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News Item12/3/2020 10:20 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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A few churches saw the Biblical warrant BEFORE the Supreme Court ruled, and have thousands and thousands of dollars in unpaid fines to prove it.

How does the Supreme Court lowering the precieved risk of losing coirt cases provide a warrant?

My prescription is that they have a legal warrant at this point having ignored the Biblical one.

Still, as Darius quoted from that now old country music song, better to stand at least at this point. Better now than never.

News Item11/29/2020 11:25 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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But I recall, Brother Frank, that the two faithful witnesses who were murderd and left to lie in the street were resurrected and taken to heaven.

Or as that old mountain hymn that Bethel co-opted says, "there ain't no grave that's gonna hold my body down."

News Item11/29/2020 11:20 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Critical Race Theory is worth investigating as many of those with whom we will come in contact subscribe to this tbinking. The Aquila Report has been compiling valuable blog postings describing it from a Christian perspective:

News Item11/29/2020 1:23 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Great testimony, Brother Tim! Indeed, that would be all of us. That hymn says it all.

News Item11/29/2020 10:35 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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No surprise here for those of us who have watched communist regimes in the past. How sad that the West has such a short memory, and is increasingly embracing socialist and Marxist dogmas and approaches as solutions to precieved societal problems.

Applied more locally, there are a nbr of states or municipalities that have limited religious expression, but not other activities, in the face of the global pandemic. Sure seems like a first step.

One of the Progressive prophets, John Lennon, once wrote a song called Imagine. That's their dream.

News Item11/29/2020 10:30 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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We got that email from Piper's ministry and I was leery of what he had to say. Can't say I'm right either, but shying further away from this man.

News Item11/29/2020 10:29 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Seems like there needs to be a return to the Lord in the fashion of 2 Kings 23. But Charles or his offspring aren't the ones to do it.

News Item11/27/2020 10:44 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Maybe I missed something, but does the article even mention an IFB church?

So looking at the article, it appears that anyone who questions anyone's sexual identity, including an individual looking inward, is potentially guilty of some crime. The ruler driving this seems to have made this a major plank of his personal platform and risks the Lord's judgment. It is curious that some unindentifyable source claims harm.

As the article suggests, there are likely a number of those who have found faith and repentance who would have been irrevocably harmed if help hadn't been offered. How can they hear without a preacher? And how can he preach if he isn't sent?

May the Lord overturn the nonsense in NSW and heal the divisions on this board.

News Item11/27/2020 10:32 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Might I add, Brother Michael, that neither of your examples went about as a harlot. This pastor made out that he was one.

David's behavior needs to be judged in the light of Scripture. Just because he did something doesn't make it right.

The prophet was told by the Lord to go about without appropriate attire as a sign of collective shame.

News Item11/27/2020 5:51 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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We opted to change our plans due to the neighboring state's restrictions rather than a fear of the virus. Our plan was very "socially distant," yet we opted to remain inside the boundaries of that state's laws by remaining out of the state rather than enter without a recent negative COVID test. It wasn't the health was the mild threat of prosecution, if caught and convicted, that kept us home. Most of those we know across multiple states were either guests ot hosts of multi-household affairs.

So one has to question what people believe is both the boundaries of their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and the state's right to regulate how life, liberty, and pursuits may be pursued.

My sense is that most didn't feel the government had the right to "cancel" holidays.

News Item11/27/2020 5:10 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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First, let me express my apology to my IFB brethern. We may not agree on what the Lord is doing and how He's doing it, but we agree where it counts - that He has saved us from ourselves and our sins. It is hard to find a better friend. The first thing my Reformed theology teaches me is that I am utterly falable and in need of Christ in all areas of myself...every nanosecond. If my IFB brethern got something askew, well, so do I! Would rather stand with my IFB brothers who actually believe their Bibles and do what it says.

Second, and to the point here, one of those things we need to do is to witness and make disciples. Jesus isn't a topping for your life akin to rainbow sprinkles on an ice cream sundae. He's the Lord, and that is supposed to make people uncomfortable with who they are. Look at every revelation of the Lord in Scripture & you'll find an immediate confession of sin and humility. The LGBT+ community doesn't get a free pass for their sins to continue. No one else does. We may fight them for the rest of our lives, but we aren't supposed to surrender to them, label ourselves by them, or call them anything other than what God calls them.

News Item11/27/2020 4:56 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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One ought to wonder, Brother John! Your concern is well founded, IMO.

Keeping company with works of darkness is NEVER a good idea, even if in our own minds it is for the wothiest of causes. It is better to suffer for doing well.

This man ought to have known better. Avoidance of the appearance of evil, refusing to keep company with fornicators, and suffering for well doing are enough principles to have restrained his behavior, and that behavior from the pulpit!

News Item11/25/2020 3:47 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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On this side of the Atlantic, the passport is a bit different. An increasing nbr of states require a negative COVID test be preformed 72 hrs prior to entry. Most tests take longer than 72 hrs to result, making them unusable for entry purposes. And there is an enforcement angle in some of those states involving fines if convicted of non-compliance.

Stand by for the "I'm COVID negative" tag to be applied somehow to each of us, probably about the time the vaccine becomes available: either have a negative test result that's impossible to get or have proof of vaccination.

News Item11/25/2020 3:36 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Schools haven't been catestrophic generators of infection from what I've seen, so the rationale is difficult to support. This will be an uphill battle, though. Religious schools are closed as are their public cohorts. If Christian schools were singled out as they were in other states, there might be a better argument.

News Item11/25/2020 3:32 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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That's an excellent point Brother Frank. Her opponent is rabidly pro-abortion and all else associated with the Progressive Left, marking him as a heretic despite his ministry affliation. So either it's a vote for the RCC woman or the heretic man.

I always appreciated your rationale for supporting the current President. Would that same rationale apply here?

It's not just abortion but pulling the last safety stop before the nation slides off into the abyss of outright Socialism.

News Item11/25/2020 2:33 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I'd say any excuse is a good one, Brother Wayfarer. COVID is handy but soon could come BLM/CRT rationale that will label us all supremacists of some sort unless we attend an approved liberal congregation. Freedom of Religion will look like the Three Self Churches in China, and those aren't faring well now.

News Item11/25/2020 10:26 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Even an unrighteous judge who feared neither God nor man ruled in favor of the widow, Brother Tim. There is a Judge who rules and overrules such affairs. May the Lord be with His people.

News Item11/25/2020 9:15 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Scots who refused to accept the prelates of the Anglican Church that were being forced upon them did this as well, meeting in moors or in remote barns. The Crown dispatched Graham of Claverhouse to bring these traitors to heel. The result was a string of what we would today call war crimes against humanity by Claverhouse and his band.

Certainly the English had their own troubles that pushed Non-conformists to go to the undeveloped American colonies.

And as history repeats itself, here we are again. Such is the life of those in Christ. Romans 8.

News Item11/23/2020 9:23 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Texas did the right thing. Allowing instruction that upholds the concept of psychological self is damaging beyond measure.

This is the underlying heresy that enables much of the gender fluidity & self-defining that goes on today. It states that we have the ability to be whatever we want to be as an identity without respect to an actual Creative Creator who has already crafted each of us to be who He has designed. This theory states that we are our own crafters and designers, our own gods, based on how we feel about ourselves.

It is mad science gone mainstream.

Now they should have stuck to abstinance. Fornication is also a sin and encouraging it has been the downfall of this nation.

News Item11/22/2020 10:26 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Indeed, Brother John! And someday we will be there through the Lord Jesus!

But until then...

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