Our prayer for this conference is that it would bring us all into a deeper sense of humility and joy among both churches and families.
We've been publishing a new daily devotional video on the topic of repentance every day for the past few months in preparation for the conference. You can see the videos and subscribe to the daily devotional here: ncfic.org/devotional.
I just finished speaking in Fraser, Colorado for a Father-Son Retreat, and Kerrville, Texas for a conference hosted by FORGE Ministries with the theme of “Overflowing with Thankfulness.“On September 16th I spoke at a fatherhood conference hosted by Dr. Carlton McLeod at Calvary Revival Church Chesapeake. This is a church that has taken our messages and resources to heart and the Lord has seen fit to create a church full of families living very differently compared to their surrounding culture. It really is amazing to see the reformation that has occurred within this church. Finally, in October I will travel to Seattle to speak at the Noah Conference hosted by Generations.
At each of these conferences, my goal is to meet with local pastors of family-integrated churches. I am grateful for these meetings and see them as critically important since they allow me to make connections with both pastors and churches in these regions.
Regional Connections Accross the Nation
Our team of regional facilitators continues to make connections with local churches to provide prayer, encouragement, and resources, establishing strong connections amongst sound churches on our network.
Modesty Sermons
I recently completed a four-part sermon series on the subject of modesty at church. I wanted to lay a foundation regarding the doctrine of clothing and modesty to help our church understand the matter in the context of Scripture. Here is a link to the four messages on the doctrine of clothing and its implications on modesty. I refrained from doing much application until I thought we understood the doctrine of clothing… The second half of Part 2 and almost all of Part 4 contains the applications, but the rest was laying the foundation. I covered the following areas over the course of these messages: 1. God’s zeal to cover shame, Gen. 3:7,13, 21; Isa. 61:1-11; Rev. 3:5. 2. God’s devotion to beauty, Ex. 28:2-8; Ps. 45:13-14al Isa. 52:1-12; Isa. 59:17. Isa. 62:5; Eph 5:27; Ezekiel 1. 3. God’s blessing of humility, 1 Tim. 2:9-10; Isa. 3:16-26. 4. God’s care for unfading adornment, 1 Pet. 3:3-6. 5. God’s passion for purity, Prov. 7:4-27; Matt. 5:29-30. 6. God’s design for gender distinction, Deut. 22:5. 7. God’s favor for non-conformity, Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Thess. 4:1-7; 1 Cor. 6:13-20; Jer. 10:2-4.
Father-Son Retreat in Wake Forest
Hope Baptist Church and the NCFIC and Sovereign Redeemer Community Church have teamed up to host a Father-Son Retreat here in Wake Forest on September 29-30 to address the topic, "21st Century Battlefields.” Eleven local pastors will be speaking on many current issues that face us today.
A New Tool for Reading Through the Bible: "Journey Through the Bible.” And… You can Pre-Order it Now
We are finishing up a new book to assist fathers that are reading through the Bible with their families called, “Journey Through the Bible.” I’ve encouraged families to read through the Bible several times before their children leave home. So, I have written a guide for fathers that includes basic information on each book of the Bible, an applicable hymn to sing, the main point of the book, a memory verse, and the top five facts about each book. Also, there are corresponding audio messages for each book of the Bible that they can listen to online.
You can pre-order the book here at half price by clicking here. We will ship it to you in November.
We are trying to make it available for families at the Repentance Conference in October. Please pray that families would read the Bible from cover to cover as they are raising their children. Much of this book has come out of my own notes on each book of the Bible that I used when our family was reading the Bible together. Here is a screenshot of one of the pages:
Everything we do and every dollar we spend is directed for the prosperity of the church of Jesus Christ and the health of the families in those churches.