Last Sunday I was part of one of the most satisfying church services in my life. I had the privilege to preach for our church in Uvira, Congo and then watch as Pastor Oloo led them in voting for Musonga as their assistant pastor. When the votes were counted it was unanimous, Musonga was now Pastor Musonga.
Nearly three years ago we were passing out tracts in Uvira, Democratic Republic of Congo inviting people to attend the first services of the Independent Bible Baptist Church of Uvira. One of those tracts ended up in the hands of a child who was on his way to school. When arriving at school his Muslim teacher, a man by the name of Musonga asked what was written on that paper he had in his hands. Musonga confiscated the tract and began to read it. His curiosity about what was written on the tract caused him to enquire where it came from and later that day he arrived at the church building full of questions.
Pastor Mike Njoroge was happy to answer all his questions, taking much time to show him what was written in the bible. As some time went by Musonga began to fall under deep conviction and soon repented of his sins, trusting Christ as his Saviour. The very next Sunday I had the privilege of baptizing him in Lake Tanganyika. It was a glorious day when he was baptized because he was the FIRST person we baptized in Congo.
Musonga was like a sponge; soaking up everything he was taught. When we began the bible college classes, he was one of our first students. It was about one year after he was saved that God called him to preach. We began taking him on some evangelistic trips, giving him as much training in and out of class as possible. Our pastoral teams that have spent the last three years working in Congo have done a tremendous job preparing Musonga for the ministry.
I am always humbled as I watch the people here serve God. They do so much with so little. When many our falling to the temptation of more money, more education and more prestige they just continue doing God’s will, and doing it God’s way. Their reward in heaven will be great.
Please pray for Pastor Musonga and our Kenyan teams as they continue to press forward taking the gospel into the darkest parts of the Dark Continent.
His for Kenya, And the Regions Beyond, Robert Mickey Jr.
P.S. Check out our blog for some pictures/video to go along with this report:
I apologize that it has been so long since I sent out an update. Ididn’t realize so much time had gone by. Some have asked if I felloff the face of the earth and I think others were hoping I fell offthe face of the earth (: I assure you we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Prayer Partners, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all who prayed for our recent trip to DR Congo. It was a fruitful trip in many ways and we were able to accomplish much of what we set out to do. God watched over our family during...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello friends, I have been reminded that it has been a while since I have sent out an update. I assure everyone that we have not dropped off the face of the earth, although there are probably some who wish I would (: . Actually, I have been...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Faithful Prayer Partners, Our just concluded trip to DR Congo and Burundi was filled with an abundance of blessings. We are excited at the prospects of seeing the Word of God go forth in these regions and are blessed beyond measure to be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello from Kenya, I am sitting at the Nairobi airport with my wife Wendy. We are about to get on a plane for Bujumbura, Burundi and then onward by vehicle to DR Congo. I will be preaching in Bujumbura later today near where we soon hope to see a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, I apologize for the lateness of this update. I wrote it and then left it sitting in my draft folder without sending it. I could not tell everything that happened on this trip in this update, it would just be too long. I have however...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello from Kenya, I want to give a big thanks for your prayers regarding the funeral of Milka Okelloh, wife to pastor John Okelloh. It was evident and obvious that many were praying and that God was with us. Satan certainly tried to hinder God's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello from Kenya, These last two weeks have been some of the roughest that we have had in Kenya. It has been one major issue after another that has required great effort, wisdom and help from God. As always God has provided the answers and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thanks to all who prayed for Joel Kamau. He was able to escape a few hours ago when his captors allowed him to use the bathroom. The abductors are still at large - pray they will be captured.His for KenyaAnd the regions beyond,Robert Mickey Jr.