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News Item8/29/2020 7:02 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The church is needed now more than ever. With a riding tide of alcoholism, drug addiction, child and adult abuse, unemployment, isolation, loneliness and so on, caused by the dreadful lockdowns, social distancing and so on, the church is necessary to preach the gospel and reach out to these people!! The church should make a stand to meet properly!! Such fear is being engendered, that one primary school in Ireland has a setup that if a child starts coughing, sneezing, or maybe even a runny nose, he or she will be instantly taken out of the class, put in a miserable shed in the playground, and the parents called to collect, for possible testing and then 14 days isolation for them all at home!! How wicked!! How dreadful!!! This is what the church needs to address, and to be a real witness in this situation.

News Item8/29/2020 6:02 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, the church should pray. The difficulty is how can a church pray corporately, when many churches are still not meeting fully, others are only running one Sunday service, with all the restrictions, everything else is online, and even home bible studies and prayer meetings are difficult due to the restrictions, in sone local lockdown areas actually illegal!!! In one lockdown city, one of my former churches, a very large building with a couple of hundred members, hasn’t been open at all since March, no online services, the elderly pass for had already previously retired, and no a second (local) lockdown has been imposed, and all these ridiculous restrictions. Communion is virtually impossible, baptisms are forbidden, as are most children’s activities, and all social meetings. It is a great pity that in March the churches had not made a stand j this issue. Now we know more about what is going on, we can and should stand against the fear being whipped up!!!

News Item8/27/2020 1:21 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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When I visited my church last Sunday, true there was a lovely prayer, a Bible reading, and a good sermon based on that passage, but with all the tape, floor markers, loud signs, written rules, masks, sanitiser, one way system, no singing, (though the recorded hymns coming through the loudspeaker with tinny reception that we listened to were very good hymns - we were allowed to use the hymn books, due to no evening service, they can be “quarantined” in time for next Sunday morning), masks for all and being chased out on to the street immediately at the end of the service, I must say, I almost expected to see compulsory posters of Xi Jinping, Communist Party texts, and CCTV cameras linked up to the local police station as happens in Communist China!! We are almost getting there if the church keeps accepting these COVID 19 restrictions indefinitely!!

News Item8/27/2020 4:16 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I praise God for Pastor John MacArthur and his congregation at Grace Community Church in California, and the other pastors and churches that are making a stand there, and also in some other states.

What a contrast to here in Britain. There is virtually no resistance to the government requirements for churches, and has not been since March. Some have even at times exceeded the guidelines. An exception is one church in south London, where the congregation have refused to observe the singing ban, and have sung the hymns and songs, though I don’t know whether they have gone in with the other rules or not. More typical is my church that I finally was able to visit for the 1st time since March with tape, sealed off pews one way systems,, no fellowship allowed, no singing, recorded hymns played over a loudspeaker, masks, etc., or even worse, a large church near me with big posters declaring Jesus as “Name above all Names” and “Need of our Nation”, but had been totally locked up, and still is since March, (no online services either), and three photos of the pastor wearing a mask, with a text, “Wear this for your own protection and for others”!!! Truly a Masked and Sealed church!!

News Item8/26/2020 9:47 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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My prayers are with Dr Trieber and his staff and congregation of North Valley Baptist Church, the school and Bible College, as well as their Filipino and Spanish congregations, for Pastor Rob McCoy and congregation of Godspeak Calvary Chapel, of Pastor MacArthur , staff and congregation of Grace Community Church, Master’s University and Seminary, and Grace to You and all other pastors and churches in California that are affected by these draconian and dictatorial laws of a lawless governor and unelected officials ruling by decree, without any recourse to the local legislature, and actually discriminating against churches, when violent demonstrations are permitted and even encouraged, dangerous prisoners are released from gaol for fear of COVID 19, and abortion clinics and pot shops are regarded as essential and kept open.

News Item8/25/2020 9:49 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, tragically, one’s own family can be the worst enemies. I was passing a bookshop the other day, here in Britain, oddly enough while the “virtual” Democratic Party National Convention was running. Prominently displayed, in a front window, was a book by President Trump’s niece, presumably the daughter of this lady.attacking him, her own uncle. I have no doubt that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are greatly cheered, but it is the man himself that you observe, not what people, including his relatives, say about him.

