What does reformation within the church look like?Anthony Mathenia explains in this video that one aspect of reformation within the Church today involves pastors revisiting the Word of God to determine who can be an elder or deacon. It is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Which doctrines from the Reformation are most needed today?Gary Powers explains in this video that many modern churches today fail to believe that Scripture is sufficient for all matters of life. But, once the church strays away from the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is repentance?Carlton McLeod explains in this video what repentance is. Repentance is the wonderful work of the Spirit of God where we become aware of our law breaking and sinfulness and turn from sin to the living God. It is not the mere...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is the effect of believing that the earth is millions of years old?Ken Ham explains in this video that if you believe that the earth is millions of years old, you cannot also believe that God's Word is true. The idea of evolution was invented...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This weekend, I'm speaking at the Father-Son Retreat in Fraser, Colorado. Yesterday, during my morning session, I asked the question, “What does it look like when fathers and sons follow Jesus?” Below are the six answers I gave:
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What is the source of repentance?Rob Ventura explains in this video that God is the source of repentance. It has been granted to us from God. Repentance and faith have their source in God. Unregenerate men cannot repent or believe. God in His...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What happens when Scripture and the words and teachings of men conflict and contradict each other?David Eddy explains in this video that in the Bible, you have God’s Word and His Word is understandable. That is the foundation of a pastor’s...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Where is the best place to learn repentance?Jason Dohm explains in this video that the home is the ideal place to learn repentance. It is where we are most prone to sin against others because we're most familiar with each other with members of our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What was the Puritan's view of Scripture and of grace?Joel Beeke explains in this video that everything that comes to us is by God's grace. The Reformers and the Puritans loved Scripture. They meditated on it. They were guided by it. They...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What are characteristics of worldly sorrow?Dennis Gunderson explains in this video that those who demonstrate only worldly sorrow are absorbed with the consequences of their sin in relation to other people and don’t recognize the breach of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]