto someone else.

News Item10/30/2020 1:06 PM
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Frank wrote:
Well one thing for sure is no one can say these Muslim terrorists are liberal. True Islam teaches that all must convert, or pay an infidel tax, or die. I have always thought that the antichrist will be what I refer to as a secular Muslim, similar to Obama.
And look at the recent Jewish campaign to make peace with these Muslim countries! Scripture teaches that the antichrist will make a false peace with Israel and then will turn on Israel. And true Islam believes in worldwide dominion in every sense.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this was the beginning of the end.
Islam is as much as a dictatorship as it gets. There's no room for reason or growth. It's as much of a religion of the devil as has ever been seen on earth.

Islam knows nothing of humility, love, and sacrifice.

the Antichrist will most likely be Muslim, powered by the Roman Catholic Church.

Yes, hopefully our redemption draws nigh.

News Item10/30/2020 12:36 PM
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Domination through fear and intimidation. Works and you don't even have to wage a war.

The Islamic war against the infidels has been ridiculously successful. Islam will rule the world one day, it's only a matter of time before their control is complete.

News Item10/30/2020 12:34 PM
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Always someone else's fault isn't it?

News Item10/25/2020 1:35 AM
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It always starts with one.

News Item10/23/2020 5:48 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
She's 88. Not a young, working adult. Not a child. An 88 year old woman. How do you know she wasn't wearing a mask and/or social distancing?
If she bought into the hype and was anything like you or LB, then chances are she wasn't because she was too intelligent and wise to do so.

And yes, that was sarcasm.

News Item10/23/2020 5:45 PM
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HerbalMama wrote:
Watcher, 3 out of 7000. Intimidating.
J.Mac didn't force those 3 people nor any of the other 6,997 covid free people to attend.
Jim, you love mainstream numbers so 1,040 cases, according to your source, out of 8,248,612 cases, according to the cdc, and 13 deaths, your source, out of 223,070, CDC. Intimidating.
Ariel, Problem is when the quarantines are completed and lifted again - We could well see a return to corona days!!! How often do we isolate and quarantine.
Yeah, and 99% of people will be fine. We can't hide in our basements forever. Cut yourself off from all virsuses ans bacterias and you are destined to destroy your immune system setting yourself up for major complications from the common cold and other easily, not necessarily convenient or desired, illnesses. Hyper cleanliness is a guarantee to die from a survivable bug.
Please stop the callousness I keep hearing out of you and others who continually harp on the numbers as if they were only that...numbers. Those three were people, souls, children, parents. Even if it was one person, that one person would have been someone's world. Now they're gone.

News Item10/23/2020 2:55 PM
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From an atheist. This is how the world sees us.

At least three confirmed cases of COVID have now been traced back to his church, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health...Public health officials are investigating the outbreak and said they will work closely with the church to help limit transmission of the coronavirus in the church, which has an estimated attendance of 7,000. The county did not provide any further details about whether the cases were confirmed among staff or worshipers. Attorneys for Grace Community Church did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Remember that, this whole time, MacArthur has painted himself as a persecuted martyr, punished by the government for continuing to hold large worship services. Turns out there was a good reason for that “persecution”: The coronavirus is real. It’s dangerous. And holding in-person, indoor services while rejecting face masks and social distancing is the fastest way...
The most frustrating thing about this is how preventable it was. MacArthur’s actions weren’t noble or brave, but selfish and inexcusable. He cared more about boosting his public image...

News Item10/23/2020 2:44 PM
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Frank wrote:
I skimmed the entire article and one thing that is absolutely clear is this lady was an evangelical feminist. She twisted scripture to suit her agenda and personal desires.
She now knows the the truth about God's purposes for women and men.
Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
And unfortunately the truth about COVID. It's a shame it always comes too late.

News Item10/22/2020 11:27 PM
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Noname wrote:
I figured you’d ignore my comment, watcher.
Didn't ignore you comment Sunshine, just chose to be the bigger person.
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