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News Item9/17/2020 10:17 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I was looking at my (secular) news app today on my phone. It reported about the new “Rule of Six” restrictions in Britain, (apart from sports, education, and formal church services, but not any social events of any kind), no more than 6 people are allowed to mingle or socialise, indoors or outdoors, at any time. In England this includes children, in Wales and Scotland, children are exempted for this duke, as is outdoors socialising in Wales. Northern Ireland has not introduced this restriction at all,though

News Item9/17/2020 2:06 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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At last, it seems that some of the people on the judicial bench in the US are actually beginnng to apply the Constitution, instead if making up activist leftist laws as they go along!!

News Item9/17/2020 1:38 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am sorry to hear from cv a very gloomy report that the Australian people as a whole support the lockdown, mask mandates and the heavy police state type restrictions. I have heard that unexpectedly “regional Victoria” , that is the area of the state outside metropolitan Melbourne has now been suddenly freed from some of the severe restrictions. However, the city of Melbourne has now been surrounded by police checkpoints so no one in the city can leave to go to “regional Victoria” to enjoy the new freedoms. There is a huge fine for anyone who tries to leave the city without permission. I know that the papers and the state ABC radio and television go along with the narrative, only the Australian Sky tv seems to partly oppose it. Here in Britain there has been some backlash on the “Rule of Six”, and the ridiculous unBritish “”Covid Marshals”. However, as stated on another thread in SA, the Gestapo / Stasi style “snitch line” in Virginia seems to be another popular tactic. Combined with this, I have not heard any of the Australian churches making any kind of a stand, rather like our British churches. An unexpected intervention was Archbishop Welby here who has now criticised the Rule of Six!! He has been totally silent until now.

News Item9/16/2020 7:28 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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And yes, Colin, I know Trump is flawed and weak on some issues, but if you vote for Biden and Harris, they have made it clear what they stand for, and they and their globalist friends will carry it out to the letter. And get used to keeping the churches closed, wearing masks everywhere, and lining up for your compulsory Bill Gates COVID 19 vaccination!! Also get used to the normal police being scrapped, but Brownshirt and Blackshirt style terrorists wandering up and down the streets administering their form of “social justice”, and then perhaps being replaced by something far worse!! These characters are serious and will even change your constitution to keep power indefinitely.

News Item9/16/2020 7:21 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Catholic Traditionalists are horrified at this globalist, liberation theology, pro-LGBTQI+, environmentalist Pachamama Earth worshipping pro-Islamic Pope Francis, who threw his own underground Catholic Church in China under the bus, sacked his own bishops, and allowed the Communist Party of China appointed bishops to take over the church there and basically submitted the Catholic Church to the persecution of the Communist Party.

News Item9/16/2020 3:31 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Good to hear from you Dave from Oz. What on Earth is happening down there in Australia, with Victoria in perpetual lockdown, curfews and mask wearing, and overzealous police arresting pregnant women for a Facebook post and elderly ladies on benches, and Queensland where a dictatorial Premier closed the borders (except to celebrities of course), and banned an out of state woman from her father’s funeral, only allowing her in full PPE gear, accompanied by a full police escort like a criminal, to view her dead father in his coffin, despite a plea from the federal Prime Minister and a dying father is only allowed to have one of his 4 young sons visit him on his deathbed. To return to Charles Stanley, he must be very sad about his son, Andy Stanley, a true Marcion if ever there was one. (Marcionism was an early church heresy which despised the Old Testament, and even some of the New). Andy Stanley, is tragically the newer sort of “neo-evangelical” liberal.

News Item9/16/2020 2:41 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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And should any body, particularly Evangelical Protestants and yourself Mr Lincoln, vote for a man and a woman who are committed to LGBTQI+ rights, even to the extent of persecuting Christians like florists, bakers, photographers, and churches that will not service “gay weddings” ,tax payer funded transgender “treatment” including children, mandated pornography “sex education” without parental consent in schools, a total ban on counselling such people to come out of that lifestyle,tax payer funded abortion on demand right up to birth, either by butchery (surgery), or by chemical means, and in the rare case where a baby survives this barbarous procedure leaving him or her to die on the table, euthanasia on demand, earth worship by killing jobs and dictating how people should heat their homes and what energy they should use, handing the USA over to the UN, betraying Israel and signing deals with the Arab Muslim Palestinians and Iran, unlimited Islamic immigration, no support for persecuted Christians overseas, mandated mask wearing everywhere indoors and outdoors, permanent lockdowns, church closures and a ban on proper worship and assembly, compulsory Bill Gates vaccines for all, etc. If you vote for this couple, you are a traitor to the Gospel, to Christ and His Church.

