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News Item6/26/2020 6:56 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No problem, John UK. I read the Baptist Press article very carefully, and despite what the Mississippi Baptist President was saying, they are not following the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostle John, but of secular Marxist theories, the Social Gospel aka “Social Justice” and political correctness. Apparently, all the living past Presidents of the Mississippi Baptist Convention wrote in saying the flag should be changed. The first of these Presidents took office in as far back as 1984!!! How come, that he did not think it important in 1984, to take a stand in such a vital important Gospel issue.

In their statement, these gentlemen have not only bowed to the “Social Gospel / Social Justice” movement, to political correctness, and to the demands of the thugs that are charging around USA, vandalising, looting and knocking down statues, and imposing their will on everybody by force, but seem to have forgotten the Great Commission of preaching the real Gospel of repentance, and conversion, the new birth in the Lord Jesus Christ.

News Item6/26/2020 4:48 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No, John UK. These Southern Baptists in Mississippi are not being driven by the thought of obeying the Bible, but of fear and wanting to be politically correct. They are indeed quoting the Bible, but it is not being applied correctly. Their national leadership has I understand already surrendered to “tokenism”, intersectionality, and Marxist Critical Race Theory.

I abhor racism of any sort and I repeat, any sort, as we are all, without exception, of the race of Adam and Eve, and Noah and his wife. From my limited understanding of United States history, the Civil War, was not just about slavery, and there were other reasons why, rightly or wrongly, the southern states sought to break away from the Union, just as the USA previously broke away from Britain.

Trying to expunge one’s history ruthlessly and follow a Marxist BLM narrative, is not Bible, it more resembles 1984 by George Orwell!!. The Marxists want to take over in the USA, and why for decades, was the flag not changed previously!! Maybe these zealous political Baptists may feel more comfortable under the hammer and sickle.

News Item6/26/2020 4:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Despite all the coronavirus, the edicts of Andrew Cuomo and Bill DeBlasio, the persecution of churches and synagogues, the terrible lockdown and suffering of New York, and the riots and withdrawal and defunding of police, yet it seems that the people of that city may well not repent and turn from their sin, and in the primaries and then in November possibly elect these terrible Congress members, of the LGBTQI crowd, no doubt to add to AOC who is already there,(and re-elect her no doubt). How terribly sad.

I do pray for the true believers in New York City and State they they will stand up and preach the gospel. I suspect they can only meet online, or in their churches but with very severe restrictions, mask wearing, no singing, communions, baptisms, spacing out. I think they could well be entitled to challenge this, but whatever they do, I pray they will preach the Gospel powerfully the these last days. May God bless them.

News Item6/24/2020 10:05 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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grades), recently opened up a successful Department of Islamic Studies, financed by Arab money. We can see where that is going to go!!!

News Item6/24/2020 10:03 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Let us not forget that as well as China giving millions to many educational institutions, and sending large numbers of Chinese students all over the world to study, (and remember these students are fully sponsored by either state agencies, or private corporations and companies within China, that are of course controlled by the Chinese Communist State, and universities love these “overseas” students because they pay full fees up front and do not need or are not eligible for loans or grants from the country they are studying in), we must not forget other types of funding.

There are other forces that are opposed to godly and Judeo-Christian principles, such as abortion, euthanasia, widespread immorality, evolution, atheistic pressures, Eastern religions and New Age, that may well have their benefactors and philanthropists that will give money to higher education institutions with strings attached, and of course also globalists.

A final very important source of funding for many universities which often gets missed and is very dangerous, are Islamic countries and foundations. A leading Anglican university, that used to have a theological department, (that has since merged with another college), and where I was offered a conditional offer of a place, (I didn’t quite get the right

News Item6/24/2020 2:01 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am not sure that the state can or should indefinitely interfere with our worship and praise of God, but our pastors are deafeningly silent, it has been left to some MPs and a few “lay” members of churches to make representations about this!! As I said in another thread of another news item, the Chinese Communist Party must be amazed that their virus, has actually stopped live worship all over the world, and closed the churches, not just the churches they have suppressed forcefully at home!!!!

