Dear Praying Friends: Sunny Point building project: The painting of the Sunny Point Church is finally finished! There are a number of other projects that they will want to complete at Sunny Point, including a fence and working on the grounds, but...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for your continued prayer support, especially as we attempt to set up many things for the future as well as continue our ministry among our people here. A tale of two deaths: We have had two young people from our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: We wanted to bring you up to date on our future plans. However, I wanted to wait until I had spoken to our churches in Suriname as well as our supporting churches and supporters in the USA. When we came to Suriname in 1986,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Thank you for your faithful prayers. This week we had two deaths in the church family. The first one was really outside our direct church members. The brother of one of our pastor’s wives committed suicide by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends; Thanks for your faithful prayers. We are safely back in Suriname. Our trip was long. We got up at 2:45 AM and arrived at the airport just before they opened. We were able to check our luggage all the way to Paramaribo,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Greetings from Indianapolis, Indiana. We are in the guest room of Indiana Baptist College, where I am teaching a mini-module on certain issues in missions (translation, mission finances, and persecution) from Monday through...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: We continue to covet your prayers. We had a great second week at Baptist College of Ministry. Unfortunately the weather turned cold, but otherwise the week was a great blessing. I had the opportunity to present two chapel...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: We do covet your prayers for us each week. A not so small miracle: Last week, I wrote a prayer letter Saturday night. Just as I finished and shut down my main PC computer, it slipped off a coffee table hitting a corner of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Welcome from Menonomee Falls, Wisconsin. We arrived Saturday late afternoon after a 800 mile drive. We split up the distance, and stayed overnight in a motel last night between Cincinnati and Indianapolis. We will be here...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for praying! News from Suriname: We have a good report from Sunny Point church despite the fact that the church is still without water and electricity. During the dry season, it is sometimes necessary to purchase...[ abbreviated | read entire ]