News Item8/25/2020 10:50 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, indeed Mr Flake is the right name for this former Republican who now supports Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Dear Jim from Nebraska will never be able to return to whatever church he was involved in, unless of course there is tape on the floor, sealed off pews, no communions, no baptisms, no singing, (just recorded hymns played over a loudspeaker), and compulsory masks for all, but not just in church, not just in stores, not just in buses, museums and so on, but right out on the street everywhere. Neighbours denouncing each other. Police checking your papers, lockdown after lockdown. The masked schoolchildren, forbidden to play with each other, no sports, no concerts, but listening to LGBTQI+ dogma, questioning whether they are a boy or girl, pornographic sex education for all, fear after fear about “global warming”. No trips to see grandmother, parks closed time after time, and government by decree, no recourse to parliament, senate or congress. Lawlessness on the streets, and little or no police, except to check you are keeping indoors. California and Melbourne Australia is the proof of this!! This is what you will get with Biden and Harris in charge, or should I say the globalists and U.N. begins them. And don’t forget the compulsory repeated Bill Gates vaccines!!!

News Item8/25/2020 1:49 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Basically, if we look at this whole Leftist Marxist BLM nonsense, which of course itself is racism, it is actually a product of the teaching and indoctrination of evolution, as the Bible teaches very clearly that we are one race, one blood, no matter how much h or how little melanin colours our skin. All humans were created in the image of God, all humans are the descendants of Adam and Eve, and because of the flood, of Noah and his wife. That’s it, simple. It was the racist Charles Darwin, who had a now suppressed subtitle on his infamous book, The Origin of the Species, which was about “favoured races”, just as the founder of the infamous Planned Parenthood abortion organisation, Margaret Sanger, was a racist eugenicist, who believed in family planning and sterilisation of certain inferior races and populations. There has never been any excuse biblically for racism, whether against black or white peoples. As Christians, we should not swallow the lie of white or black supremacist propaganda, Abut get back to the Bible, back to Genesis. Nazism and Marxism are both wrong, and very bad world views. We are not to be “woke”, but to get back to the Bible, to God’s Word, and to the Biblical teaching of one race, created by God, in His image, responsible to Him alone.

News Item8/24/2020 7:45 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Sorry, Jim, you cannot defend their wicked activities of the globalists, and particularly those of George Soros and Bill Gates

News Item8/24/2020 4:05 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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One note. The university that the Hungarian Prime Minister has closed is funded and operated by one of George Soros’ organisations. It was a great centre of globalist and leftist propaganda. Remember this infamous globalist was a Hungarian Jew, who apostatised from his own religion, and traitorously assisted the Nazi occupiers in getting ready Jews for deportation and confiscating their property. He was never brought to book for this crime, and found his way to the United States after the war, where he got rich through his many commercial activities, and currency speculations. He got into political activism, and is the money man with unlimited funds for every leftist activity one can think of. Hungary escaped the Communist embrace at the end of the 1980’s, and since then has rightly recognised that this former citizen’s activities are incompatible with its freedom!! He is now persona non grata in his former country.

News Item8/24/2020 1:57 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The church must start making a stand in this matter of religious freedom. Sadly, here in Britain, apart from one evangelical Anglican vicar, and some black charismatic pastors, who haven’t followed through on their objections, there has been virtually no opposition to the restrictions caused by the COVID19 crisis and emergency orders.

As stated on another thread, I attended my church for the morning service for the first time since March, as they have just opened up (morning service only-all others still online only). Black and yellow tape, one way systems, lane markings, , pews closed, no entry signs on doors, no leaflets or books in foyer, everyone except the pastor in pulpit wearing masks, and listening to tinny recorded hymns without singing!! All rushing out at the end, of course!! Yes, there was a good prayer, and a good sermon from Matthew about the mustard seed parable, but how tragic, how sad, what a mockery of fellowship!! How can this hysteria and over reaction be justified!! The church must say, “Enough is enough!!” At least here in Britain, in comparison with the “People’s Republic of California”, and the disgraceful Marxist dictatorship of what is happening in Melbourne and Victoria State in Australia, we seem to have got off lightly!!

