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News Item9/30/18 5:00 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Yes sir collagen and blood cells have been found in dinosaur bones and frozen bones have been found as well. AIG's Buddy Davis actually participated in the expedition that collected those bones. Practically all the data out there stands in defiance to evolution. But for a theory that rests upon the idea that there is no ultimate authority, what does it matter if you hold to contradictory opinions? I rejoice that by God's grace I hold to a scientific model that has answers and standards!

News Item9/29/18 4:27 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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The Quiet Christian Writes:
"If a dinosaur were found alive today, that would about upset the apple cart."

It's interesting to note that real live dinosaurs (or the equivalent thereof) have been discovered and the media gives them little or no attention. The tuatara from New Zealand, the coelacanth from the bottom of the sea, and most notably, the wollemi pine also from New Zealand. Of course there haven't been any 100% confirmed T-rexes or Saurapods running around, but even if there was, the media and scientific community would do their best to brush it under the rug or minimize it's significance.

News Item9/16/18 10:16 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Interesting to note that Bach wrote "to the Glory of God and that my neighbor may benefit thereby" at the top of all his compositions. I think that sets really a good example for christians in the music industry.

News Item9/11/18 11:13 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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QC, I wasn't at all saying that Islam has some good aspects of it and I agree with you that both ideologies come from satan. Muslim nations can often be just as or more immoral than Western countries. I was simply observing that it appears that Islam is not as destructive to society as Humanism. Equate it to if I had said that a bite from a rattlesnake isn't as bad as one from a great white shark. Thanks for your concern though and giving me an opportunity to clarify what I meant.👍

News Item9/11/18 1:03 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Although still downright evil, this piece of news doesn't concern me as much as the fact that the religion of humanism is being jammed down the throats of America's children. The way I see it, liberalism/humanism is far more destructive to society than mainstream Islam. Just look at the numbers - Nazism, Marxism, Planned Parenthood, etc have far more blood on their hands than Muslims. Not trying to diminish the demonic nature of Islam, just making an observation.

News Item9/11/18 12:54 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Sermon Audio is not my preferred method of chatting (although, evidently, I don't mind utilizing it). I guess that puts me in the leftover one third.

News Item9/10/18 12:32 AM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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This just means their dictator is getting smarter, not less evil. Kim knows he has to appease the world's largest economy somehow. Just a slick political move.

News Item9/5/18 5:14 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I ain't. Az a matter u' fact I isn't a rejisturd anythang.

News Item9/5/18 5:08 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Amen, amen, and amen
Quiet Christian! You hit the nail on the head and summed it up perfectly! Thanks alot for the insight!👍 Everybody and their brother is talking about the rotten fruit rather than the dead root. Until the nation's root is healthy, the fruit will only get smellier amd squishier.

News Item9/5/18 5:01 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Trump is just getting a dose of his own medicine.

News Item9/5/18 4:59 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Very true Don Tian - no doubt JFK would run Republican. Also let's not forget that Trump was the main introducer of this childish, obnoxious, below-the-belt method of communication into Americas political discussions. I'll never forget those debates during his campaign....

News Item9/3/18 11:15 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Thank you Moderator Alpha!

News Item9/3/18 2:58 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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So, so true Chris000! There was an incident here in Mississippi of a white thug beating up a lady in public and then being confronted by a black police officer. The thug then turned on the officer and the thug got exactly what was coming to him - a bullet. There was a very brief report on it in the local news and then it disappeared off the press. That's the way it should be. But sadly that's not the case when a black thug gets killed.

Jim since you say that it's the Christian duty of the state to fund healthcare, prove it! Where is that in scripture? I just wanna see one verse and I'll be absolutely convinced of your view. Please produce that verse or at least an inference from a verse. What you'll find is that scripture gives the state one job and one job alone - punishing evildoers.

News Item9/3/18 1:09 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Yes apparently the films they are showing are grotesque in the content they display. But is that that much worse than churches that heartily approve of Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, or Avengers? All of those movies promote ideas that are antithetical to a biblical worldview. As Chris G P noted, public schools do the same thing.

News Item9/3/18 1:00 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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I thought black lives matter? Don't all lives matter? As has been noted before, blacks kill as many of each other as they please, yet the moment an officer of the law opens fire on a black American to save his own life, he's labeled as a cold blooded killer.

And Jim, your demeaning and brainless comment about Pro-Life workers not caring about unborn black babies is simply false.

News Item9/1/18 10:28 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Not interesting from a satanic fruitcake perspective.

News Item9/1/18 10:26 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Wayfarer Pilgrim from Lubbock,tx writes:
"If you as a congregation are attacked attending church anywhere else, you have to simply have protect yourself and your own."

That's exactly right! John Piper takes a passive, weak, unbiblical view on this like he does on so many other subjects. I pray that a killer never shows up at my church, because he would leave in an unrecognizable, very deceased state.

News Item9/1/18 10:17 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Jim the problem isn't that people don't make enough money (or have their medical bills paid with stolen money), it's that they don't know how to manage what they get! I know of many families that have more than three members and live comfortably and save money with less than 80,000 a year. And one person not being able to make it on 50k a year? That's absurd! Where do you find the quacks that cook up this stuff? The problem is not that Americans can't make ends meet, it's that their irresponsible with their money. Yet you say introduce public health care which would only increase the burden on families through higher taxes (and no one disagrees with that). I think you make an effort to contradict yourself.

News Item8/30/18 4:52 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Little do you fellas know that the main course of this banquet consisted of ducks grown and raised by yours truly! Yup, even though they used eminent domain to steal'em from me, those Federal chefs paid a good price. Check out Trump's Twitter post: "fabulous ducks from BDF! I'm telling you they were awesome, they were really, really good..."

Originally Wendy's (Trump's favorite) was going to cater the event, but thankfully Sarah Huckabee Sanders told him it would be bad PR.

News Item8/30/18 4:34 PM
Backwoods Duck Farmer | Mississippi  Find all comments by Backwoods Duck Farmer
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Great points CGP! You are certainly correct about the next set of Democrats being true radicals. Trump is in evey way exactly what the liberals despise the most. Literally every single aspect of his personality, policies, and personal life is antithetical to theirs. That being said, I think D. J. Trump is gonna get the boot in 2020 and be replaced by one of these radical socialists. The USA you described may be a lot closer than any sane person would like to think. Right now we're just above the water line.
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