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News Item11/21/09 11:19 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"...the Bible doesn't mandate a specific type of Music at all. So whether it's Hymns or Hip-Hop I see no Biblical distinction."

Ephesians 5.19
Colossians 3.16

"And David seemed to dance around like "a drugged monkey rapping and rhyming" about the Lord quite a bit in Psalms."

Really? There is one instance of David dancing in Scripture: 2 Samuel 6.16 and 1 Chronicles 15.29 (two descriptions of the same event). If you are comparing this to what goes on in churches today, you are too misguided to be reasoned with. David wasn't trying to entertain or amuse anyone.

"...I do recall Paul challenging us to meet everyone where they are at in order to preach the gospel ...and "whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God".

Where in Scripture do you find ANYTHING other than preaching to be used to share the Gospel? Should we also use pornography or dirty jokes 'to the glory of God' that some might be saved? What foolishness! Did Paul became a clown to 'meet others where they are'?

"If rap music (or any other music) is used from unrighteous purposes that is a result of the problem of living unredemed, but not the real problem itself at all."

Music born of pride and rebellion is ungodly noise. Pride & rebellion are what got Lucifer kicked out of heaven.

News Item11/20/09 10:23 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The responses on this thread (except for Frank's) are so sad for so many reasons.

Where does anyone get the idea that Christians are supposed to be entertained? Why would anyone believe that rebellious, beat driven, angry 'music' (rhythmic noise) is appropriate for worshiping God? If a 'cocaine dealer/addict' is attracted by a particular kind of so-called music, whether it be rock, rap, hip-hop or metal, is that really what churches should be using in their worship? Think about the absolute absurdity of that.

Where does anyone get the idea that music is supposed to be utilized in preaching the Gospel? Where is that in Scripture? Preaching is how we are to share the Gospel - not by jumping around like a drugged monkey rapping and rhyming. That is just plain crazy.

If I go to the doctor and after examining me he determines that I have a potentially fatal disease, am I going to take his diagnosis seriously if he brings in a rock band or a hip-hop group to jump around and sing his diagnosis to me? I would think he is crazy! A fool! Isn't the truth of a man's lost condition and the possibility of spending an eternity in hell MUCH more serious and crucial than a cancer diagnosis?

Entertainment is for the lost world. Sadly, it permeates most churches today.

News Item11/19/09 8:57 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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CV in Australia wrote:

"On the one hand, homosexual behavior should not be given special status or promoted as such by the government. On the other hand, the government has no business throwing them in jail."

I strongly disagree. Until recently, sodomy was illegal in most every state in America. It still should be.

Sadly, the sodomite community has used the power of the media, the dollar and political fear to blackmail our spineless politicians into changing the laws, not only making sodomy legal but making those who practice it into sacred cows and VIPs.

Sodomy is a crime against nature. It is indeed a heinous sin but even from a secular standpoint it ought to be illegal in any civilized society. It is a violation of the most basic law of nature: male & female. It threatens the health and fabric of a society. Those who practice it are not "born that way", they CHOOSE to commit sodomy and should not only be shunned but should be incarcerated if guilty.

Acceptance, toleration and now pandering to & celebration of sodomites is the norm in the U.S. We are about to pay a high price for our foolish rebellion.

News Item11/11/09 11:40 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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What? What in the world kind of logic is that?

You Know Who: That's exactly the kind of statement that makes people believe that KJV/AV supporters (and I am one) are a bunch of nuts.

I agree with you that the RC cult is the root of much trouble in the world but to suggest that SermonAudio is in cahoots with them is just silly. Dragging the defense of the KJV/AV into it makes it even sillier.

News Item11/8/09 9:06 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I hope Mike in NY is right.

BTW, Mike - If you are a Yankees fan (I am), congrats!

News Item11/4/09 6:39 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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As usual, John UK is right on the money!

News Item11/3/09 12:10 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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1. I find no record in Scripture of God destroying a nation because the people ate too much or smoked cigarettes.

2. I have never known of a sodomite to repent of their sodomite sin and be saved. That doesn't mean it can't happen (perhaps you know one) but I've never seen it.

