"Our Benefit in Christ's death" LD16 & I Cor. 15:20ff We approach this Lord's Day from a broad perspective instead of dealing with all of these individual things separately.
His death: We need to be careful when we speak about Christ's dying. While the Apostolic confession lays out chronologically, we will deal with this differently. Death is when we have the separation of body and soul. This Lord's Day speaks of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ in its ATONING work. The satisfaction for sin does NOT take place at His physical death however (though we often say Christ died for our sins.) The atoning death of our Lord Jesus Christ was when He was made anathema of God....SEPARATON from God! That is true death! And hell is separation from God and filling the continual curse of sin but it is separation from God that is true hell and death. He went through willingly obedience that was not in physical death. He was not killed but made dying itself an act and He severed body and soul Himself and could make death an act that He could be raised for our justification. He emasculated the power of sin and death even no longer has anything to say to the child of God! Oh, we walk the cemetery, but the power of death is no longer there.
Our death: Death by itself is a horrible thing...BUT not for the child of God! We are no longer under the wages of sin and death and our death is no longer penile for sin. Remember this important fact. He took upon Himself our curse through hell and He paid for it and who can possibly condemn the child of God who has been redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ...God Himself!? Death is now only an opening...a portal into glory! I have seen some funerals more joyful than weddings...why? Because it is deliverance from death and this corruption into eternal glory! The grave is the crowning glory upon the wages of sin and separation from God that the world will come to know when they meet their Maker. Death and the cemetery is cold and emotions may grip us when we see it and look into that hole in the ground, BUT it has NOTHING more to say to us! Law is fulfilled and victory of the grave has been accomplished already!
Our comfort: In all our trials and as life speaks to us continually of the wages of sin....as the devil speaks and our own consciousness accuses us with guilt once in a while we can be ASSURED that we have been delivered! In His dissension into hell we can be assured that there is no condemnation and our Lord has taken care of them and He will never ever forsake us! What grip does death have on us? (That which sin propels us to.) It has been fulfilled and the power of sin no longer has power over us and we are dead to sin and are living sacrifices to Him! And then the grave. That deep, dark hole in the ground that we all have feelings and emotions when we look into it. It has NOTHING to say to us though it is a scary place. Sown to dishonor and raised in honor. This body cannot inherit heaven and we will be given new bodies...bodies that are perfectly fit for that heavenly Kingdom!
Thanks be to God who has made us partakers of His riches in Christ and more than conquerors in Him that loved us! In this life YOU can take hold of the fact that we will never die.....but will LIVE with Him FOREVERMORE! Unbelievable? Not at all. Read your Bible. It is Christ and Him crucified that you and I may have assuredness of our eternal home and glory with God in the fact of Christ Jesus our Lord!