What was one of the primary benefits to come out of the Reformation?Mike Davenport explains in this video that because the people during the time of the Reformation didn’t have the Bible in their own, common language, they couldn’t lean upon...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is repentance?Don Hart explains in this video that one of the classic definitions of repentance is the act of turning from the direction of which you are going and doing an about-face and going in another direction.Yet, what we think of as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What does repentance look like?Paul Carrington explains in this video that repentance brings about a change of mind leading to a change of life. You can’t have a changed mind and not change the way you live. Repentance involves the wholesale...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What are the comparisons between the pre-Reformation period and many modern churches?Kevin Swanson explains in this video that there are many comparisons between the pre-Reformation period and many modern churches. Just as the Roman Catholic...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture makes it clear that parents are primarily responsible for the discipleship of their children. But that’s not all. The local church has also been given a significant role in that same work of discipleship through preaching, fellowship,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is a song to help the soul navigate deep waters of pain. The lyrics of this song were written by John Newton, “I Asked the Lord that I might Grow"
I love the last line, "And break thy schemes of earthly joy that thou mayst' find...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What are the components of biblical repentance? How does it differ from mere sorrow?Curt Daniels explains in this video that repentance first involves a change of mind. We see it the seriousness of our sin from God’s view. Second, we mourn over...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is the impact of biblical repentance?Anthony Mathenia explains in this video that if people and churches in our culture would repent and turn from their sins, there would be a distinct change. If Christians live lives that are marked by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What was one of the most helpful aspects of the Protestant Reformation?Michel Beasley explains in this video that one of the most helpful aspects of the Protestant Reformation was it led to Scripture being seen as the only true and sufficient...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is the effect of only trusting Scripture partially, accepting certain sections as true and ignoring or disregarding other sections?Ken Ham explains in this video that generations of young people have grown up attending public schools where...[ abbreviated | read entire ]