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News Item1/19/2020 10:07 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Youth in Asia writes:
"If that is so, you do realize not every parents is emotionally, and spiritually equipped for such a thing, and infact can do much worse damage when their kids grow up not properly educated, for example cannot read or write"

Perhaps every parent isn't a "trained professional", but who loves a child the most? Parents. Who best knows what the needs of the child are? Parents. It goes on. Of course, there are bad parents out there who wouldn't turn out bright, successful people if they homeschooled. But look at the public school system. It's rotten. It processes children like cattle and now you have high school kids who are illiterate. Besides, nowhere does scripture sanction the state educate and bring up children. That duty is assigned to parents. Now, I'm not picking on people who attended public school for some or all of their childhood (both of my parents did). Obviously it wasn't their choice. As far as being "properly educated", you won't get a proper education from today's public schools and most private schools. You'll get humanist indoctrination shoved down your throat. If you ask me, I'd rather have kids that have only read the Bible and the catechism if my only other choice was government school.

News Item1/17/2020 2:39 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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...patience and glorious fortitude to bear up under persecution like thr Church the world over does daily. Perhaps, after all these years of theological and practical degradation in the visible Church, after all these years of God patiently staying His hand, we will experience what it's like to be purified by fire. We can take confidence that those flames will burn the rubbish and make the gold shine brighter.

News Item1/17/2020 2:35 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Should the wicked triumph in this land (though it will only be temporary as Christ will subject His enemies), I'm afraid every prayer we didn't pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters will come back to haunt us. I pray fervently that God would change the hearts of this country and especially of my generation, but most of what I see is a continual loss of freedom, a growing, burning hatred against biblical Christianity, and a steady destruction of everything that made the homeland free, prosperous, and safe. Sometimes I begin to think that perhaps young people don't realize what they're doing, that if they could just be told what's at stake they would change their ways. But I know that isn't the case. God must change their dark, nihilistic, hearts and minds for them to wake from their sleep. And if and until that happens, we can expect every comfort, freedom, measure of safety, and perhaps every bite of food and drink of clean water that we took for granted to be cut off from us, bit by bit. It'll make the "attacks" on people like Jack Phillip's look like peaches and cream. Why would we be any different from the other nations God has so ferociously judged for their wickedness? Just because we're America? If and when those days come, may our King give us the sublime patienc

News Item1/17/2020 2:13 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Some christians in this country take for granted the fact we can go to church and go home and not think twice about safety except buckling the seatbelt in comfy, safely designed vehicles. Some of us take for granted the fact that we can go shopping, fill our fridges with almost anything we want, and go to sleep with a full gut in our comfy beds and not think twice about safety (except maybe tripping over a slipper or stubbing our toes in the dark). And yet, we can forget how many rivers of blood, sweat, and tears were shed to give us the safety we enjoy every day. Worse, I think it's also easy to not realize that the enemies of the church and of freedom are quickly rising to power in this country - and they have millions of gullible minions at their disposal.

News Item1/11/2020 2:10 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them.
Isaiah 3:12a NASB

While feminism shares a large portion of the blame, this is also simply a filling of the vacuum left by lazy, gaming men.

News Item1/11/2020 1:58 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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How dimwitted do you have to be to accidentally shoot down a jet the size of a small building?

News Item1/11/2020 1:57 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Unintentionally shot down? I wonder...

Dad: How did this happen?!!!
Son: I don't know! I just wanted to see what would happen!! I didn't think it would make this kind of a mess!

News Item1/11/2020 1:31 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Of course, one more rebuke can't hurt 'ol Jimmy...

News Item1/11/2020 1:30 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Oh and BTW Joel, Jimmy is a reprobate basement troll whose chief delight is spending hours putting together massive liberal-link laced comments designed to provoke the believers on SA. He has been exhorted innumerable times to repent and trust the Savior but I'm afraid he has completely hardened his heart to the gospel call.

News Item1/11/2020 1:23 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Joel from Pensacola writes:
"The sad part is that they can’t fight back or defend themselves in any way, shape, form, or fashion."

That exact line of thought comes to mind every time I see these sort of articles. How much of a lowlife do you have to be to prey on the most innocent and helpless? It's an extent of depravity that I find difficult to comprehend. Personally, I think the majority of abortionists are simply wanton killers who want unlimited access to innocent lives. They know it's too difficult to try to get away with destroying people who are already born so they take the easy route. It's safe and legal for them but only temporarily. They will give an account for every deed done in their death factories.

News Item1/11/2020 1:12 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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This article heading is a big windy (that's a lie to all you Rhode Islanders and such). I wear hand me downs in fine condition almost every day so don't tell me no one wants your used clothes. Of course, one must draw the line at items such as socks, handkerchiefs, etc. The point is, as long this earth remains there will be folks wearing clothes from other folks.

News Item1/11/2020 1:11 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Italian suits? I didn't know you ever wore anything except goatskin overalls and a possum cap. You must really be making some improvements Doc.

News Item1/9/2020 7:18 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I haven't seen a rhubarb tree since I was a young 'un. However, I cam rest assured that I am not contributing to rhubarb deforestation since my phone runs off of burning soybean oil (which supports our Mississippi farmers). It's a green solution to phone power but the only problem is that I always smell like old french fries. But it's worth it for the possums.

News Item1/9/2020 2:41 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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"I’m always glad when I kill a viper before it has a chance to kill me."

I've heard that a single viper can cause a goat stampede. Worse than that, the dietary proclivities of venomous serpents are known to deplete possum populations.

News Item1/9/2020 2:06 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
James 3:9 KJV

Seems like the same thing.

News Item1/9/2020 2:04 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Amazingly, CNN actually ran an article on this. Of course, they were sure to promise their shrinking number of readers that these glaciers' day is coming - soon.

I actually think it's a cryin' shame those glaciers are still around. Biologically speaking, they're useless and counterproductive.

News Item1/9/2020 1:59 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Bakker is quite the fella. I didn't know he still even has an audience. Apparently folks will drink up his heresy until he breathes his last. As they say: "you can't kill bad grass."

News Item1/9/2020 1:55 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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With all due respect to Dr. Tim, thanks for that clarification Youth in Asia.

News Item1/9/2020 1:53 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Hey BLB from Florida, I certainly don't consider myself to be an expert international conflict analyst but perhaps I can help you out here. Firstly, we are not officially at war with Iran. We are at a walk-on-eggshells standoff that's been going on for four decades. That being the case, I don't think it was wrong to take out a general if he had violent intentions against Americans. If he did then our president was simply fulfilling his God-given duty to defend this country from the wicked. But then again, this Iranian general probably wouldn't have those violent intentions if America wasn't constantly meddling in Middle Eastern conflicts that are usually none of our business. I hope that provides a bit of clarity.

News Item8/4/19 12:38 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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We didn't even get a break for a day thus time. Of course, the liberals will just wax not so eloquently about gun control, the strength of our communities, how we need to protect our children, so on and so forth. It's the same thing played out over and again while our nation continue in its stupor.
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