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News Item8/20/2020 12:37 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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She has hepatitis, too, QC. Thanks for praying.
I’m voting, hey_yo. Cop out if you want to.

News Item8/20/2020 10:53 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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I was in the emergency room all night with my wife, and a time or two I stopped by and listened in to CNN. One lady on there said that Kamala Harris will be “governing,” and then she caught herself and said “helping to govern.” Too late, lady. The cat’s out of the bag and you can never put it back. Anybody with a grain of sense knows that Joe Biden can’t tie his shoes, let alone rule a nation.

News Item8/20/2020 9:11 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Trump is a clown, but Biden is an entire circus. And there’s no question that Biden would do far, far more damage.

News Item8/19/2020 11:34 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Probably the best thing to do with California is give it back to Mexico. Oh wait, they already did.

News Item8/19/2020 7:11 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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HM and MS, would you mind giving some specific examples of what you are talking about regarding “snark” and “playground bullying” in this particular thread? I went back as far as my iPhone would allow me to in order to see if there were any instances of this, but although I did see some rather strong areas of disagreement, I didn’t see anything I thought was abusive. I didn’t catch the comments that were deleted by the moderator, so I don’t know if that’s what you’re talking about. Thanks.
And thanks to all of you who have prayed/are praying for my family. There are few people in America who have not been afflicted by the scourge of drug and/or alcohol abuse among family members, and my clan has been hit especially hard. The old destroyer certainly has a potent arsenal in the bag and the bottle.

News Item8/18/2020 10:50 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Ignore Watchmanremo. If you don’t want to vote for Trump, at least vote against Biden.

News Item8/18/2020 7:12 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Thanks, QC. I forgot to mention that her psychotic/demonic episodes also began with drug abuse. Just another “victimless” crime.

News Item8/18/2020 2:18 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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A “pro-life Democrat” is as rare as a teetotaling sot.

News Item8/18/2020 11:06 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Still the same, QC. Please keep praying. We’re trying to have her committed (again). I know the drug-and-secular-counseling routine won’t change her, but maybe it’ll help keep her alive until the Holy Spirit moves on her heart.

News Item8/18/2020 6:01 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Thanks for asking about my family, QC. I posted an update on the thread about cannabis use in Australia.

News Item8/18/2020 12:08 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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It’s apt to get that way all across America with all the hot air coming out of the Democratic National Coven. I mean Convention.

News Item8/18/2020 12:05 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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The pope wasn’t the only one laughing. After all, Jolted Joe is the biggest political joke since Jimmy Carter. And I’m sure Satan gets a good chuckle out of seeing all the fools who have fallen for Joe and his fake religion and fake politics.

News Item8/17/2020 11:54 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Someone said that pot smoking is a “victimless” crime. Hardly.
I’ve asked people to pray for my brother-in-law who was admitted to the hospital recently. Thank God he was discharged today, but not before he nearly died from a “victimless crime.”
You see, my brother-in-law got Hepatitis A, and apparently his wife also now has it, through contact with their son who is an intravenous drug abuser. But the son didn’t start out shooting up. No, like most dopers, he started smoking pot before he moved on to the harder stuff. The young man’s drug habit has come at a tremendous cost to his parents as well as his children emotionally, physically, financially, mentally and even spiritually, and this same scenario is repeated all over America. Believe me, as a former addict myself, and one who currently works in an addictions recovery ministry, I can tell you beyond a doubt that there is nothing “victimless” about drug abuse, including the drug alcohol. Sin always affects more than just the sinner. Always.

News Item8/17/2020 1:50 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Amazing love, how can it be
That thou my God shouldst die for me?

News Item8/17/2020 1:49 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Ah, Jim, thank you for opening blind eyes! I finally get it! Since babies all go to heaven, we should kill as many of them as we possibly can, right?
Did you by any chance notice that your Dr. Rugh calls them “babies”? What kind of babies is he referring to, Jim? Baby alligators? Baby piranhas? No, he’s clearly referring to human babies, who are just miniature human beings.I know you don’t like the King James Bible, but every time it talks about the subject it says that a woman is great with child, not great with fetus. Little humans, whether in the womb or out, are known as infants, babes, children, and not blobs or the intentionally indefinite word “fetuses.” Jim Lincoln, as one who advocates murder, you are as much a murderer as the abortionist is, “and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” Wake up and smell the brimstone, Jim.

News Item8/17/2020 10:56 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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here, and completely out of the ballpark on that doctrine over yonder. After all, we do all see through a glass, darkly, don’t we?

News Item8/17/2020 10:54 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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John, I’m not sure that our testimonies are really that far apart. Prior to my salvation, the Holy Spirit worked me over with such an overwhelming conviction, such an horror of judgement and eternal suffering, that I was willing to do anything to be saved. What a relief when He showed me that all I had to do was trust Jesus Christ to save me! It was as if the Saviour said, “Here, give me your hand and I’ll pull you out!” Up till then I didn’t even realize I had a hand. The “hand” was faith, and He gave it to me just as surely as He gave me my physical hands. But I still had to agree to His arrangement. He wasn’t going to pull me out if I didn’t want out. As Brother Mike said, there are many who don’t want out. They love the darkness of their way and prefer to remain in it.
I want to thank all who have been praying for my family members. If I’m away for a bit, it’s not because I’m upset with anyone on the forum. I just need some time to pray, too.
You know, I just had a funny thought. I just had a picture of all of us sitting at the feet of the Master, in heaven at last. He begins to teach, and with red faces we realize we have ALL missed the mark in one way or another. We were all too blind to see that while we may have been right over here, we were a little off-base over

News Item8/17/2020 6:48 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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John, nothing I said in my previous post denies the essentiality of the work of the Holy Spirit. My point is that when the Holy Spirit moves on the heart of a person, that person is free to respond positively or negatively.
I don’t think there’s a preacher alive who doesn’t view Genesis 24, where Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac, as a picture of God the Father sending the Holy Spirit to get a bride for Christ. But the servant says, “What if she won’t come?” Does Abraham say, “Then hit her over the head and MAKE her come!”? Hardly. The woman has a choice.
Jesus told a group of people, “And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.” He didn’t say they couldn’t come. He said they wouldn’t.
The sovereignty of God does not negate the free will of man. It was God who in His sovereignty created man with that free will. If this were not true, it would be ridiculous to use the word “willing” in relation to people as the Bible repeatedly does.

News Item8/17/2020 5:56 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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I guess no one is going to attempt to answer my original question, which was Why do so many say that since the fall of Adam, man no longer has free will, but no one that I know of claims that he has no similar extinction of the ability to think and feel? Without the context of the first question, the second one is moot.

News Item8/17/2020 5:49 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Every abortion is a forced abortion, Jim. A little baby is forced to die. You’re a sick person if you’re okay with that.
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