What was one of the most impactful reforms of the Reformation?David Eddy explains in this video that before the Reformation, tradition had largely controlled matters of Church and family life. The Reformation resulted in a tearing down of those...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How should the Reformation affect our lives today?Rob Ventura explains in this video that our job is to take the truths and reforms from the Reformation and see them worked out today. Our job is not to discover new reforms. We must ask, "How do we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Charles Spurgeon gives us help for when the clouds get dark:
"Why, then, do we dread the clouds which now darken our sky? True, for a while they hide the sun, but the sun is not quenched; He will shine out again before long. Meanwhile those...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What was one of the most impactful reforms of the Reformation?Sam Waldron explains in this video that one of the most impactful reforms was Martin Luther’s clear articulation of the doctrine of justification by faith alone. We are justified by the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Most Christian books on marriage today don’t have much Scripture in them. Not this one. It is saturated with the Word of God. If you want a book that is built on the foundation of exposition of Scripture, this book is for you. While Scott...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How do we understand repentance wrongly?Jeff Pollard explains in this video that there is a difference between true and wrong repentance. When people are caught in an act of sin and discover themselves in sin, there is a sense of shame and guilt....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In the previous verses John has instructed his children that they have power to overcome the world. These are are real blessings of salvation – forgiveness, strength, overcoming the wicked one… Now there is a negative command,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Where do we see repentance in the Old Testament?Jason Dohm explains in this video that one illustrative passage about repentance is when Solomon stated: “[I]f My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What does repentance look like?Dennis Gunderson explains in this video that repentance is a change of mind, a complete 180-degree turn. It is a turning from the direction where we have been going, a complete change of mental thinking about sin and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This weekend I am participating in the Evangelism Reformation Conference. The organizer, Jeff Rose has these prayer objectives for the conference… Lets join him in them
The objectives are..
1.) That many would once again see the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]