News Item8/24/2020 1:35 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This pastor is unfortunately a leader in n the NAR ( the movement is not “New”, nor “Apostolic”, nor a “Reformation”, though it thinks it is). Having said that, I believe your constitution gives him the right to hold his services without interference, particularly when rioters, abortion clinics and pot shops are carrying out their nefarious “essential” services!!

I attended my own church yesterday for the first time since March! The morning service has been restarted, evening and weekday services are still online only!! It was good to see the brothers and sisters again. A good prayer, a good sermon on the mustard seed parable, but how sad!! Tape everywhere, loud signs, no entry on many doors, one way route round church, everyone, (except pastor on pulpit), wearing those disgusting masks, rushing out the church at the end, no singing, just listening to recorded hymns from a tinny loudspeaker!! What a mockery! The church here in Britain must start making a stand, like the Reformers and the 17th century Puritans and 18th century Methodists, even if it means prison and sanctions. I felt both angry and sad yesterday!! I went home and sang the hymns myself loud!!

News Item8/22/2020 2:10 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Phillip Mezzapelle is right. The church should never have gone along with the first lockdown, though I gather it was very severe in his country of Italy. I lived and worked there for about 1 year in the early 1980’s, and was in the Milan area, and visited places like the beautiful medieval city of Bergamo, where the COVID19 outbreak was so severe. Politicians completely botched the whole thing, sacked Parliament virtually, brought in government by decree, shut down the economy, and brought in mass quarantining of healthy people, instead of mass testing, quarantining of the sick, and permitting other things to continue with moderate precautions as in Sweden, which was the more biblical way. Tragically, at this stage, churches bowled over in obedience, and as with many churches in my country of Britain, even went further than the government, and often locked themselves down, interfered with communion and baptisms, it brought in mask mandates before the government did!! Now, the hype has been exposed, the globalists plots and plans are well known, is the church now going to keep bowing down to the state, to Caesar, to the communist style restrictions, and perhaps even accept mandatory vaccinations, as well as indefinite closures, when it is clearly obvious what the globalist one wor

News Item8/21/2020 2:52 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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A correction from my previous post. I spoke about the permanent ink marker under the skin to prove you have had the vaccine (not the virus), by the way, apparently this is rather worringly called “luciferase”, and possibly also a marker id chip to go with it, that Bill Gates and the globalists are set upon including. Note the NEA has also compromised on the LGBTQI+ issue, along with the Association of Christian Colleges, that churches, Christian colleges and schools can be temporarily exempt from LGBTQI+ anti discrimination laws and “gay marriage” provisions, thus throwing Christian individuals and businesses under the bus. BioLogos is a leading proponent of “Christian” evolution compromise. Veritable wolves in sheep’s clothing.

News Item8/21/2020 1:25 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Do not be fooled. BioLogos is a radical outfit of neo-Evangelicals that proclaims “theistic” evolution, that the Bible and Darwinian evolution are compatible. 5 aspects of the forthcoming vaccine. 1) In the rush it has not been tested properly, and vaccine producers are immune from prosecution or civil lawsuits. 2). Most COVID19 vaccines do have aborted tissue involved. 3). At least one, the Modesto vaccine, but probably others as well, has an epigenetic agent, rNA, which will modify your DNA. 4). Bill Gates, whose money is behind a lot of this, and is supported by the globalists in the U.N., and internationally, is determined to incorporate permanent marker devices in it that can be scanned to prove you have had the virus, and a permanent id chip can also be incorporated in the virus. It will also be necessary to have repeat vaccinations as immunity is limited, and COVID19, does mutate. 5). The globalists, and those leftist governors, mayors, presidents, etc. are determined to make it mandatory with no exceptions allowed, and will continue mask mandates and lifestyle restrictions on all until they take the vaccine. This is definitely a forerunner to the Mark of the Beast, I am sure. Do not be fooled by these “scientific” BioLogos / NEA neo-evangelicals.

