What is the source of repentance?Carlton McLeod explains in this video that the source of repentance is the grace and mercy of God. Without Him, we are unable to see our sinfulness. If He didn’t show us, we wouldn’t see our sin and understand how...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pray for Our National Conference on Repentance on October 26-29
Our prayer for this conference is that it would bring us all into a deeper sense of humility and joy among both churches and families.
Daily Devotionals
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Who are the individuals that drive reformation in the church and family today?Anthony Mathenia explains in this video that the people in our day who are leading key reforms in the church, family, and culture are those who are constantly studying...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture makes it clear that parents are primarily responsible for the discipleship of their children. But that’s not all. The local church has also been given a significant role in that same work of discipleship through preaching,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What does repentance involve?Mike Davenport explains in this video that repentance is fleeing from and leaving behind your old ways and taking on God’s ways and thoughts. It involves meditating on the things of God instead of dwelling on sinful or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Is Scripture just as relevant today as it was during the Reformation?Jason Dohm explains in this video that we need to learn is how critical loving Scripture is. Reading Scripture was not just for the 15th or 16th century but God’s Word has always...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How does a person who is trapped in sin repent and fight against that particular sin?Dennis Gunderson explains in this video that if a person is trapped in a life of sin and does not know how to repent and to conquer a particular sin, they need to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What does godly sorrow involve?Don Hart explains in this video that godly sorrow is a grieving heart and mind because we know that we have sinned against God who gave His only begotten Son for us. We realize that we have failed to follow the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is an example of a person demonstrating genuine, godly repentance?Jeff Pollard explains in this video that there was a man in his congregation that was deeply involved in pornography. This man sought the Lord, spent time alone in prayer and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“Journey through he Bible” is a concise book to help families grasp the message of the whole Bible as they read it together.,
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Pre-order this new book to help you read through the whole bible...[ abbreviated | read entire ]