3. God is destroying this nation, just as He has others, because of our toleration and now even celebration of sodomites. They should not be welcome in any real fellowship of believers until they STOP SODOMIZING EACH OTHER. Again, I have never known of that to happen. Instead, they want to join your fellowship and demand tolerance. I personally believe that Romans 1 indicates that these folks have jumped the fence.

Scripture makes it plain that God has a very harsh view of sodomite behavior and he is quick to place His judgement on it. Am I wrong? Show me. It's a sin He treats like no other.

I have always believed that God has held back His judgement upon the U.S. because there were was still a remnant of true Christians in it. Now most of our so-called 'pastors' ands their flocks are going the way of Jason Harper in the article above, pandering to devils, and we as a nation are about to suffer the severe consequences.

News Item11/3/09 11:28 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I agree with anti-Legalist.

News Item11/2/09 9:50 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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What does any of that have to do with the topic here or any of the comments below?

News Item11/1/09 9:03 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I find no 'service for God' in him. I find a lot of service for James Dobson.

Dobson is a Freudian psychologist and his heretical promotion of self-esteem teaching ought to be enough for any Christian to ignore him and the rest of his claptrap. James Dobson is a dangerous, dangerous man.

He's used his whiny, crying radio show appealing primarily to gullible women to gain fortune & fame. In the process, he's caused untold damage to the spreading of the pure gospel and Christian families in particular.

News Item10/31/09 10:19 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I agree with Jim.

James Dobson has been and continues to be one of the most dangerous and destructive men influencing believers. His impact on Christians in general and Christian families in particular for the past 30 years has been devastating.

News Item10/24/09 10:48 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Michael Hranek: Have you done any research on this subject at all? Have you checked to see where 'all the multiple manuscripts found in so many different places in the world' were actually found and who produced them? Do you know anything of the history of Alexandria, Egypt? Do you really not understand that the THOUSANDS of manuscripts and portions of manuscripts (precious few? do your homework, Michael) that were used to produce the AV are in agreement with the AV and that the few (precious few!) that are utilized to produce the modern versions (the "eclectic" text) don't agree with the majority of existing manuscripts and in most cases they DON'T EVEN AGREE WITH EACH OTHER?

You and Jim Lincoln can read whatever version you want to. Not my business. But if you guys are going to lambast God's Word, you ought to at least use sound, factual arguments or (in Jim's case) let the grown folks present your argument for you.

News Item10/24/09 10:33 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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He's not a blind guide. He knows exactly what he's doing.

And I agree with you. It's going to get MUCH worse.

News Item10/15/09 9:36 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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1. If I want to quote extensively from the AV in a booklet I want to publish, nobody will bother me at all. If I quote from the NKJV, Thomas Nelson will have a fit & probably take legal action if I don't stop. Try it and see. Same goes for the NIV and Zondervan. The online concordance that I use has a copyright listed for any verse it retrieves from a modern translation. The verses from the AV say 'public domain'.

2. J. Vernon McGee sometimes quoted from the ASV (not the NASB). When I was younger and thought everybody with a Bible and a microphone must know more than me, I listened to J. Vernon McGee. Today I find him annoying. He's way too wishy washy. I actually heard him say once that Matthew Henry was "dry as dirt". Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

3. Please go back and read over all of the posts on this thread. Who shows a more discerning, Christ-like attitude, those who prefer the KJV or the others? Which group exhibits the more sarcastic, condemning attitude? Frank Dombrosky is always a gentleman.

4. People thought the Apostle Paul was crazy, too.

News Item9/29/09 11:24 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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News Item:
Mothers at War
What kind of country sends women out to fight their wars for them?

Good grief.

Next thing you know the men in the U.S. will be wanting their wives & mothers to go out and earn them a living. Oh wait...

News Item9/24/09 10:47 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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John Yurich:

What makes you think he's not?

News Item9/24/09 2:37 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I suspect if he went anywhere it would be to a mosque.

News Item9/22/09 6:17 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Sarah Palin needs to go home & raise those kids.

News Item9/20/09 12:42 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Get your children out of these government indoctrination centers.

News Item9/18/09 10:10 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Thanks! It will be on there this Sunday morning. I'll give you credit.
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