News Item6/24/2020 1:55 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Wales, which has been much stricter in its lockdown than England, (Wales has its own devolved Labour Party government), actually got there first with weddings!! England doesn’t get there until July 4th, when most (but not all) of our lockdown is removed, and the famous 2 metre physical distancing is reduced to 1metre.

Weddings here will be limited to 30 people maximimum, (no singing permitted if it is a church service), and not really a reception afterwards, though restaurants, hotels and so on (but not conference centres) will be open under very strict conditions.

As to church services in England, physical distancing must still be observed, (there is a strict number limit in any church), disinfection procedures, a ban on any physical greetings still enforced, masks are recommended but not enforced, and singing, (an organ or piano may be played however, but no wind instruments), and probably also communion and baptism are still forbidden. I don’t know how long that will last!! At least that is marginally better than Scotland (Nationalist leftist government) which hasn’t yet given a date yet for church services, which is still mostly in lockdown, and where I believe masks are compulsory everywhere in public from Monday!

I am not sure that the state can interfere indefin

News Item6/23/2020 3:08 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As a Protestant Evangelical naturally I believe in salvation sola gratia (by grace alone), sola fide, (by faith alone), sola Christe, (in Christ alone), sola Deo Gloria (for the glory of God alone), and sola Scriptura ( according to the Scriptures alone). (Sorry about my rusty Latin, I haven’t quite got it right!!).

However, MS and others, this news is important and significant. The no doubt last visit of the former Pope Benedict XVI to visit his brother, and his former city of Regensburg, really shows the end of the traditional Roman Catholic Church as we have known it, as the new and current Pope Francis, who I believe could be maybe the last but one Pope, completes the transition of that church, finally into the full blown modernist, liberal “one world” type global church, that will merge with all the others and the other faiths in the one world religion under the final Antichrist. Pope Benedict XVI is the last traditional Pope, and the end of traditional Catholicism.

Pope Francis now paved the way, for a successor, whether the next or one after, who I am sure will be the final false prophet, serving under the Antichrist in the last 7 years of human history. Let us pray for both traditional and modern Catholics to be truly saved, born again and delivered.

News Item6/22/2020 9:23 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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A lady called Jan Markell, who has a weekly radio and internet programme called “Understanding the Times”, which comes out on Saturdays, (there is a visual recorded version of it available on You Tube), has featured this very subject in her last two programmes (1hr each), with Pastor Billy Crone of Sunrise Bible Church, Las Vegas, who has done extensive research on this whole area of trans humanism, genetic research and vaccines, and indeed it definitely looks very like the “days of Noah”, which our Lord spoke about.

Interestingly, Jan Markell lives in Minneapolis, where George Floyd was killed by the police officer, and was able to witness the effects of the resulting rioting and lawlessness, which she also refers to on the programme.

News Item6/22/2020 5:59 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Episcopalian and Anglican bishops and vicars usually are married, the exception being some Anglican clergy from the Anglo-Catholic sections of the church that are members of Anglican monastic orders (there are not very many of these), and of course bishops and clergy whose wives have died, and who have not remarried.

I think that watchmanremo is thinking of the Western Roman Catholic Church, where clerical celibacy is still the rule, though Eastern rite Catholic clergy can be married at the lower levels, (same as Eastern Orthodox), if done before ordination, but not widowed clergy, and not bishops who are usually chosen from monastic celibate clergy.

Going back to this brave Episcopalian bishop, who sounds like an Evangelical, my advice to him, and any of his diocesan clergy, that support his stand, is to leave the Episcopal Church, en masse with their congregations, and break away. They will have to leave their buildings behind, but I think the Episcopal Church disciplinary committee will definitely go against him.

