The knowledge of God is a wonderful thing and is beyond compare...but not for everyone. For those who suppress the truth it is a terrible thing. Paul writes about the just who will live by faith! He speaks also to the unrighteous who suppress the truth in their unrighteousness and how we stand in direct opposition to them. This confession must stand against atheism and secularism and we must stand KNOWING our Lord Jesus Christ which is our glory! Most wonderful as it is everlasting life and glory!
Suppressed: Paul puts his finger on the issue of the existence of God Himself which is still with us today. Even as He is Creator of heaven and the earth we meet many today who deny God and many issues of secularism. God and His name have been de-faced from many things and they reason away God and His existence. Even in evangelical circles and a church world there is a doubting and questioning of God's divine theat in creation. Hebrews gives us examples of the heroes of faith who stood up and believed and even creation being brought to the fore. By faith we believe that the worlds were framed! Creation underscores His Godhead and His majesty! Matters of faith and tied to our faith from a practical point of view! A VITAL doctrine of our trust in Him and Him alone! The world suppresses "to hold under" and Paul says it is a matter of unrighteousness and that God visits His wrath upon those who put His truth in a prison house and throw away the is UNRIGHTEOUSNESS! The invisible things of God (unlike us) like His power are CLEARLY revealed and it shows His majesty and His glory is proclaimed as it is written all over His creation! The world suppresses and robes God of His glory! They enthrone the creature "who knows better" over the Creator who is blessed forever.
Acknowledged: We know and believe and see God in all the works of His hands and we confess our God! I Corithians chapter 1- "In the wisdom of the Almighty God (He is able to make wisdom and he who glories let him glory in the Lord!" Abraham found Christ BY FAITH and it was accounted to him as being righteous. We, who are of God, through faith and the preaching of His Gospel KNOW GOD through the power of salvation. Faith comes by hearing the GOSPEL and we are saved by the Lord God! How blest we are to confess in the wisdom of God that He is Creator and that all of the universe is a most elegant book!
Wonderful: Tremendous is the knowledge of faith! The Word was made flesh and is the LIGHT that shines in the darkness that has shown from the very beginning and brings us to Christ! Yet, they crucified Him and YET it shined to those who would believe and confess Him according to His plan and good pleasure. No longer in and recipients of His wrath like the world knows and will know Him, but we know the glory of God! We see God and know God in the face of our Christ and the wrath of God against our sin is GONE because we are in Christ who gives us eternal life in glory! The very universe speaks of it and we see it clearly emphasized! It all speaks of God the Creator who moves all of history and who planted the cross in that history.......a history that one day must give way to HIS GLORY and HIS ETERNAL KINGDOM!
"Our Benefit in Christ's death" LD16 & I Cor. 15:20ff We approach this Lord's Day from a broad perspective instead of dealing with all of these individual things separately. His death: We need to be careful when we speak about Christ's dying....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Sublime Knowledge!" Romans 8:28 & Psalm 27 This is one of the well known and favorite verses, but does it receive its full impact? We use it when we are in distress, but does all of our living fit under this passage with ALL of our lives as a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"An Exclusive Comfort" LD1 and I Peter 1 The Idea: The question is a spiritual question. The world is concerned about misery, dying, comfortableness, and they want something to alleviate the uncomforting and anxiety (carnally) and they have...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Christ is Risen!" I Corinthians 15:20 & Mark 16 No matter what you do (exercise, eat healthy, and the list goes on and on) you are going to die one day. Death is the lowest common denominator of men no matter how rich they are, poor they are,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Our ONLY Comfort!" Lord's Day 1, I Peter1, & Romans 8 The catechism guides us as it lays out the Word of God to us as the whole council and all the doctrines of the Word of God. It is replete with scriptural references as the Word of God that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]