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News Item9/6/2020 11:14 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Great comments, Brother Carl. A pity so many are blind to the truth—and many apparently deliberately so.

News Item9/6/2020 12:11 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Amen and amen!

News Item9/6/2020 12:10 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Some will say, “Oh well, he’s a Catholic, it doesn’t matter what happens to him.” Oh yes it does. It matters very much. If a member of one religious group can be punished for discussing his beliefs, then the same could happen to any of us. While I by no means support the Catholic “church” and its tenets, I certainly support this young man’s rights to his beliefs. I hope he wins his lawsuit.

News Item9/6/2020 12:04 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Progress? What progress? Every time a state passes a pro-life bill, a wicked, bound-for-hell federal judge shoots it down. May God rid us of these murderous activist judges.

News Item9/5/2020 9:40 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Warren Throckmorton wrote, “If you are going to vote for Trump, own it.”
I’m going to vote for Trump, and I’m happy to own it.
By the way, Jim, is Warren Throckmorton a descendant of Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve? I find the Great Gildersleeve infinitely more entertaining than the Not-So-Great Lincoln.

News Item9/5/2020 6:00 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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It could be—notice I didn’t say it is , but merely that it could be—that there is a propensity among certain people to resent and resist duly appointed authority. It could also be that such resistance is often exacerbated by abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs. And it could be that people who, under the influence of alcohol and drugs, use extreme measures in resisting duly appointed authority tend to create volatile situations in which they are likely to get themselves shot. Situations, I might add, in which reason says that they SHOULD be shot. Now it just could be, couldn’t it, that the police officers are just trying their best to do what they are appointed to do, and the real perpetrators in most cases are the lawless hooligans who resist them?

News Item9/5/2020 11:33 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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“What is truth?”
—Pontius Pilate and Jim Lincoln

News Item9/5/2020 10:15 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Well, Jim, since you are such an adherent of science and statistics, consider this: “Yale epidemiology professor Dr. Harvey Risch said [July 21] that he believes the President Trump-touted drug, hydroxychloroquine, could save up to 100,000 lives if used properly to treat the coronavirus.”
So why aren’t we using it?
“It’s a political drug now, not a medical drug,” said Dr. Risch. “I think we are basically fighting a propaganda war against the medical facts.”
In other words, President Trump was right, all of the doctors and even the mainstream media know he was right, but the left-wingers would rather let tens of thousands of people die than to admit that Mr. Trump was could ever be right about anything.
By the way, don’t bother asking for a URL. I got this information from a newspaper. Remember those?

News Item9/5/2020 1:58 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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“Whites believe that they have replaced blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America, according to a new study from researchers at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School. The findings, say the authors, show that America has not achieved the â€post-racial’ society that some predicted in the wake of Barack Obama's election.
“Both whites and blacks agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years, according to the study. However, whites believe that anti-white racism has increased and is now a bigger problem than anti-black racism.” (From Social Work Today)
Studies, like statistics and even scripture, can be used to supposedly prove just about anything, can’t they, Jim? Have you ever considered joining the real world, or do you enjoy your fantasyland too much to leave it?

News Item9/4/2020 11:16 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Thank you, Colin.

News Item9/4/2020 9:44 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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1. Donald Trump is a flawed President because like all of us, he is a sinner.
2. However, Donald Trump, despite unremitting fierce opposition from Congress, the mainstream media, and everyday jughheads like a certain Cornhusker we know, did fulfill most of his 2016 campaign promises.
3. Furthermore, unlike the promises of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, Mr. Trump’s promises were WORTH fulfilling, and helpful rather than detrimental to the nation.
4. I realize that both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions were for the most part days-long infomercials, but which product would you rather buy? The one that promises to make America great again, or the one that promises to relegate America to the dungheap of failed third-rate nations?

News Item9/4/2020 8:42 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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If you think that’s the only bias on Google, you haven’t used it much.

News Item9/4/2020 8:10 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Jim, Mr. Trump has visited numerous cities in the past four years, and he hasn’t made detours to hobnob with the criminals in those places, either. Why should Kenosha be different?

News Item9/4/2020 8:06 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Which David Lipman was that, Jim? David Lipman the filmmaker? David Lipman the biologist? Or maybe it was David Lipman the chiropractor? Anyway, whoever David Lipman is, I’m sure he knows as much about the subject as Jim Lincoln: absolutely nothing.

News Item9/3/2020 11:02 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Yes, Jim, Mr. Biden sure is an example of what a Christian should be. Maybe while he’s in Kenosha he can perform a wedding ceremony for a couple of queers, or help an abortionist rip apart a baby or two. You know, the kind of “more Christian” things he and other Democrats are known for. If not for taste buds, I don’t think you would have any judgment at all.

News Item9/3/2020 4:30 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Jim Lincoln wrote: “ far as I’m concerned.” That obviously isn’t very far, Jim. You’ve never said one word against abortion or against those who are in favor of abortion. You have no concern for whether babies are born whole and healthy or violently murdered. Like all liberals, all you care about is receiving free stuff from the government—the only possible motivation for advocating universal healthcare—and your life verse is a quote from Judas Iscariot: “What will ye give me?”

News Item9/3/2020 4:10 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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There is ample proof in the Old Testament as well as the New that Jesus Christ is God. At least that is true for the Authorized Version; the watered-down versions tend to cast doubt on the deity of Christ. Those who don’t believe in the deity of Christ haven’t read the Bible, or they have read it and didn’t understand and/or believe what they read.

News Item9/2/2020 10:09 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Or if you pretend that abortion isn’t murder.

News Item9/2/2020 7:43 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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I’m no lawyer—praise God! I’m a thousand other kinds of a sinner, but at least no lawyer—but I think the argument could be made that precedents have been set showing that streets are now considered legitimate public forums for various painted expressions of opinion. Worth a shot anyway.
Of course the “Baby Lives Matter” slogan was a takeoff on “Black Lives Matter.” Perhaps the estimable gentleman from Nebraska could explain why, if black lives matter so much, black mothers murder millions of their babies; why black gangsters shoot each other to death by the thousands; and why more black men don’t step up to help raise and support the little black lives they have created. (Oh, I get it—it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.). Black Lives Matter is not only a marxist movement, but a ridiculously hypocritical movement. Apparently the only black lives that matter are those of a handful of black criminals killed by police officers, and not the many thousands of black lives destroyed by the hateful and irresponsible actions of other black citizens. I know this is not the politically correct stance, but I just think someone should have the nerve to point out the elephant in the room.

News Item9/2/2020 7:21 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Jim, what exactly did the (innacurate) scripture you quoted have to do with the mainstream media cutting the feed because someone was talking to God? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just couldn’t let an opportunity pass to hate on Trump, could you?
Watchmanremo, what flattery are you talking about? Is it your flattering yourself that you know what’s best for America?
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