News Item8/19/2020 2:34 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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All power to their arm!! Homeschooling is more embryonic here in Britain, but I hope that organisations such as you have in USA, like HSLDA, and church and parent led homeschool coops can develop here. Who wants to send a child to school with LGBTQI+ and transgender and environmentalist and “anti-racist anti-white” indoctrination, where the kids have to sit at separate desks, wear masks the whole day, shepherded round one way systems, not allowed to play with each other, where sports and concerts are virtually non existent, no outside excursions or visits, constant fear, temperature checks, contact tracing, circles in the playground, lonely meal and play times, and loads and loads of rules about what they can or cannot do because they have to keep “safe” from the virus. What a horrible educational experience!!! A good homeschooling experience, with a solid curriculum, support for parents and children, with parents, and perhaps some trained committed Christian teachers providing advice and support, and within the limits, I suppose, of local and national laws, organising some kind of joint activities, spurts, excursions, concerts, etc, either perhaps outdoors, or “virtual”, would certainly be better than the usual state or private school!!

News Item8/19/2020 2:19 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Well I remember from history the internal purges of Communism. Hitler purged his Brownshirt SA thugs, once he got into power in 1932, 1933 and murdered their homosexual leader Roehm and all their main senior officers in the “Night of Long Knives”, and merged the remnant into the new SS led by the infamous Heinrich Himmler. Stalin held purges of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union in the 1920’s and 1930’s, and no one in the party was safe. Mao’s China, held denunciation meetings, led by radical student’s and worker’s militias, of loyal party officials, factory bosses and university teachers, who were invariably killed or lynched, or put into camps. The North Korean authorities also use terror, not only on their own population, but even on party leaders. Kim Jong Un dragged his own uncle out of a party meeting, held a quick trial and ( the story varies), either blew him up with an artillery gun, or another version, fed him to angry dogs. Either way it was an unpleasant end. This is the fruit of Nazism and Communism, and this is where the USA is going, particularly if the Biden Harris combination gets into power in November!!

News Item8/19/2020 1:57 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I certainly wouldn’t be wanting to go to that college. This is a tiny microcosm of what the globalists have cooked up for us, 1984 and China style, using COVID 19 as an excuse. I remember my college days in the late 1970’s. Yes, there was student madness, leftist and Welsh Nationalist demonstrations on campus, LGBT activity, alcohol abuse, some drugs problems, (not so much in my teacher training college, more in the adjoining university). But there was still thriving Christian Unions in both colleges, three evangelical churches in the small university / college town, some sports activity, some lovely concerts, lectures and seminars with good debate, (but no anger or wierd snowflakes crying in the corner), and at this stage, no transgenderism and precious little environmentalism. There were some “orange” people of a strange Hindu sect, and some Muslim students, with their prayer rooms, but it was possible to have Christian witness, shop in town, do excursions in the mountains, all in all a wonderful rounded student experience. I was blessed, because in those days I had a fulll Grant. There were even one or two evangelical professors on campus!! Of course, there were no mobile phones, no tracking devices, clumsy huge computers and printers, no masks, etc.

News Item8/17/2020 2:39 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No, my watcher friend from Canada, John Mac Arthur is not rebellious, the lawless Marxist governments in California, and in your own country of Canada are. They sponsor and support BLM riots, defund their police, encourage abortion clinics to keep on murdering babies and marijuana shops to cloud and fog the minds of the young, while closing down small businesses and banning churches from meeting, or imposing severe restrictions on them. Pastor MacArthur loves his people, and by the way, it wasn’t the pastor or his elders initially that opened up the church. They actually closed it down at the beginning of the lockdown in March and kept it closed, until the congregation kept coming back and back in greater numbers. The Marxist governors in the USA and elsewhere who govern by decree, with no parliamentary debate or discussion, and who are backed by the leftist social and news media are preparing the countries in the world for the final human one-world government of Antichrist and his False Prophet, but they will be defeated by our glorious Kord, and King and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

News Item8/17/2020 9:11 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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That is lovely for churches that have choirs and soloists. I personally don’t have a problem with either, but some churches only have congregational singing, some accompanied, some unaccompanied. It is iniquitous that the government should be telling Christians whether they should sing or not, how they should sing, (particularly when they are all ordered to wear masks!!), how or whether they should celebrate the sacraments of baptism and communion. By the way, these changes only apply in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own devolved governments which tend to be stricter with their rules!!
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