News Item6/22/2020 3:10 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have heard of this man Charles Finney. Unlike Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield who preached the true real Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the 1st Awakening of the 1700’s, with the true conversion of thousands, Charles Finney in the 19th century, brought decisionism as he adopted “New Measures” for gospel preaching, emphasising freewill, emotional appeals, the “anxious bench”, (the original form of the altar call), denied original sin, believed in Christian perfectionism, and taught the post millennial view that the Church must triumph in the world before Christ will come again.

I have understood that wherever he went and carried out his “revivals”, (he had connections during his life with Baptist’s, Presbyterians and Congregationalists), there seems to have been a great hardness that descended in the area afterwards, and it has been very hard in those areas, even up until today, to establish good solid robust evangelical churches, but the liberal “social justice” type churches have often been powerful in these areas, and cults like Christian Science, universalism and “New Thought” have flourished in these areas.

News Item6/21/2020 10:37 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am sad to hear that these New England states, generally relatively rural I understand, and where the Puritan settlers had their original base in the early 16th century, have sadly now turned out to be so hostile to Christianity, and so full of liberalism, atheism and unbelief. May the Lord turn the people in these states back to faith in Him, and in His precious Word.

News Item6/21/2020 5:43 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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In the English city in the East Midlands where I lived many years ago, I actually “gatecrashed” a National convention of a large black Pentecostal church denomination in the main concert hall. No one batted an eyelid, I was actually one of the few white people there!! The folks were very welcoming, and it was good to see whole families present in the meetings.

Sadly, when I have attended many of the black churches as a visitor in my more Pentecostal days, all too often I would see a male pastor, a few older men, some young boys, and virtually no other men present. Everyone else was female. The absent men were not believers, were at the pub, were at the betting shop, out in the town, up to illegal activities, or even in prison. It would be the grandmother or aunt that would lead the family, the men were absent!!

At the above convention, one of the black pastors gave an excellent and stirring speech, with biblical quotes, telling the men in particular to work hard, support their families, be responsible, and submit to Christ!! That is the solution for the black community!!

News Item6/21/2020 10:38 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, Dr Tim, but these rules apply also to the many Protestant and Evangelical churches in those2 countries as well.

The Catholics actually have been let down by their own bishops who have gone zealously along with the lockdown, even before it was declared, closing the churches early!!

News Item6/21/2020 7:24 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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We must pray for Hong Kong. As the Chinese threaten to sweep in fully, destroy the autonomous nature of Hong Kong, and enforce full blown mainland Communism on that city, together with the complete suppression of religious freedom and the free use of the Internet, and any independent media there is, and the savage boot of their police state, advanced technological surveillance and the infamous ”social credit” system they have on the mainland (as in George Orwell's 1984), we pray for the Christians there as they now face the same persecution that there is on the mainland.

Britain betrayed Hong Kong when it handed it back to China in 1997, as the shallow British politicians must have known that Communist China would never honour its promises to keep Hong Kong as a totally separate and democratic system. For now, the Chinese may allow Hong Kong to keep its separate currency, the Hing King dollar, and some highly regulated business independence as a temporary measure, but even that will go, once China has abolished its own currency, and replaced it with a fully cashless and integrated computerised electronic crypto currency. That, by the way, is the aim of the globalists, to do away with cash, and have a one world global cashless digital currency.

News Item6/21/2020 5:58 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I saw the You Tube video about this lady, featuring Gail herself, Ray Comfort, and a representative from the Christian legal firm, First Liberty dealing with her case amongst others.

I know a dear blind sister here in Britain who does exactly the same thing, but has not so far had any official interference or harassment.

In a country (USA), where millions of babies are butchered in the womb, where before the lockdown perverse characters went into public libraries with full protection of the police to corrupt the children with their “stories” and behaviour, where huge marches took place every summer with folks parading their perversion and calling it pride, and now people riot and loot, police are withdrawn and politicians egg the rioters on, the local authorities have to pick on a godly blind Christian lady witness wing in a park and a library and ban her. Disgraceful!! May the Lord bless Gail, and her local church for their faithfulness.

