Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for praying!
News from Suriname: We have a good report from Sunny Point church despite the fact that the church is still without water and electricity. During the dry season, it is sometimes necessary to purchase water to go into a large tank - later in rainy season, it will fill from rain off the roof. But the truck to deliver it is broken - so is it sometimes in Suriname. And the electrical company was without materials to hook up the church, but I understand that the materials have just arrived, so hopefully they will have electricity soon and have evening services. But now some good news.
After a big opening service, the number of visitors is not great, but many children are coming, as is typical. Also this is the middle of vacation time in Suriname. The church has broken them into two groups and is using two rooms in the church for two Sunday school classes. We trust that as time goes on, more parents will be reached with the government.
Furlough travels:
We spent last week in the prophet’s chamber in Durham, N.C. We had a very good meeting at Fellowship Baptist Church on Wednesday night, where I was able to preach while Dr. Rick Finley was away preaching. We were able to get together several times with our good friends Reub and Evelyn Ewert. We left Saturday afternoon for Fayetteville, N.C. where we spent two nights at a comfortable motel.
On Sunday morning, I had a Sunday school class at Berean Baptist Church, and then after a most enjoyable meal with a couple from the church, we went to Northview Baptist Church, where we were given the opportunity to show our DVD and preach for the evening service. We had a very good time. The following morning we headed for Greenville, S.C. where we have been at Faith Baptist Church in their prophet’s chamber.
Wednesday was a really special day. We went out for lunch with the missions pastor, David Stockard, whom we met for the first time and had a great time fellowshipping together. We also had a good time meeting Dr. John Monroe, the new senior pastor. They were very generous in giving me the entire service to show the DVD and preach. We met a number of old friends including Dr. John Vaughn, pastor emeritus, who took us on for support 25 years ago. A number of people told us they were praying for us and asked very specific questions, which is always a blessing. We have had several good conversations as well.
We have had the opportunity thus far this week to spend time with our niece Debbie Taciak, which we really enjoyed, and also with Miriam Champlin, the older daughter of Jonathan and Sherrie Champlin, who is finishing up a masters at Bob Jones University. It is a joy to see her maturity in the faith as she is seeking the Lord’s will in her life. We have known Miriam for most of her life while her family has continued to serve in Suriname. We will be visiting with her younger sister tomorrow, who is a freshman at Bob Jones University.
This weekend I will be preaching in another church in Greenville area in the morning, and then a church in Hickory, N.C. in the evening. We will then head to Ambassador Baptist College, where our two grandsons Seth and Caleb Champlin are in school. I will be teaching some classes in missions that week.
Praise items:
- Safety in travel
- Good meetings and opportunities to speak with others
- New Sunday school classes in Sunny Point
Prayer requests:
- Health and strength for the work
- Our spiritual growth
- To be a blessing and a challenge in churches
- Teaching missions in the colleges
- Continued work in Suriname - especially Sunny Point church, independence of churches, and the church leadership
- Health issues for Reub & Evelyn Ewert
- Health of Mrs. Brenda Vaughn, the wife of Dr. John Vaughn
- As we pass out many tracts, that they will have an impact, and also for opportunities to see souls saved.
- PA system for Sunny Point church
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname