I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all who prayed for our recent trip to DR Congo. It was a fruitful trip in many ways and we were able to accomplish much of what we set out to do. God watched over our family during the time that Timothy and I were gone and in spite of the recent threats there was not a hint of trouble.
God is doing some great things in Burundi and Congo and we are humbled to have a small part in it. There were a number of tremendous blessings that we experienced and I will be sharing them over the next few days on our blog. You can read about them at - mickeystokenya.blogspot.com We will be updating the blog frequently over the coming days so check back often.
This Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we will be having our Children's BibleSchool at the Grace Bible BaptistChurch. We are expecting a lot of children and will be able to reach some that we normally would not reach. Next week we begin another session of the Rift Valley Baptist College. We are expecting many from all over Kenya. Please keep these two events in your prayers.