News Item6/21/2020 3:24 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am not too optimistic humanly speaking, as I understand that the 9th Circuit Federal High Court has a reputation for leftist judicial activism. We can pray for a miracle for this church.

However, with all the lawlessness of statues being destroyed, unbridled rioting and fearful “invisible” police forces, I wonder if the Lord is giving over the USA to a globalist and communist coup d’etat, as a judgment for the murder of millions of babies in the modern clinical version of the worship of Molech, Chemosh, Baal and Ashtarte.

I pray that the churches wil make a stand, enforce their right to meet, and then hold meetings of prayer and repentance, put away their “Christian” entertainment, their seeker sensitive nonsense, and shallow sermons, and proclaim the Holiness and Glory of God from the Holy Scriptures, crying out to God for mercy, and preaching the Gospel with full authority and power. I pray for New Harvest Christian Church that it will go down this route, it will find the right meeting place, whether inside or outside Salinas, and be mightily used, for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation of many souls. Get back to the Word of God, to solid psalms and hymns, and put away all light entertainment. That’s the way to go.

News Item6/20/2020 2:54 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, I can remember as a boy, when the Black and White Minstrels, an all white singing group, complete with banjo players, etc., and unfortunately equipped with blackface, singing “plantation style songs”, gave concerts in the now to be renamed Colston Hall, in Bristol. (the man whose statue was thrown in the harbour by demonstrators, fished out, and now to be put in a museum exhibit about slavery).

Such a show, quite rightly, would never see the light of day now. It was inappropriate for an evangelical bible college in the 1970’s and 1980’s to allow its students to do that, but there was a lot of ignorance in those days. As Christians we are to be sober, to be vigilant, as the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

However, what incensed me, is the absolute hypocrisy of the left, that when one of their own did this as a student, it gets swept under the carpet. We are actually all without exception, members of just one race, the human race, all descendants of Adam and Eve, and of Noah and his wife!! Unfortunately, it is Charles Darwin, the “apostle of evolution”, with his infamous “Origin of Species” book, subtitled about “Preservation of Favoured Races”, that contributed much to racism, and divided up what God meant to be put together.

News Item6/19/2020 5:19 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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That is true for quite a number of the ultra-Orthodox and Chasidic Jews, but some of them do run businesses and are very hard working. There are also the mainstream Orthodox, who are very strict in their lifestyle, but are also more open to education, outside business, and the outside population, but while keeping in the strict bounds of their religion.

There are of course, what you would call in the States, Conservative Jews, (Reform in Britain), who are very religious, but more open, and then there are what you call Reform (here we call them Liberal or Progressive), who are very similar to the ultra-liberal mainstream Protestant denominations, and increasingly many of the post-Vatican 2 “Pope Francis” type Catholics!! Then of course, there are the atheistic or agnostic secular Jews.

The one thing with all these groups is that they desperately need the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua Ha’Maschiach, the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise His Name, there is a growing band of Messianic Jews, who love Him and serve Him, but sadly one of the greatest barriers has been the anti-Semitism of much of the professing Christian Church over the centuries.

News Item6/18/2020 12:31 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No Brother Frank, I am very sorry that I have to disagree with you on this one. It is the mayor and the governor who have been the lawless ones here.

The governor, in the early days of the lockdown, ordered nursing homes to accept COVID19 cases from the hospitals, thereby infecting both staff, and the remaining residents in those nursing homes.

The mayor has consistently attacked and harangued the Jewish community, while dishing out free food to the Muslims during Ramadan. Also, by encouraging huge marches and protests that breach his own orders and “social distancing” guidelines, turning a blind eye to the more violent protests, and threatening to defund the police, on the one hand, letting the criminals loose so to speak, while threatening hard working citizens on the other. That is lawlessness.

I think some people do not understand Orthodox Jewish culture. They are very family orientated, and don’t fit in with the secular culture. Yes, they need the true Jewish Messiah, but they should not be harangued and threatened as they have been.

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