News Item9/14/2020 6:30 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Tragically, though we have a “Conservative” government, and thankfully not an out and out leftist, Labour / Liberal Democratic / Green type government, (Scotland and Wales have leftist devolved governments, and Northern Ireland has a leftist party in the compulsory coalition forced on it by the Good Friday “Peace” Deal), PM Boris Johnson is still being bullied by Matt Hancock his Health Secretary and the world government globalist influenced epidemiologists at SAGE, and though he has held off from another national lockdown, he is being pushed to take severe measures to deal with rising “cases”, note not hospitalisation or deaths which have plummeted. Today, a Rule of Six came in with exemptions for work, school, and formal church services, (which continue under severe restrictions). No group of more than six, including small children, (Scotland and Wales thankfully do not include children in this number), may gather socially inside or outside, and it will be enforced by both police, and a new force of local council “Covid Marshals”. Track and Trace for sit down places will now be mandatory, not voluntary. We are becoming mire and mire like Communist China where this miserable virus came from!!

News Item9/14/2020 5:59 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The BBC has also revoked automatic free licences for over 75’s, unless they have a very bureaucratic government pension credit programme which they have to apply for online, though they have not revoked the half-fee scheme for blind people . This appalling decision for elderly people has caused a backlash, especially as many BBC managers, presenters, producers and actors are paid huge salaries!!

News Item9/14/2020 3:59 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, dear ladybug, you are very right. The BBC is not to be trusted. This is the quasi governmental though technically independent broadcasting service in Britain founded in the 1920’s, with a peculiar charter. It does not carry any adverts on radio or television, except for its own commercials for its own services, and public government notices. The radio licence was abolished many years ago, but all television viewers (whether they view BBC programmes or not) and internet viewers in Britain of live or recorded iPlayer BBC programmes, must purchase an annual licence, subject to criminal penalties if they view without a licence. Increasingly since the 1960’s, the BBC has become more and more left wing, and subscribed fully to the immoral revolution of LGBTQI+ and the “climate change” agenda. There is a rising tide of anger and annoyance with the BBC. There is now pressure on the government to remove first the criminal penalties, and then later take off the licence fee altogether. In the days of free view, cable tv, satellite tv, and internet tv, it is an anachronism to keep a 1920’s licence fee, designed when the BBC has a virtual monopoly!!!

News Item9/14/2020 2:58 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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To return to Israel the PM has declared a rigorous 3 week lockdown. All shops, apart from food shops and pharmacies, are closed down, restauarants are to be takeaway only, and no one is allowed more than 500 m from their house. This was extremely contentious, one Orthodox government minister resigned, and this will effectively ban any celebration of the Jewish new year, and the High Holy Days. At present, (similar to New Zealand), no foreign citizens, except permanent residence permit holders and I guess diplomats, may enter Israel. Other ministers and Knesset members are also angry with Mr Netanyahu, as this will severely disrupt the economy.

This little virus has caused horrendous disruption, maybe we need to sing Psalm 91, even Israel has been badly advised on this globalist virus and how to deal with it.

News Item9/13/2020 6:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I realise this kind of house church model is very probably the only viable way in certain countries like China or North Korea, or Islamic countries, where there is persecution. The Bible does however, appoint elders and deacons, (not clergy, we leave that to the Anglicans and Catholics!!), for leadership and accountability. From what I recall, you were located in Wales, where I think the Rule of Six is also in force, though unlike England, children are not counted, unlike in England where they are. Your home fellowship would, I think, be breaking the law, if you have more than six from one household, or “social bubble”, (not including children), even if you held the meetings outside, unless I have confused Wales with Scotland. Also, many good solid evangelical churches like mine, do love the Lord and preach the Gospel, but sadly have been overtaken by the fear and hype of the coronavirus, and unfortunately take the word of politicians (and the globalists behind them) and the tiny number of medical “experts” and pharmaceutical companies behind them as law, and are completely supine. I still pray for them that they will return to the same spirit and attitude of the 16th century Reformers, the 17th century Puritans and the 17th century Methodists, and stand against these dictatori

News Item9/13/2020 4:45 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Thanks, John UK. Later today, I shall, dv, be attending my mask wearing fellowship, with the tape, the loud signs, the one way system, the quick exit at the end of the service, the ban on singing and the tinny recorded hymns over the loudspeaker that we listen to. Great shame that the church has descended to this. If the Lord tarries, will the church still be like this, this time next year? What will happen when they bring out the Bill Gates vaccine, with its aborted babies cells, the DNA changing agent, and probably also the permanent internal marker chip or dye for identity, that the globalists have lined up for us, and will we just meekly line up and take it?

News Item9/13/2020 3:34 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Even the toothless federal Prime Minister of Australia telephoned the heartless Premier of Queensland to plead with her to change her mind, and let this woman attend her father’s funeral, but she refused, said it was her Chief Health Officer’s decision, and then got up in a rare parliamentary appearance to accuse him of bullying her.

