Dear Praying Friends: We do covet your prayers for us each week.
A not so small miracle: Last week, I wrote a prayer letter Saturday night. Just as I finished and shut down my main PC computer, it slipped off a coffee table hitting a corner of the computer on the wooden floor. Immediately the screen clouded and darkened and was unreadable. I was most distressed to say the least. Although I tried numerous times, the screen would not come on. However, I noted that I could hear the computer working in the background. We were able to use our Mac computer which I have used for projecting teaching lessons for my class on Sunday morning, and I asked for prayer for our situation. After the class, a man from the class spoke to me about using a second monitor. He had had the same problem previously. That afternoon, he brought his spare monitor and to my delight, the monitor worked! Furthermore, he gave us the monitor to take with us and to keep! We praised the Lord for a solution to the problem! That evening, I plugged in the computer as soon as I arrived home. No screen, but the monitor worked again. I pulled off all the things I needed, made a complete backup copy on a large external hard drive, and a disc to restore function.
The next afternoon, we took the computer to Best Buy. His comment was that the entire screen needed to be replaced ($300 plus shipping and labor, etc) and would not be returned back to the store before we leave for Crown College. The other possibility was to buy a new computer and let them transfer the data from my hard drive at a cost of $80-100. So we decided to do nothing further but pray and continue to use the monitor, though it was inconvenient. When I got home, I plugged in the monitor to the computer, and to my shock, both the monitor and the computer screens appeared. The computer continues to work until now. I have never heard of a LCD screen “healing itself”, but we thank the Lord for His restoration of the screen, and especially for guiding us to wait before purchasing something!
Last Sunday, we drove an hour to Watertown, Wisconsin where we were at Calvary Baptist Church for the entire day. I taught one of the adult Sunday school classes and enjoyed hearing Dr. Loggans preach. That afternoon, we were able to stay with Rachelle Rasmussen, who cooked a meal for us, and we enjoyed fellowship with her. I also enjoyed a nap! That evening I preached, and the service seemed to go very well.
This week we are in the first of two weeks of Advanced Missions I at Baptist College of Missions in Menonomee Falls, Wisconsin. We are enjoying our time with 18 students in the class. I teach and Liz corrects. There is a lot of material to cover. I was also thrilled to be given the opportunity in 3 chapel services to present Spiritual Warfare to the entire school body. I had the first session on Wednesday, and the other two sessions will be next Tuesday and Wednesday.
Eating college food is always a challenge - not because it is not tasty, but because we are no longer college students, and cannot handle the calories they can. So we eat cereal for breakfast at a house next to the church, and also supper of sandwiches, etc. We are able to handle the lunches and still stay within target weight.
We would appreciate your prayers for us this next week. We will be remaining at the college and church over the weekend, and I will have the privilege of preaching next Wednesday night. Then next Friday when we are finished with exams and corrections, we have another long drive to Powell, Tennessee - though three hours shorter than our trip here.
Suriname news - finally the government connected for electricity at Sunny Point church. I trust that they will have lights quite soon. We waited to install lights until after there was electricity because otherwise the fixtures probably would be stolen.
Prayer requests:
- Our spiritual growth and walking in the Spirit
- Our health and strength for the task. Block courses demand extra time and energy
- Safety in travel
- Being a spiritual blessing and challenge to the students
- Our courses to give useful information to the students
- Suriname - independence, Sunny Point church water and lights in the church, and the leadership working together and walking in the Spirit
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname, South America