Yet, Sweden, that thankfully had a sensible epidemiologist in charge in March, had no lockdowns, no bullying of citizens and few restrictions, and is doing much better, and the economy is faring very well. What a contrast!!

News Item9/13/2020 3:26 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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What has horrified me as a Christian has been the sudden rise of tyranny and arbitrary restrictions in democratic states, and unfortunately the willingness of churches and Christians to jump to, close down and accept the restrictions which are decrees without any parliamentary approval. New Zealand does not accept any visitors at all, and both NZ and Australia do not trust their citizens to “self isolate” but have compulsory hotel quarantine. Australia has internal border controls between the states which are heartless dividing families. (Celebrities are allowed in however). Victoria is in a total semi-permanent lockdown with police enforcement, and the night time curfew has been discovered that the Premier just called it on a whim without any medical advice. He now has absolute powers for 6 months. Any opposition is punished and a pregnant woman was arrested before her family for a Facebook post questioning this. In Queensland an out of state woman was banned from here father’s funeral, but only allowed in full PPE gear accompanied by police escort to see her father in his coffin. Disgraceful!!

News Item9/12/2020 6:27 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I praise the Lord for dear folks like Pastor John MacArthur, Dr Jack Trieber, Pastor McCoy and many others who have stood firm for their churches to meet together and to preach the Gospel, despite the decrees (not laws, because they have not been passed by the local parliamentary body, the California Congress), issued by their tyrannical Governor. Here, there is really no one in the churches who have that same spirit, and if course, most churches accept universal mask wearing, severe social distancing, closing down of most activities, and of course most will (perhaps not too happily) accept the Bill Gates style aborted babies DNA-changing, and probably marker identity chip vaccine to come. Though the PM has often taken a more cautious line, he id pushed by Matt Hancock his Health Minister and the SAGE epidemiologists to go further with more and more restrictions. The latest edict is the “Rule of Six”, no time limit given for this, which bans all social meetings, inside or outside of more than 6 people. This effectively bans all church social activities, though services are now permitted under very severe restrictions.

News Item9/12/2020 4:05 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Well, I did a short one hour train journey out of London and back to a small cathedral city of Eastern England. It wasn’t anything about the city that was remarkable, it was more the train journey, and both the huge London terminus, and the smaller city station. Loud signs everywhere, one way systems, men and women in masks, pink fluorescent jackets waving arrows with” This Way to Exit”, many of the station shops and cafes closed, strict barrier controls, compulsory reservations on the train, outside the London terminal, both police and local council “community enforcement officers” wandering about, and a constant barrage of “wear your face covering” and “observe social distancing”. I thought that I had slipped from Britain into North Korea, or Communist China!! Oddly, though they did have a buffet car on the train apparently, but that is very unusual, as most railway companies have scrapped all refreshment facilities, and even in the train, they told people, “do not move around, but stay in your seat”!! No, Mr Lincoln, I don’t like living in a Communist republic, even if you do!!

News Item9/11/2020 11:18 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This isn’t so much pastors and churches in Britain, USA, Canada, Australia but those in the 3rd World. These dear pastors have to do tent making to earn their living, as the folks in their congregation are literally earning just pennies.They often live in much more tyrannical countries than ours, where the lockdowns and church restrictions were much harsher, and infractions were dealt with by beatings, arrest, huge fines out of all proportions to their earnings, and jail and where in many countries the churches still haven’t been allowed to gather and there may still be stern restrictions in their businesses. I know one or two areas in the West like California and Melbourne Victoria Australia are fast getting that way, with their tyrannical rulers, but by and large, we have got off lightly in comparison!

News Item9/11/2020 10:28 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Like you John UK, I do not like social media and have no accounts on any social media website. However, it can be useful for churches and pastors, if they have the internet knowledge, and provided that they are very judicious, to share the gospel and news of their church. The pastor,elders and church do need great wisdom. I think LGBTQI+ organisations, have a special department spending all their days trawling over the social media picking out what they can sue over, or report to overzealous politically correct police forces.

News Item9/10/2020 7:41 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, we are opposed quite rightly to Catholic doctrines. What, however is clear is that under Pope Francis, and to an extent under the Vatican 2 popes, John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II, (John Paul I didn’t live long enough, though he was in the same mould, he died mysteriously after a month in office, because he was about to clean up the Vatican Bank, and that didn’t go down too well), there has been a complete takeover of the Roman Catholic Church by the Marxists, liberation theologians, and liberal modernists, who are even overriding Catholic doctrine, let alone anything biblical. I read traditional Catholic websites and it is clear that a vast majority of bishops and priests follow the same beliefs of Marxism, “social justice” and unbiblical liberalism, as the already established mainstream Protestant denominations. Pope Francis in particular, is committed to this and leaving the way, much to the consternation of the traditionalist Catholics.
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